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Everything posted by boosteds15

  1. Ohhh YEAH! 4 more days! The prizes now total over $20 000 in GIVEAWAYS. For reference for anyone wanting to come on the cruise..... Cruise from the Northside ~ Well here is the cruise for the Northsiders. Your cruise leaders for the Northside are Janine (*Janine*) and Nathan (Limit-R). If you have any questions then please look for them on the day or pm them beforehand on CB. We are meeting at Harry's Diner. Sunday December 2nd. Arrive - 8:00 am Depart - 10:15 am Parking - Anywhere on the Hobbytime side of Moss St While this might seem like a bit early to meet up I have been informed that Harry's Diner are going to be open and serving breakfast for anyone who'd like to buy it... so hence the early meet up time. Also ensures that everyone will have their stickers on their cars and are all set to cruise. Maps will be posted up soon with more specific directions. Gold Coast People!! Well here is the cruise for the Gold Coast folks. Your cruise leaders for the Gold Coast are Chris (Boosted S15) and Rhys (51OSX). If you have any questions then please look for them on the day or pm them beforehand on CB. We are meeting at the BP Coomera. Sunday December 2nd. Arrive - 9:30 am Depart - 10:30 am Parking - Anywhere that is left Maps will be posted up soon with more specific directions. Southside People~~ Well here is the cruise for the Southsiders. Your cruise leaders for the Southside are Craig (Caw23) and Steve (Sexual 32) If you have any questions then please look for them on the day or pm them beforehand on CB. We are meeting at the ANZ Stadium Bottom Car Park (on Mains Road) Arrive - 9:30 am Depart - 10:15 am Parking - Anywhere along the Predator Motorsport side of Moss St Maps will be posted up soon with more specific directions
  2. Finally have some numbers and results thru for any who are interested Took some time as we had to table the reports from the day, work out monies donated etc etc. I would love to thank the owners of the 536 cars, 79 bikes and 6 trucks who came along and made this such a great day. These were the registered cars, I know quite a few didnt register, so numbers we actually above that! I think all will agree it was an incredible mix of cars, with so much to see and admire, I cannot thank you all enough for coming. We raised THOUSANDS of dollars for Bravehearts and boosted the public's awareness three fold. An incredible result! Look again to next year we the event will be back bigger and better. Thankyou again to all who made the effort and attended!
  3. One more sleep Awesome weather for tomorrow it looks like, and from all the feedback, this looks to be twice if not three times the size as last years! Can't wait!
  4. Rain Rain go away! The forecast is good for the weekend with the sporadic showers expected to be gone by Saturday! Great news for any who are cleaning cars/bikes and trucks for Sunday! (I know i breathed a sigh of relief!) Only a few days now, not much more I can say on the event, it's going to be huge with something for everyone. Thankyou again to all who are getting more and more involved, and to all who have rung me to commit their clubs and organisations to the day I will do my best to say gday to you all on the day, but forgive me if I miss you! Seeya on Sunday all!
  5. Less than a week to go now! Media have been ringing me since friday, getting ready to do stories on this! All set to go. Great work to all planning and meeting before hand, it means you will all cruise as a group on the convoy as well. I really am tryin to persuade people NOT to meet at BP Yatala and Yatala Pies, as several groups have already tagged those places as meeting places, and already those car parks are quite small!
  6. Final Submissions to be made today
  7. ^^^ Yep others have already pinned that spot as a meet. Hyperdome or Ikea or Something would work for you maybe? Up to you guys! Less than 2 weeks everyone. I am so proud of the responses from the general community. Awesome work everyone getting involved. We confirmed today Ch10, Ch9, Sunday Mail, and Gold Coast Bulletin will be there doing stories on the day. There will also be a free Band playing at Parklands when we arrive, as well as a Jumping Castle and Sausage Sizzle run by Rotary just to top the day off.
  8. LOL sorry at the seriousness in which I asked for no spam, this was posted on many national sites, so I do realise It came across a bit arrogant, and for that I apologise, I just couldn't be bothered re-writing the add for sites I was not a prominent member/moderator/administrator on. As the response to this has been over whelming (maybe not shown in posts in the thread, but the sheer volume of emails and phone call's I have taken regarding the sale is staggering) I have decided to ask all interested (seriously interested) parties to email me a written (their BEST) offer and I will make a choice 9am Thursday Next week (30/8/07). For the serious people who know what this site is really worth, I will let you know the current best offer is $8250. One thing is certain, I will lose a few extra $$$, and sell to someone if I truly believe they will keep the best intrests of CruisingBrisbane.com at heart. Ive poured alot of blood, sweat and tears into my baby, and like a car, you want it to go to someone who will take care of it. For any interested parties I am best contacted via email [email protected] or phone above. I am happy to field any questions you have and give some more facts and figures on the site. As it stands the site covers it's hosting costs, the only reason I haven't capitolised on sponsors is my heavy workload, and all my spare time is taken caring for my beloved, so if you have the contacts, the website could easily generate over $2000/month is advertising and sponsor deals, something I wish I had the time to invest in. The person who buys this will be walking into a ready to go, tailor made business that within a few months (and a little bit of hard work from you) would easily have paid itself off. As I said, think outside the box, the possibilites are endless. Life goes on for me, and I have other priorities in my life now. I wish the winning bidder all the best. Please contact me asap to open negotiations, because again as of Thurday 9am on August the 30th 2007 a decision will be made.
