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gts-4 dreamer

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Everything posted by gts-4 dreamer

  1. my eyes hurt... scanned version in bigger clearer lettering please. >
  2. so whos the shit stiring actor playing this guy who cant speak english then aye?
  3. especially watching guys with s15's comming onto the freeway from btown. I was comming back from visiting some friends out in the hills and some twat with 20" steel rims on his bright yellow s15 thought he'd hammer past me come across my lane and into the freeway lane. This guy must have just watched fnf or something.. i was crusing along @ 60 just thorugh the intersection at lights when i heard his dose on gear change passing me with the misses smilling and call him a retard... after he basically got into the on-ramp of the freeway directly infront of me. long story short he was either trying to drift up the on ramp or just plainly lost it but we could see his tail swing out then come right around.. i was on the anchors but we werent that close to him so we got to see his face, misses out the window calling him some names etc an me doing something similar.. he stuck his finger up an proceeded to reverse to straighten up.. behind us many a car beeping etc an swearing at the white line.. (me) to f**king move etc. im steemed and the dumb twat couldnt get his shitbox onto the road.... he was single spiining an going no where fast... up the hand brake... yup... pushed his front bar in helping push his car out of the way... doh.. (my bad) mind he or boyfriend never got out of his car so meh.. back in the line and wasted a months worth of rubber pissed off getting up to speed to the freeway... misses was luaghing her ass of for a solid half hr at me helping out the twats... she still brings it up...shame....
  4. no more super happy fun times:?
  5. for crimes against English I vote for closure.
  6. let me know the details on your reflash for the ecu ?
  7. you want exclusivety buy a top notch pony or bull. dont stonk around with base model etc as much less than the super car price tag is not really exclusive is it. anybody who claims they want exclusive is a bit of a wank, if I was a collector.. sure exclusive.. great, but I want to drive the f**king thing not just look at it. nissans gtr was never popular with people who could afford exclusivety, they made a monster for the working man / woman. They made something that could be fun everywhere everytime *insert gosen's speech*. The gtr was basically the modern z car, lets face it the z cars went soft little luxo little racepace but not much of anything. Gtr's were a stretch for masses but not unreachable with savage performance yet quite livable compared to almost every other money is no object vehicle. base model "exclusive" branded items are in a similar boat with an extra 100-200k difference. I loved driving a 430 (for all of about 2 minutes) and sitting in what I can only tell you was a awsome experience around ec in a Gallardo not a Superleggera model... yes.. Seriously awsome still, both made me shake and that doesnt happen often. I grew up with top alcohol yard posters in my backyard .. literally... but that is not the point.. it was as exciting as smashing your first truly hot chick, like...... no... taking your first new beasty out to a track day and newbing the shit out of every corner but funking your panties anyways. none of that is about exclusivety, its about enjoyment... what makes more money at the end of the day... a hero car that very few can advertise and afford or something that is slightly less bt available to a much wider market that can be properly advertised.... companies that market to the larger share make more money... this isnt new to any of you.
  8. how many wemon you didnt get because you spent all your money on cars.
  9. what are the turbos stock ?
  10. the fpv V8 at the syd motor show was a fuel injected 4 valve per cyl quad cam, red line @ 7 or 8k (from memory) with a short shift 6sp tranny, optional 6pot calipers up front with 4 pot rears with a leather interior. was 70k .. the cobra version ie limited but after checking out thier weby at the show I noticed that the brakes and engy are the same in the fpv model
  11. Im thinking shenanigans unless it really is that hard to sell one these days. Havent tried honestly. but i paid a premium on you 2 almost 3 years ago thats for sure. Dont ask me why but i keep thinking its an s1 with s2 parts on it that don't fit quite right. That though is probably my imagination.
  12. agreed, not a car for the everyday dutis unless you want to pay plenty of $$$ in fuel or you just dont have to drive that far through lots of traffic.
  13. soon young one.. soon... then jeremy can take the piss out of it aswell.
  14. f**k all this, just gimme the golf gti concept... mr config with w8 engy....... dont remember if it had a pair of huffers or not.. but damm.. that thing would be the z car for this generation. dsg, w8, light wieght.. shit would own allot of much more expensive brands... hard to control but furrrrn.. and yes.. i now i used the words.. golf.. or gti... in the same sentence as fun.. and meant it... but admit it.. the concept would be the new club racer.
  15. licks eyebrow.
  16. just curious at what power level would you say the standard cooling system with an aftermarket engine oil cooler needs to be addressed. Im talking about safety on a circuit with lots of wide open throttle safe.. im looking at 250 rwkws safe for 6 laps at 2.4kms a lap.
  17. stock turby? zif adding some kewl sounds to yuor wheels doesnt help negate it sounding like a jet taking off? till it annoys you and we get another bov for sale thread ^^
  18. why wouldnt nissan release the api too tuning houses ? doesnt make much sense to force them to reverse engineer back to an inferior product ? It's not like the competition cant get a ahold of a samply unit.
  19. no choice really, MR only comes with mitsi dsg
  20. its not an auto, its a dgs... ie clutchless manual. when in auto mode it uses shift logic, when in "manual" mode it should not change at all unless you tell it to engage. google DSG for indepth information.
  21. me to, my parrents arent povo by any means but they arent filthy rich either. They certainly believe I should earn my own way in this world though. they did pay for my upbringing, my education and even helped me with my first house but thats about it. I STILL THINK THAT I WAS LUCKY ~!
  22. I have done the log books, avg 400kms... I have to admit.. allot of traffic idling. 97 s2 manual with a crappy active diff. new plugs, tested o2 sensor which is about a year old. running greddy ultimate, funky fmic setup full 3" exh, a crappy fuel pump with no low setting, stock inj and a turbo that should have blown by now if it was stoc but it hasnt.
  23. I have a stocky plumbed back with bigger hose.. my wang is bigger too... ps.. i think a canary would be fun for a few days but for hks ssq noise for 3 days... whatever more than the $50 im willing to spend on this throw away item... meh
  24. gts-4 dreamer

    R32 Vs R35

    so out of the 32's the 33's and the 34's the 33 laped the ring fastest..... ? if that is true... up yours boat calling fan boys > either way, 33 > 32 >
  25. PS after some serious experience driving your turby car you will come to get some decent kms out of the car, 400 ish max.. these guys are full of shit with more than 450kms unless they are idling down hills with tail winds the hole time. if you dont ever flog it, keep the hole car in good nick, refresh your engy and regrease bearing etc and get some awsome tune with some aftermarket ecu replacement you will be reaching than 400 but 400 is your average with some in the tank left.. (read stuff all) be prepared to see closer to 300 kms per tank mixed driving, ie occasional minor squirt up to speed coming onto freeway or over taking. No one runs their's dry to find out so there some guestimation involved in thier numbers. open her up she will drink your wallet like most performance enhanced vehicles. ref 33t you arent buying this car for its fuel economy though are you, the more power you want the more the thing drinks fuel. more power equal more fuel to make that power eh.
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