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gts-4 dreamer

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Everything posted by gts-4 dreamer

  1. modded vs stock proves sfa really. modded with the same money for the cost of the r would hold 'some' meaning but thats about it.
  2. *shake doof, cheers mate. Was one of the 2 highlights bud.
  3. I got to sit in the 35, got a pic of me in it. God thank the hot Asian chicks hanging around the skylines for convincing the guy to take a photo etc.... ps.. the camera guy wasn't complaining about your short skirts and accidentally open legs. my wife jabbed me pretty hard in the ribs though and I wasnt even looking. My god it was nicer inside (35) then I thought it would be. Definetly A nice feel. Also went by the SAU stand and sat in the barrens car (the legend was only to happy to open the hole thing up and let me druel all over it. Guy was nice, easy to talk to... I didn't go looking over the hole car.. I wanted to... forgot to ask, vspec2? or just got some 'black painted' brembos thrown on? I did ask if the brakes were an upg but didn't hear what he said.. I hate to repeat myself. Either way. The bloke was awesome about letting a random as far as he's concerned jump in. I looked over the thing in a couple of the usual spots wondering if he was telling the truth about it.. The hole thing seemed *read f**king immaculate* .. nice little reborn virgin of a car. Don't rem if that was his car he rebuilt or if that was the second car he coasted over. > No pics in the barrens car but good times. (Cheers barren's friend who barren entrusted the keys too, baz my shoes were clean mate so he didn't do you wrong). You brought a smile to the face mate. The SAU birds getting hit on by the 14 yr old lebs with gay haircuts was pretty funny. Was seriously having a laugh with the wife about >;P. Some real nice gtrs.. Some overly riced crap in there though managed to find a single fd amongst the sleaze that was hawt (tas targa car). 980kw "street legal" dyno queen supra was fun to watch dump a shit load of fuel. Respect atwkw though. Was fun to watch some cars with external gates /dumps re-circ a crap load of exhaust and with appropriate unburnt fuel out the exhuast causing enough blow back to start a gunfight. SAU people would have breathed in enough uncatelised exhaust to get high. Some tarmac rally cars looked THE awsome.. the corrola rebuild was alright and I hate corry's. over all some absolutely beeeeeeutiful cars... Sorry for the white mushy mess I made on the steering + door + trimmings in the 35 again. After going to the show I'm now on the hunt for my very own v-spec 2... I'm selling my current car... who am I kidding! The modded 33 I own is fun, but after sitting back in the barrens 32.... made me feel that yearn, that want for the R. It gave me hope I really could find one I would want. Bye Bye play money for a while.sigh. good times. high 5*
  4. I like Russians.
  5. unless both our coupe's hey bin riped out by gutter monkeys befoer we got them I was under the impression the disk was slid over the bolts and held in place by the rim >;P
  6. Major, It's funny but our vehicles share allot of similar mods. Probably the exact same exhaust... literally... intake less your cold air box, my car has a stock air box with a metal pipe jammed up it's rear to the elbow with a rubber joiner. different turb... Brake maintanence same except I have bendix ultimates ... dusty as hell. my FMIC setup is of a similar design though not as good quality probably ++ my piping work is pretty good. My exhuast cam gear is some cheap chinese knock off but it came powder coated with plenty of adjustment. I run 235 front, 265 rears.. which look shit.. but widest I could fit even after rolling the pannels etc. My management is in but is crap... greedy ultimate you were banging on about... jjr oil cooler kit etc.. just your everyday non-competitive track day setup. >;p I still love it.. will probably be defecting soon.
  7. why not just change them yourself? the bolts are pricks to get to and much wd40 will be used... oil even if its bad.. but otherwise... it wont be that bad. just make sure you have gaskets ready to go on with your new parts and your great... provided you have stands / role on's are easier, get under the went and remove the old exhaust... that is unless you pussies cant deal with a couple of bolts... shit a t25 isnt as bad to undo as t3's... they suck... >;p be extremely careful not to snap the bolts.. if it starts to round.. just stop.. if you dont have a good set of tools don't bother i guess is the moral. we arent talking about gear sets inside the gear box here... it's a piece of piss to pull of an exhaust.
  8. I hope the 4 door isnt worse... considering how much strengthening the 2 door needs. Mine felt like a dead fish less than stock, ie less the strut braces (as most cars are sold). With them and some other bracing the car tightened up.. but that isn't stock.
  9. Could you supply details on pricing info?
  10. So.. whats the actual difference between this and a normal commo? besides the name?
  11. What are the costs for a similar setup when one has an ls1 with associated oil leaks, an r33t car, 4 stock 33t turb's working.. no piping work, exhuasts appropriate manifolds, gaskets, lines etc... management.... ? if you go to the trouble of getting an ls1 into a 33... you may aswell add the stock 33t turbs of the side... a pair of t3's should work nicely for a lower boost mod... internally stock ls1... I know it's been done.... I would have preffered a savage na 91 ron monster 33 but for 10c more I could have something that eats more money... seriously though... what costing involved? as a REAL project for someone good with thier hands... modest budget and space available for hte thing to sit there until it is ready for use?
