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Everything posted by thrtytwo

  1. ahh my bad, always getting them mixed up :S
  2. dont they have the stroked RB39 and 12 turbos ?, i also heard you can drive them underwater !
  3. thrtytwo

    Jobs ?

    anyone wanna give a job in the aftermarket car scene to an enthusiastic untrained 18 year old ?
  4. nah mate, clear coat will make it look glossy, you might be able to get some kid of sealant though, and youd have to make sure the paint you used wasnt a gloss finish to begin with.
  5. pics please, very interested sorry loaded now, not kit i thought it was.
  6. ooh yeh, wat car show ? nice job mate
  7. yeh i didnt think it was real carbon either, to get a perfect pattern on complicated items with carbon overlay would be impossible and impractical.
  8. by only i meant they didnt do gts-t non type-M after 1990, they were all type M after that point.
  9. cant help it thats all channel 10 shows
  10. yeh i know its dipped, thats why i dont understand it how do they get the pattern to come out :S
  11. just that you keep postintg threads with awesome things im jelous
  12. yeh how the hell do they do that :S ?
  13. nothing special, seeing as watching convicts fumble around and score from missing isnt really my ideal night goin to a mates party, should be fun. might migrate into northbridge later on
  14. not again you bastard !
  15. costing me $500 to have my spoiler removed, holes welded and boot resprayed. youd probably pick up a used bootlid from a jap junkyard for about $2-300 ? (just guessing) good luck finding something.
  16. would be hot as a mofo ! but your intercooler is higher at the left by one bar litte detail makes it look crud sorry mate, but nah, hot car haha !
  17. this car is gunna turn out awesome, i love how your doing it all bit by bit, all by yourself attention to detail is wikkid man ! cant wait to see finished product keep it up !
  18. once again thanks a lot ! your a champ
  19. ahh yeh forgot to mention front mount (i got one) . thaks for the reply mate, helps a lot as for what i should be looking at i think i will do as you suggest and upgrade turbo and fuel system before i get the AVCR and a tune. thanks for the opinion !
  20. my 32 is basically stock, sept for usual, apexi pod filter, 3 inch exhaust, really thats all thats going to effect a tune, things like the brass button clutch and coilovers dont have anything to dowith the tuning process do they ? basically im wondering if you an 'tune' a stock ECU ? if so is it worth it ? should i just wait til i buy an APFC ? if it is possible/worth a tune with stock ECU i will buy an AVCR too just want some opinions on what i should do.
  21. gheyy. if you wanna 4 door GTR go the 33 special edition one. thats hot !
  22. yeh but what if car gets written off ? i know no one plans on it but no one is phsycic
  23. ugghhh...veilside *spews*
  24. dude i would think $50 isnt that bad, taking into consideration its a one off so it wont be mass produced, therefore its going to be more than the $25 you would pay for a common one, but then again i guess it depends on the creation process. if all he's doing is putting design on a PC and hitting 'print' then its not too hard :S
  25. yeh the electric lip was only for the Type M. like u sed they have the bigger wheels, pretty sure thats about it really. plus they only did type M from '91 onwards the normal gts-t was 89 - 90 although a type m was available.
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