dude a guy at autobarn told me i needed a 15w50 and i tried it and it ran like an absolute slug.... i changed it back immediatly to a 5w40 and the car runs better than ever
u need to oil upto the turbo quicker so a thinner oil at startup is neccecary
air is meant to pass through the intercooler while the air passes the fins, giving it the cooling effect... if u do it the way u suggested, it wont cool at all ..... u may as well not have an intercooler
yeah it is exstatics old car, and i paid more than that 8 months ago
not sold yet but contemplating on keeping it for anopther yr or till i get bored of it
hmm i think a trip to my gambier might be in order
gimme a cops number so i can tell them im coming muhahha
i hate cops, 9/10 times they wont do anything for u, only themselves and their bosses that have had their **** sucked too many times
heheh maybe i should drive round there next time im in melb.... ill laugh at them
amazingly cops dont trouble me... neva even ask to look under my hood or nothin
i even had a cop go round the back of my car with it idling,... was loud at midnite... cops didnt say a thing bout it... its over da limit tho
ahhh nsw cops r good