  12. Love the rims.. so much camber from the top down they look like they running 4wd >
  13. I guess that depends on what you call a poor man eh.
  14. I also own a 33t... I also have more mods than this but I had the stock turbo with an FMIC and I can tell you there was most certainly a difference. Not one I would assume you would find on a road often but it's possible in an extreme ambient heat you would notice. Though depending on the sizing of the inter cooler you may notice similar issues I did. I have some rather good piping courtesy a shop I am not allowed to mention but if you were to searh posts would find >. Basically I had better response.. infinetly better.. this is due to the fact my inter cooler is not the 3" thick 2x2m monstrosity most have. but you will not find it in a shop.. its a rather limited inter cooler solution which was custom made for someone else who I bought it off. The biggest noticeable difference was on a track my car didn't over heat in 10 seconds but instead gave me the opportunity to find out what else overheats when running wife open for long periods of time. When coupled with a good exhaust the response goes through the roof, coupled with a mammoth inter cooler I would expect the opposite effect on response but equal cooling characteristics.
  15. The picture and the car have nothing to do with each other they explicitly state that the 2 cars will not be the same. Though how accurate the article is could be another issue all together different. A turbo model is a possibility. THAT is interesting. Wonder how heavy the vehicle is. A V6 tt model rwd.. wack in the 6 pot fronts and 4 pot rears + some good suspension... that could be a fun machine... I'd give it a try before judging the vehicle.
  16. My heart skips a beat every time I am airborne over 150kph.. 2 if i am not already heading directly straight.... and I have been sideways getting airborne @ 120k+.. my boxers werent so tidy whity after that... was on dirt though.. not tar.. I imagine the grip on the side that lands first would be quite a bit more intense on tar. When I did loose it like that, the last time I checked my speed I was heading over the 120 mark but that was checking to see quite how much extra braking i needed since I had not been through there quite that fast.. felt like I missed the brake point went for the brakes.. did slow down a bit, went to balance the thing as tight to the apex as I could.. way to much speed (my idiocy) slid right out the other side, of an embankment tail slightly leading me and got air of the embankment landed rear right first, allot of mud and grass later I was so godam happy I didnt die.. that moment before the embaresment of hte fact htat everyone else would soon know that I had to be dug out. To correct myself earlier.. the record for the lemans circuit @ the ring was 5mins something.. 5:29 is what my memory and laziness from not checking the netz tells me. the last Leman's in the (late? 80's || early 90's? ??94??). That was not the same track the ring is today, the ring back then was a well maintained race track that still claimed allot of cars / drivers but was definetly smoother with a godam lemans race car.... not a production variant vehicle anything.
  17. zif clarkson pushed 300kph on a public road... he would be dead. find me a public road straight enough for long enough for this to be physically possible. autobahns arent straight enough for that long a punch surely..?
  18. needs something to give reference to size.
  19. I don't know about a quicker lap but your correct about it being pretty much a track only car.. I seriously doubt you would be able to get one street legal in Aus.. but wouldn't it be awesome if you could! For over 100k there are so many options I would explore before going solely for a gtr... sub 100k nothing would compare and I would be enamored / in love.
  20. and yet the lemans cars did it in 5 minutes..... I found that INSANE! not completely the same track but with an extra pair of 90's and a 180 in there on the main straight.. as if that wouldn't test the living end of your brakes. 100% commitment to not care if you drop the car your running into a fence.. that same car that you trust to do all the stuff you need it to.
  21. should add the ultima gtr... sweet sweet ride.. I want one... >;p I know more about it then the lfa... and the big thing.. ITS REAL... where as the lfa is just your fantasy in the dark touching yourself.
  22. correct... wonder what the handling was like in the sedan models... 33 sedans arent they much longer than the coupe's... like 30cm or something rediculously close. anyone with a better memory and the factual answer handy?
  23. for 150k I'd buy an ultima gtr... for 100k.. im much more interested.... for sub 100k im actually buying one.. > facts
  24. Theres a reason why the 5th gear guys do the driving and the top gear guys do the fun stuff.... 3 guys cocking about was how they described it... sounds about right... practically the man show without the porn stars and beer.... occasional decent feminity ... but otherwise ... entertaining stuff... good mix of reviews and doing the stupid stuff we love to watch... Im a massive fan... love almost all car shows... but then... you do get crappy car shows to. The car show is more about selling / pushing ideas and allot of crap... watched it a bit and it wasnt extremely factual for what I did watch... was more of a laugh at the utter craptula they were spouting... they are catering to the general market of cars... who is excited or entertained by that? Who gives a toss how affordable a camry is... how practical... every man and his dog knows that... look how awsome the latest land rover discovery is... on the back roads of melb... wheres the 4wd... oh wait.. they did drive it over some dust just of hte road there... definetly entertaining... pffttt. even when they had the lambo on the show... how utterly borring was that ... its a hot car.. look at hte ammount of interest it brings... awsome... he never drove it... they never left the street to do something fun.... not a comment about how easy it was in traffic.. *luagh*... well bored now. I don't want to hear about it's a show for those interested in buying cars... if thats the premise.. put a bullet in it and rush the oz ripoff of topgear to our screens... even a limp wristed version would be more entertaining to almost EVERYONE.
  25. because r33's break stuff and need aftermarket replacements >:}
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