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Everything posted by KamikazeR33

  1. any chance u wanna seperate the boost and fuel pressure guages with their sensors?
  2. email them to me aswell dork
  3. we had a vspec 2 turn upto our meet in wagga yesterday.. has a really awsome white colour too pics are in the national events thread
  4. also i was thinkin bout ringing up one of the carbon fabircators locally and find out how much to do the cam covers in carbon fibre
  5. if he doesnt post them ill c if i can steal his camera n get em for ya
  6. Seraphyn has some good pics of urs Richard he loves ur car... wants to rape it i fink so watch out
  7. we just all left at bout 2.45 was a good meet. u missed out. but will fill u in on the details in a new thread
  8. the gtr and gtst box is the same inside except for 1 part.. forget what it is... makes it weaker than the gtst one
  9. i still havent got my skyline back yet so dont worry too much.. u wont be the only one
  10. guys i have seen a $2k one crack that was made by sub zero on a sr20.... but then again some ss manifolds havent... i guess its a bit of luck and what appliction its for higher powered cars using one have a higher risk of cracking where a stockish one will have a low risk
  11. anymore news yet?
  12. also coming are: seraphyn_r33 R33Dan (hopefully) skysaresilver another guy with a silver series 2 r33 maybe a few more.. still waiting to hear back from some
  13. i wont be going on the 18th to this south coast one, be down along the the great ocean rd with the sau vic guys
  14. im interested.. ive got a 5' screen atm
  15. once bitten twice shy would be the remark by the sounds of it anyhow im gonna be quiet for a few days, going to see my gf in ballarat.. will be back tho have a good week all
  16. ur better off with a ca18 than a sr20... at least the ca18 wont crack like the sr20
  17. u could also make up a 2nd unlocking device, hidden so when u wanna unlock the bonnet u have to undo that too that way when they goto open the bonnet... it wont open
  18. Ash, say since im on my nsw p's i can legally drive my car no matter where i go, because my licence allows that. just because im in vic doesnt mean my licence changes to a vic one. same goes with rego, if ur car is reg in nsw/vic then it has to obey to those laws as u answer to that state but defects have to be cleared by that state that they are given in oh and make sure if ur done in another state that ur state knows its cleared. remember how i got defected at heathcote back in 03 for bald tyres? well i got it cleared at vic roads and 3 months later RTA NSW sends me a letter asking y i havent had the defect cleared yet. damn gov depts
  19. ahh the days of when i used to own a GT 3040 Chromo (BMX) GT's always feel so smooth to ride.. chops ass over anything else
  20. what age and condition is the pump? pm me n we can discuss it
  21. just email paul as Ni has posted in the other thread. he has already refunded me
  22. ahh bummer u should have went water skiing or something while u were there anyways let me know... ive got money burning a hole in my pocket need to offload it b4 i spend it on somethin else
  23. Any news yet Al?
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