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Everything posted by FelixTRX

  1. 30 in Sept. Aluminium welder / fabricator. Work at Incat in Hobart making the big cats stay on top of the water! Cheers, Greg.
  2. Donuts are two pressed (or spun) halfs that have to be welded together into a full ring, before you cut them at the angle you need. Aluminium is a soft metal that crushes easily unless it is handled correctly when bending. Cheers, Greg.
  3. FelixTRX

    Fs - Safc2

    Hey all, Selling the SAFC2 that came with my car as I'm getting the ECU retuned and have no need for it. Is currently wired in and working perfectly. I will remove it carefully from my car once it is sold. There is no stand with it as I never got it with the car, but the handset lives in my centre consol and is in very good condition. I'm asking $300 for it. Postage should only be about $10 max anywhere in Australia, willing to post to NZ too if need be. PM me for any more info. Cheers, Greg.
  4. Damn that's cheap!! Guy I work with just paid $2200 for the same thing!
  5. Hey Damo, I guess the flow would be pretty good for what it is. Not getting it flow benched though. . I'm making mine to suit the standard TB as I have no need for anything bigger. I don't know about the price yet. I can get the metal cheap from Incat so it's just the time/labour involved. t won't be mega expensive, enough to cover all our costs and a little bit on top. What do the Plazma Man plenums look like? I've seen most styles but this one won out for ease, cost and practability. Cheers, Greg.
  6. Thought you needed the money!!! May be able to knock you up one fairly quickly though, if you have one to let us work on. They'll be on an exchange basis.
  7. Hey all, Been working on something in conjunction with a mate of mine. Sorry for the picture size. I'll link to BC.com to make it easier. Cheers, Greg. http://www.boostcruising.com/forums/index....t&id=497598 http://www.boostcruising.com/forums/index....t&id=497596 http://www.boostcruising.com/forums/index....t&id=497595 http://www.boostcruising.com/forums/index....t&id=497599 http://www.boostcruising.com/forums/index....t&id=497600
  8. Oh I want this sooo bad......swap for a SAFC2?
  9. Hell, I cut mine with a hacksaw blade and ground it down with the footpath outside Macca's in Deviodport on a Sunday morning! You want dodgy? There's your dodgy!!
  10. RB30 ones do fit, but the rod that pushes the 'paddle' in the gearbox needs shortening to fit. Bolts up the same, get your rod length right, bleed the system and away you go! And the RB30 unit is hellishly cheap! Cheers, Greg.
  11. Off the market now, found out I'm not going to have the dramas I thought I was. Just need to make a new dump pipe fitting. Cheers, Greg.
  12. What number gearbox are you on? And how many K's on the BPT? Original turbo or have you upgraded to a Subaru STI item? Cheers, Greg.
  13. Price drop to $350ono.
  14. Price drop to $350ono. Need it gone so I can get the turbo I've found!
  15. What are you trying to say there, Skinny Chicken?? Do I need to go around to your place after work today and have some 'fun'??? And I KNOW where you live!!! Just ask Sarah!
  16. What? I only took the pic to get a decent photo of my 31!
  17. Spotted this in the Clive Peeters car park after work today....had to get a shot.
  18. FelixTRX

    Tas Whoretown

    Am i the only one who's ever on here at 6:00am? The rest of you need to get up earlier!
  19. Hey all, I'm only posting the link to the FS section as I don't really want to post the ad twice! http://www.skylinesaustralia.com/forums/Fs...72#entry3709372 Everything is in there and slight discount for quick local sale! Cheers, Greg.
  20. A get-together is proably the safest option.....with my massive psychic powers, I can see something costing a LOT of money happening with anything involving 'spirited' driving! Campbell Town, Ross etc.......or even the east coast somewhere, like Orford for photo shoot? My 2c! Cheers, Greg.
  21. Oh, forgot to mention the internal wastegate has been welded up as my system was already running an external gate. Cheers, Greg.
  22. Item: R33 turbo plus 10mm mild steel dump flange. Age: Whatever age the S1 R33 it came off! Condition: Good condition, little to no shaft play, spins freely. Price: $370ono plus postage (shouldn't be more then $25 Australia wide). To Fit: (What car) Bolt onto RB20/25. Location: Hobart, Tasmania. Contact: Me, via PM's only. Comments: I got this turbo to fit to my RB20 under the assumption I had a similar turbo fitted. Turned out I have a VLT turbo fitted, so all the oil and water lines are different, and so is the dump flange (this is why the 10mm dump flange is included). I have modded the front housing to accept 2" pipe (instead of the standard flange). Pics below:
  23. Josh, what's this ECU you have? Would it be OK for a VLT turbo on a RB20 Silvertop with the mods you've mentioned? I'm keen but won't have money until after Easter. Cheers, Greg.
  24. How much postage for 2 Stagea logo shirts, one white, one black, both XL (or XXL if you can get them), down to Hobart? Cheers, Greg.
  25. Meh, looks like an Audi or Merc coupe with a Hyundai bodykit on it! I'm suprised the mags aren't chrome! Anybody else notice the "Boost" on the instrument cluster?
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