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Everything posted by Soulja

  1. Soulja


    Did you read what i wrote? they r all 14/13 second 1/4mile and are ricer cars e.g got shit load of stickers ect. i NEVER SAID A SKYLINE WAS RICE did i, i was saying that they r alot of RICER jap spec cars running 14/13secind in my area. I NEVER SAID ALL 13/14sec CARS R RICER DID I?
  2. ahaha 2000 credits doesnt look right to me more like 4000 i think
  3. ahahaha, so im guessing that it is not real? i ask cuz i didnt know, and im pretty sure it's in all GT and 4 all skylines
  4. Just a question: are they any places in perth that do weight reducment jobs for skyline? dont know if they r any good but less weight with the right set-up can be a good thing (as look as you dont go over board)
  5. Soulja


    ahaha rev210, you got a good point
  6. Soulja


    LOOK I WASNT CALL YOU GUY SHIT DRIVERS I MADE THOSE TIMES UP! wat i am tring to say is lets say CAR : A has a stock 1/4mile time of 13.5 but everyone with a stock CAR : A runs from 14 to 14.3 and let say you happen to have the same car and can only get it to run at best 14.9 cuz of watever reason so u install the NOS to get it closer to the time every other stock driver get there car running at. Stock Car A Time: 13.5 Owners Time: 14 to 14.2 (wat every owner gets) Drive R Time: 14.9 Get wat im tring to say now?? I wasnt saying skyline run 13 or 14 those numbers where made up. You guy all took it the wrong way. I dont think any of you guy run ricer here, u dont see many ricer skyline more 180, lancer ect
  7. Soulja


    WTF r u talking about i never said that, get your facts right
  8. Soulja


    nos anit fake, i take back that comment. it is real hp all hp is real. i just dont agree so much on it but i guess it would be fun
  9. Soulja


    I dont think you guy r getting my Point. Lets say u got a stock skyline which everyone else can run 13.5second. and you can only get 14.2second so u install the nos to brake it into the 13second where it should be STOCK Basicly you are a shit driver and can run wat the stock car should run. (numbers made up dont know wat skyline run stcok :bahaha: )
  10. Soulja


    What i mean is if you got a car and u cant get it into the times it is ment to run for stock so u add the nos to get u into those times get me?? (d/w if u dont cuz sometimes i dont get myself)
  11. Soulja


    I think rice isn't just external mods, its putting a 100 shot of nos to brake your skyline into the 13, stuff like that. My sister has neon on her astra and to many it rice but i like the look, to me it isnt rice.
  12. Let me get this right u can import s15 200SX for around 25k???
  13. Are we talking about WRX or "STi WRX"? I have heard alot about WRX having shithouse gear boxs. I know STi Runs around low 13 stock (as my mate has a mid mod one running mid 12s)
  14. Hey, I was wondering do any of you guy/girls run linelock in your skyline and is it wroth the money? i know its really a drag mod but i got to love to beable to stock your wheels down to the rims
  15. ahaha callaway! i think you are dreaming . i knew i would get only pro GTR comments but that is what i was looking for just get a wide view of wat skyline owners think
  16. Sumo; good point!
  17. Hey, My friend is in the market for buying a car and he has the same problem i had gtr or corvette. (love the vette but it would be nice to have a gtr next to it) So far i got this Pro And Con's can u guy add some more for me Corvette Pro: v8 Easy tuning Only a few in Perth Cons: Fuel Cost $$$ Parts $$$ Age (15yr) GTR Pro: Turbo Bodykits Only a few in Perth Cons: Parts $$$ Age Thanks
  18. Ahaha yeah he knows that but the sc he wants is around $4000 Us (D-1 ProCharge); if you can do the stroking or get it done by someone i think he will go with you guyzz
  19. vspecv "thanks, i might be giving you a call, give you guys a try, my mate just has to get his money together" Vspevs my mate is looking at a R-32 and corvette (i think he is heading towards the vette as i am telling him to get that) would you be able to get some mod done to the corvette; i think he wants to stroke 383 or 396? (can you do that?)
  20. Yes they do 90% of your fine you pay ( i ment like if after looking for the car you cant find what i want)
  21. yeah sorry about that; was about 1am when i post that reply
  22. I few weeks ago i post a REAL pic's of the nissan GTR r35 (i know they are real cuz on GT:3 Concept it is the same as on the website)
  23. Thanks again, i will most likly be importing the car for him (as he really doesnt know alot about it) wat is your refune policte?
  24. Will UPI arrage this or will my mate have to do it himself?
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