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Everything posted by XRATED

  1. This sort of comes around to the same question.... ....what do want 500rwkw for? and if you really want 500rwkw then it's not going to be anywhere near responsive. I know 500 is the new 400 which was the new 300 in the 90's. If your looking for a quick street car, especially something you can punt hard up the west coast, then start thinking 350rwkw max.... a responsive 350rwkw gtr will be faster almost everywhere that a 500rwkw GTR! then by the time the 500rwkw GTR starts becoming faster, your well and truly over any speed limit in Tas. My suggestion is to have a think about what you want to use your GTR for, then whatever your choice, build the car for it... not just the engine and be happy with the comprimise. You'll never find a turbo combo that is responsive enough or produce enough power... ...just build something that puts a smile on your dial! Cheers J.
  2. Hope you built a gearbox too
  3. epic! I want one.... I WANT 3!!! (maybe not on a 20 though???)
  4. Yeah!!! They're td06 25g's. I nearly bought them years ago (greedy/trust art-coffee table). ....after saying it in jest, I wonder how 3 N1 turbo's would go? Crazy twins you say? I could probably squeeze both Olsen's in the engine bay
  5. Kudos Motorsport bought a lot of stock pre-closure from Greedy Oceanic. Andrew can get you what you need. Cheers J.
  6. Sounds itchy....
  7. twin T67's! ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ah..... why limit things to two turbo's? what about 3x td04's? ooor 3x N1 turbo's?
  8. Single piece full length mild steel bell mouth dump/down pipe combo. I would get a custom 3" made at an exhaust shop... with a nice big center muffler and big oval rear muffler. The exhaust shop can get it to fit up nice and close to the body to maximize ground clearance. What are your power goals? If they are modest you might be able to get away with an safc neo (has some timing control as well as fuel). Don't forget to change the fuel pump too.
  9. how bad is it bubbling? head gasket???
  10. Don't fuel lab do big in tank pump kits too? Unless you baffle the tank correctly, or only spend your 1000hp on dyno's then surge it is.
  11. have 3 builds on at the mo (including a 610) ... can add another one (has a few 32's in nearly every rb combo) one day, will get another one :-)
  12. ... looks very doable... I'd probably get the chassis checked over before diving head first into restoring it (chassis damage and rust mostly). .. all these r32 gts-t build threads are really want Another r32 gts-t
  13. found one... n2o for ev's :-) https://www.google.com.au/search?q=supercapacitor+car+battery&client=firefox-a&hs=HG0&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&channel=sb&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ei=2K2sU5fRKY3MkAWE14HwBw&ved=0CAkQ_AUoAg&biw=1421&bih=900#facrc=_&imgdii=_&imgrc=iEWIfjVEqKmc1M%253A%3BAxJOmX0rySf4hM%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fwww.dvice.com%252Fsites%252Fdvice%252Ffiles%252Fstyles%252Fblog_post_embedded%252Fpublic%252F3-supercapacitor-maxwell.jpg%253Fitok%253DRNvq3EH0%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fwww.dvice.com%252F2013-5-3%252Fsupercapacitors-near-ish-future-batteries%3B625%3B405
  14. Want to keep stock turbo's... but want to go fater. n2o time :-)
  15. ... or get some rb20det afm's.... cheaper than z32's, same size and enough resolution for 400rwkw- oh and no wiring/plug change.
  16. Honestly I thought I was going to end up converting mine to manual, but the MV upgrades are more than good enough to make the auto fun/fast on the daily grind.... plus is a real bonus towing.
  17. Just plug some rb20det afm's in... give you enough resolution for 400kwkw, same size as z32's and no wiring changes... AND they're cheap!!!
  18. yet it still performed better (everywhere) than a ceramic bb core, billet comp wheel, inconel turbine PT turbo? hmmm... it's old, but it works.
  19. Just offering an alternative view on t67's.... after Alex's distaste for them.
  20. Awesome rocker covers!!!
  21. .... still can't find a nitrous kit to suit one
  22. That's interesting.... I really enjoyed my t67 25/30 r32. I thought it was well matched to the engine/gearing/use of the car. And was a lot better than the two PT turbo's I had tried before!
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