  9. Hi all, I have been the proud owner of CruisingBrisbane.com (click for link) for over three years now, and regretfully I must now place her on the market due to a family members failing health, I need the $$ for medical fee's. Please don't be a smartass in this thread. Really think before/if you post. This sale is for serious people only. Cruisingbrisbane.com is the largest (Sole) South East Queensland automotive based forum. With over 6000 members and over 9 million 'hits' for the month of July alone. I say Cruisingbrisbane.com is the largest SEQ based forum, because we do not incorporate sections for other states etc and are focused on promoting the car enthusiast scene in SEQ alone. Cruisingbrisbane.com has recently undergone a huge facelift, incorporating the latest software and technology, in an effort to make it more appealing to new users and advertisers. This has been a huge success on all counts. The marketing potential within the website itself is huge, as is the opportunity for sponsorship income. With website statistics such as Crusingbrisbane.com's any entrapaneur can see the potential income that can be made from sponsorship dollars, or fielding marketing companies surveys, with the perfect demograph of 18-30yr olds. A very tidy income could be made from advertising alone. Are you the person/people to take Cruisingbrisbane.com to the next level? Offers to be submitted via PM on this site, emailed to me at [email protected] or I can be phoned on 0413 994 137. This is a serious sale, so I expect serious offers. Spam/Smartass Comments will not be tolerated in this thread. Below is a snap shot image of the front page. The first sentance of this advertisement has a link to Cruisingbrisbane.com in it, check it out and if interested please contact me ASAP as I doubt it will be long before someone realises the potential here and snaps up this incredible opportunity.
  10. Just a month away now, we have secured some great raffle prizes from our sponsors, organised some great giveaways, now we just need you all to turn up! And the bloody rain to stay away! It rained last year and we still got 450 odd cars Remember, please if you are coming as a 'club or group' please meet prior and arrive together so we can park u all together. Yatla pies will maybe not have enough room for you all! Perhaps somewhere else? Thankyou p.s. lookin forward to catching up with some SAU members
  11. i would think BP yatla will be VERY full of people doing the same thing. may i suggest somewhere else instead, like yatla pies? or up the road from there? depending on car numbers.
  12. Less than a month now and numbers are looking well above last years. Again, if you are coming in large groups, please try and meet up somewhere prior and come thru all together, that way you will be parked together and will be in line together on the cruise itself.
  13. Doesnt matter at all what sort of car/bike truck you drive, just being there supporting Bravehearts is H U G E.
  14. Again, donations to Bravehearts (www.bravehearts.org.au) can be made on the day at the registration desk. Thanks all
  15. I have no doubt this year will be much bigger than last year
  16. thanks anna I realise this clashes with the final day of powercruise, but I didnt get to pick this date
  17. DISCLAIMER: If I have only just joined your forum, please read this cruise thread as it may be something you have intrest in, and I am just trying to let as many people know about it as I can. Mods and Admin, please email me on [email protected] or PM me on here if you wish to discuss being more involved with this event. I will be back reguarly to answer any questions members may have. This could be the perfect way to spread word of your forum or club. Howdy All, Well it's been sometime since I dusted off my cruise boots and got something happening, and a unique oppurtunity has crossed my path again, so I have decided to put a few things together and have another big event. This event will have NATIONAL news coverage, Magazine Coverage and Radio Station's in attendance. Along with numerous Corporate Sponsors there on the day with giveaways for all who attend. I will not list them here to effect website sponsors. But you will get some goodies Some may be aware, some may not, but I am the current Gold Coast Ambassador, and also an Ambassador for Bravehearts, a charity that protects and councils children affected by sexual abuse, and the benificiary of the funds raised by this cruise. And it will be a MASSIVE event. Last year we had some crappy weather, and still managed over 500 cars, bikes and trucks. This year will be your chance to have your car shown on national tv and magazines, in a GOOD light, and showing that the 'hoon' community can do some good. (Yes I dislike that word as well.) We made National news last year. We are getting huge support from alot of clubs and organisations such as BUACA (Bikers United Against Child Abuse), and Mack Trucks supplying a large contigent of trucks to join the convoy. The day is open to ALL makes and models of vehicles, trucks and bikes. All clubs and websites, small and large. This cruise isnt about a long drive, in fact the drive itself will take approx 30mins, however, it is the cause that is important. Child abuse is something that must be brought into the light as often as possible, as many times this kids cant protect themselves, and have their lives shattered by those they thought they could trust. This event is all about raising awareness and speaking out against Child Abuse. All I ask, is that everyone able to attend, come along to this event, the meeting place WILL be a bit chaotic, and it will be a mission to get everyone out and moving effectivly, so the Police have been engaged to provide