A link to a thread was put on here or SDU a week or so ago that has good info on octane boosting.
It is a very long thread so here is a summary:
1) A number of octane booster bottles were tested (using a tester used by NASCAR and others) and it was found none of increased octane by more than 0.6. Some bottles say "increases octane by up to six points", meaning 96 goes to 96.6 not 102.
2) It is suggested that these booster bottles do increase power possibly using long change molecules that deaden and/or change the frequency of the ping picked up by your knock detector. ie. your knock detector doesn't pick up the ping and doesn't retard therefore more power. :eek:
3) High octane fuels have a limitted tank life (as low as 40 days, in the servo tank and/or yours) due to venting of the good stuff. You should buy your HO fuel from a well used servo, rather than a backwater that take months to sell 20000L of 98 octane.
4) 10:1 is the recommend tolulene mix
Also I think it's the heat not the lead that kills O2 sensors.