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Everything posted by Mr-Toy33

  1. u need to keep up karen... we are all young here hehehe
  2. sounds like we are passin the blonde straw around the thread today
  3. doctors or cops his dad might be one just to keep an eye on his son lol
  4. we do have uv lights to check these things out these days. got to keep up with the times karen!! lol
  5. hey dave... not a problem dude. just let him know you know me and he'll be able to help you out.
  6. http://www.boostcruising.com/forums/index....howtopic=169890 LOL! r32 for sale for $11,500. Never had sex in it! bawhahaha
  7. White & Nerdy - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GkhMcyuYroA bawahahahahahahahahahahaha seriously funny video clip i wanna download the video file to play it in the car anyone know where i can get it? lol
  8. holy carp.. just been readin this 5 page thread. http://www.cruisingbrisbane.com/forum/inde...showtopic=26508 some serious insight to the life of fidel in a jail. very interesting read.
  9. dave... did u get my pm this morning dude?
  10. the power is there. if only i could gain better traction now
  11. yeah, we had some spare things left over yesterday, didnt we? hehehe
  12. to much wheel spin and the rear end was jumpin up and down. new suspension has fixed the jumpin bit gettin new tyres next wknd. would this wknd, but wont be in town.
  13. marc, run while u can! then u wont have to pay back that $2.50
  14. u didnt buy a packet of 'extra' chewy for breath sake? gettin a bit cheap there dude! LOL
  15. 10mins and i'm outta here woohooooo
  16. dude, u only met me the other night and u already know me too well lol
  17. it was fun to watch though? lol
  18. yeh, i keep comin back waitin for that thing called 'engage' to re-enter. apparently he's been dating courtney for the last 3 months. but thing is, i was with her for a month only a month ago. before that, she was sorta seeing another guy called nick from up north. hrmm! courtney was cheatin hey! explains a hell of a lot then. ohh!!! he's been banned again from cruisingbrisbane too bawahahahahahahahaahah
  19. add on an extra day for pit stops hehehe
  20. i`ll have the m 'n ms thanks
  21. umm, my father has only been a lawyer in the last 5yrs and thats been in the timeframe i been living away from home. before then, he actually spent 7 or 8 years studying. went without many things in my childhood. its only cause i work now, i got what i want, not things i wanted when i was younger.
  22. people like you make people like us who work for our money sick! i side with anna on this one!!!!
  23. okaaaayyyyy then! anna's on a roll
  24. thats a bit straight foward
  25. leaked... sample of the simpsons movie thats coming out - http://www.apple.com/trailers/fox/thesimpsonsmovie/trailer/
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