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Everything posted by thrtytwo

  1. I connected the Speed wire to my wire factory speed wire (yellow with green stripe and silver bands, corretc me if im wrong) and its only reading half of my actual speed, is this a bad connection ? wrong wire ? a fault in the unit ? any ideas ? :S (Defi Link Meter btw so should be spot on ?)
  2. I think i figured out which wire it is, seeing as i found out the wires are in passenger foot well. Is it a yellow wire with a green stripe all the way along it and silver bands intermittently ? If so is there any common reason my new digital speedo (Defi Link Meter) would be reading approximately half the actual speed at all times ? (its in kmph not mph)
  3. looked at all the wiring diagrams i can find and none of them tell me the cable colour, I have a diagram for which pin it is but dont know where i need to be looking for that. in the engine, under the dash, or under the dash to the right hand side ? all i need to do is splice this cable for my Defi Link Meter, if anyone knows the colour it would be a great help
  4. yeh ive watched so many times since i found it, its now my morning inspiration video for the hard day ahead, and my night time inspiration movie for the lovely dreams ahead
  5. 7 years ago as a street car, thats crazy haha, now one of my fav GTR's of all time, the passenger bounces around a bit lol edit: Tried googling, cant find any info on this car anyone got any links ?
  6. bit rip off there, nice enough guys though afaik
  7. soooo siiic
  8. was the driver an employee or joe bloggs off the street ?
  9. it probably would do but the gts and the gtr kits are actually slightly different, im not too keen on the gtr one unfortunately thanks for following that up though
  10. WORD UP !!!! Uras is the ugliest shit around lol, OMG LOOK AT MY HUGE EXAGGERATED ANIME STYLE SKIRT FLARES !! and although not the commonest bomex is also quite common, still hot though !
  11. nah garage saurus
  12. im gunna go past tomorrow and pop in, hopefully can find out if he does them and for how much
  13. Ive done the defensive driving course at AHG, was good fun, basically they run you through some driving tips, what PSI you should keep your tyres at. how to break in the wet with or without ABS. a few other things, a good day all in all
  14. nah gtst mate, cheers for reply. I tried calling fibrevision all day but i guess theyre busy lol, either engaged or didnt answer :S
  15. as you said if you get r33 you can spend money on other things, unless its a series 2 you will need a body kit IMO, but R34 looks fine stock ! As far as fuel economy goes the NEO is supposed to be more efficient, and the 34 has more power so should be faster, but i havent driven either so cant speak of which feels more responsive. Maybe someone with experience in both can shed some light on if the 34 has slightly more lag ? a 34 WILL beat a 33, but if you just want to feel like your going fast, then if it turns out a 33 is more responsive maybe thats better for you ? basically i think if youve had a 34 before and your having to second guess it maybe you really want the 33 so you can do more stuff to it, so perhaps that is your answer ?
  16. I've been looking at the 34 east bear seats for my 32 as theyre about half the price of the cheapest brides othgerwise if i splash out ill end up getting BRIX II
  17. isnt that monkey warehouse ?? I checked out theyre website but it doesnt work for me :S
  18. nah not genuine, thanks for the heads up will give em a call tomorrow !
  19. Does anyone know where I can source an R32 Gtst DoLuck kit in perth ? I have found an interstate supplier with help from Flash89 (cheers ) but hoping someone knows of a WA based seller so I can try and avoid hundreds of dollars of shipping costs. Cheers
  20. nice addition dori, but the idea was a thread for each model, hence this one is called 32 lol
  21. Im looking for some advice, I want to get a new catback for my R32 Gts-t, my current one is a kakimoto with a baffle muffler in the mid section and the rear section is also an oval shaped baffle type muffler. This system is very quiet. Im looking for a cannon style cat back that has a nice note on idle and at WOT, prefferably with a titanium look tip. The stand out option atm is the Kakimoto 06&R regu, My only hesitation is i dont know if this will be just as quiet ? does anyone have any experience with this system ? Also what can I do to make my cars idle sound more aggressive aside from big cams ? will a free flowing exhaust make much difference ? Should I get a high flow (bashed out) cat ? If I do bash out the cat this will obviously make the exhaust louder, is it likely this increase in Db would compensate for the quietness of the exhaust and it would become a more pleasing level ? does anyone have any other suggestions for a nice (legal) sounding cannon cat back with titanium style (burnt blue) tip ?
  22. Thanks for the reply, It already has lowered springs. but its still too high, about 2 inches between wheel and guard My suspension is already very stiff, i feel everything in the road and cant go over any sized bump without stopping, so I'm not too fussed even if it get's worse. I did look at the SK group buy but i thought if im gunna spend that money i might aswell get coilovers to be future proof (for future track days and what not) you know ? Also my rear wheels shudder violently if i try and spin them (on private property of course). I've been told this is axle tramp, I bought pineapples and this has made it better on LAUNCHING the car, but not wheel spinning, I'm hoping coilovers might also help in that regard. Plus the overall benefit of them as opposed to not so adjustable suspension. Have read that the best options are (including but not limited too); Silk Road RM/A8 GReddy Type S JIC FLT-FAS Tanabe Sustec so might just look for a set of one of the above thankyou for your information and input !
  23. when is the next sauwa night likely to happen dirty 3 ?
  24. I know it's HKS, but does anyone know the specific model. I might be buying them and the seller doesnt really know what adjustability it has. If anyone can shed some light for me . . . Seeing as I dont do any track work I guess lowering is my main concern, But I do plan on doing some track days in the future so want to know if these are suitable ! cheerrs.
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