We cant further submit anything yet to have the matter of legislation changed on howcops hand out defects until this case is over which wont be till 30th of March when I have to rockup to have the charges against me dismissed by the judge.
And while our evidence proves that the car wasn't defectable nor requiring a modification plate, the cops evidence (that being the voice recording) also proves that the cop perfectly knew well that what he was doing was wrong and that he shouldnt of been handing out the defect notice and modification plate fines to me in the first place.
After the case is done, i'm submitting a order to the small claims court to be reinburst. 2 orders will be submitted. 1 being to the cop and the other being towards the police force. whichever one gets rejected obvisously we dont go down that path of gettin the money back from them.
While the conversation proves i was not guilty all along from the start and the cop makes such statements as "We shouldnt even be standing here talking about this or having to do this" clearly proves from the start that he was in the wrong.
We'll see how we go, what loophole we may of found I'm not sure but thats in the hands of the lawyers to look after.