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Everything posted by thrtytwo

  1. or 3.3 as aftermarket tests have shown :S
  2. ages ago when we got polo's and t shirts i never picked up my t shirt cos it came after the polos and by that time i want cruising much. any chance theyre still kicking around ?? long sleeve medium i believe...
  3. thrtytwo

    Gtr Vs. Nsx

    hehe check out the comarison !! http://jalopnik.com/365296/nissan-gt+r-sta...nd-over-the-nsx
  4. nissan lists it's 0 - 100 kmph as 3.6 seconds but some review had it done in 3.3 apparently with launch control or something on. will try find the vid...
  5. i always use http://english.auto.vl.ru/ jap cars
  6. instead of tapering manually you can create a line style with a taper and just apply it to the line, lot easier and quicker
  7. nope i'll show u mine next time i see u sitting at maccas
  8. dunno about in perth specifically, but ! i had to replace my top pipe as it leaked so i ordered this from nengun, was somewhere over $100 if i remember correct hehe its sexy and has a pre-drilled hole for temp sensor (but only top pipe available). if u just want plain silicon you can order these for about $190 delivered edit: just found this on the forum; radiator hoses hope this all helps
  9. arent theyre chips which attach to ur ECU and set AFR's and timing or something and if u have exhaust,cooler and other basic mods u can get ~20 or so kw ??
  10. nice buy man, should be a good car !
  11. ur boss ?
  12. did u buy CK's car ?
  13. I've been doing a bit of reasearch into this lately and have decided on the Canon EOS 400D, its theyre newest entry level camera, has more features and bigger screen than theyre old 350D and is 10.1 megapixels, if i remember its 3 shots a second, but that could be wrong. I decided on this one over other brands entry camera's for a few reasons but mostly based on reviews and other peoples opinions cheapest price iv'e found so far is camera house at ~$1100 for the twin lens kit which has an 18-3mm lens and a 70-300mm lens but online if you search around you can get the same kit for closer to $900 heres a good comparison/review link edit: also theyre supposed to be having the new 450D coming out end of Feb beginning of March if you feel like waiting a bit to either get the new one r get the 400D cheaper
  14. a decapitated hand eyy ? pics look good man, take heaps and post em as it go's
  15. will be so rare ? theres already only 20 of them lol
  16. lol stupidest comparison ever, styling cues are taken from many places and cars have too many similar shapes to even start comparing. i think its silly to think that mitsu or nissan would blatantly "rip off" another manufacturer, especially in such flagship cars as GTR and EVO. polus the GTR grille is no where near that shape
  17. a couple of weeks ago my car was pissing out coolant so i got it fixed, was a heater pipe apparently. Today it started leaking again, is there more than one pipe and its just bad luck, or was it maybe not fixed proper ?
  18. cat back is $550 if you provide ur own muffler, say $100 from a local exhaust shop, and i think his GTR dumps are about the same price, so for a full turbo back you might be looking at $1200 - $1400, but you could pay almost that just for a brand name cat back so its pretty good and will be as high as possible so wont scrape on ground.
  19. a few crappy pics, will get some better ones soon hopefully
  20. yah nice buy, i think even i would jump into a 33 for that money
  21. i generally dispise clear tail lights like that, but they look soo hot on ur car man, really suit it ! the whole thing is awesome
  22. cheers for the replies guys, will check it out !
  23. R32 gtst - RB20 if it makes a difference, driving along noticed a funny smell like oil or something then all of a sudden stopped at lights i hear it start pissing out, lucky i was near home so just made it back before the engine temp was cooked lol. went to top it up today and it drank about 4 - 5 litres and still wanted more, turned it on to see where its coming from and i cant see the point of origin but its dripping down and coming off the bottom of the gearbox, right under the clutch. dunno what around there would leak cos theyre are no pipes are there ?? anyway i was gunna take it in for its due service in the next few days anyway but now i dunno if its safe to drive it there or if i should get it towed ? will try get some pics up ASAP, cheers
  24. seeee reeddddddd
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