assistance in keeping lights open, and intersections free, as well as providing an escort for the trip itself. They have ASSURED me, they will NOT be setting up defect stations or the like, (for those who wish to be negative and try and stir that up). (They gave the same assurances last year and were a huge help with the day, AND they stuck to their word's). Donations can be made on the day at the 'Registrations' table. (Where you will recieve information on the event path itself and can ask any questions to staff of Bravehearts.). If any wish to know, I have been running events such as this for a long, long time and I appreciate that whilst I may not be an active member in the cruising scene as much any more, I certainly know how to plan events such as this. So without further adu I will give you some details. DATE: Sunday September 9th TIME: 10.15am for a 11.30am Departure. LOCATION TO MEET: Yatala Drive In Complex located just off the Pacific Motorway (M1) at 100 Jacobs Well Road (Yatala North Exit 38 and follow the Signs). WHILE YOU WAIT: There will be a Canteen Bar open, a raffle with some awesome prizes and a huge amount of vehicles to look at. Not to mention numerous Corporate Sponsors (Radio Stations, Drink Companies, Food Companies etc) having numerous giveaways to you all. Many Media outlets taking Pictures at the time. DESTINATION: Parklands Sports Complex. Smith St. Parkwood. Gold Coast. (Exit 66 S/B on the M1). ARRIVE: Est 12pm. AFTER YOU ARRIVE: More gawking at some awesome cars and then well........you are on the Gold Coast, perfect excuse to goto the beach . In essence that will be the end of the event at Parklands. More Media outlets taking pictures at this destination. Thats it. It doesnt get much simpler than this, and for such a great cause to support. The reason for this is to get the message of Bravehearts out there in the open more, and for a COMMUNITY to band together and support something. This is a chance to really make an impact and perhaps, just perhaps change public perception a little bit. All funds raised from Donations and Raffles is for the benifit of Bravehearts. If you are a member of a Car club, such as the Monaro Club, I REALLY want to try and get some of these car clubs on board, this will be great exposure for you. Please contact your Club Presisdent and see what he/she has to say on the matter, if they wish to contact me I can be reached via PM here, or on 0413 994 137, Phonecall being the best way to reach me atm, as things are a little chaotic! So yeah, thats about it. Lets make this massive. Get ya car on National News, and have it shown in a GOOD light, all the while supporting a cause that really needs all your help. This is even one event were some younger drivers might even invite their parents. This is all about a GOOD cruise. What we all love and enjoy. Of course it goes without saying that stupid behaviour will not be tolerated on this cruise. I really don't think anyone would be THAT dumb to ruin something that could be so good. A final note: We realise this is on the final day of "PowerCruise", however, it is also the final day of "White Balloon Week" the world wide awareness week regarding Child Sexual Abuse - hence the reason why we have chosen this date. Please consider social awareness if you are torn between the two events, as it stands "PowerCruise" runs for 3 days, this is a once a year event. Thankyou. Take care. Chris
  18. thats funny as you obviously have never been on one of my cruises and max, awesome advice thanks champ, this year was a test pilot for next year, got a heap of good ideas next year, this event goes national. ahhh the momento was 'supposed' to be a flag signals the days effort, but insead the supplier gave us these weird plastic flags.........they were SUPPOSED to be cloth. we only took delivery of them friday they were crap i know.
  19. Was an AWESOME turnout for the crappy weather. We registered 512 cars and 76 motorbikes. WELL DOWN on what we even had pre-registered (we have over 1000 vehicles pre-registered), of course the fast majority that couldn't make it were Hot Rods, roofless, Motorbikes, and Vintages. Still, it was a great event and I cannot thank you all enough, if you look over the overpasses as we went thru, there were media on pretty much every overpass. There will be an article in The Sunday Mail tomorrow regarding this as well as National 9 News tonight I belive. I just want to thank EVERYONE who came, a huge thanks to the volunteer's and the Car Clubs that came. Kaos car club has a MASSIVE showing, well done guys! So did the WRX club! CruisingBrisbane.com also had a big turn out. I will update with monies raised, now lets see some pics! (Even WITH the crappy weather!) That was great guys n gals, wait till next year and no drama's with the police
  20. One more sleep Had 10 Mustangs confirm today
  21. This is getting rather huge It's a good test run for next year, as this will show more corporate sponsors to get behind these events, and that just makes it better for all you guys n gals.
  22. I have been fielding media calls all day about this, will be awesome. Also been appointed to run it again next year, this time I can at least plan it 3 or 4 months in advance, will be able to get alot more radio stations etc involved and morse sponsors to give stuff to you all. And we all love stuff! They just didnt give me enough time this year (2 weeks) lol ahhhhhhhhh still gunna be a mad day. Got confirmation today that a few Ford GT40's will be coming as well! Woot
  23. Nothing THAT cool hehehehe
  24. A small side note, every car attending this event will be given a momento to take away to remember the day. Something a little bit different
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