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gts-4 dreamer

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Everything posted by gts-4 dreamer

  1. "SOOOooooo many 32 owners with small man syndrome." Allow me to put the quotes on that for you. bang for buck for my particular hoare, massive bang in all deptartments for the $$$ i paid to attain and keep her. I enjoy raping her across the rev range. driving it is a rollercoaster and brings a smile out of me that comes from somewhere inside.
  2. facve was cute forum nazi much ? applied to become mod yet ?
  3. still waiting on getting an r. oh if they nly released it hear @ jp prices!
  4. engine purchase straight from nissan or nismo would not be cheap. being assembled by hand etc, brand new hypo etc
  5. sandblast + innocent little intercooler fins = bent fins?
  6. hit a roo @ roughly 90 kph shy of the 110 speed limit.. was slowing down due to mass kangas near the road after a bend and around dusk as they tend to move around dusk and dawn... one up and pops out infront... went through the bull bar through the rad an sheared of the water cooler... the after a complete stop me thinking im gona have to pull it out etc... it scrambles around... great, walk to back of ute for shty an the bastards already hopping away! enroute lightning ridge... fyi bathurst is roughly half way from syd >;P
  7. i missed hte startt..... LEGEND~!!
  8. if nissan low volume import does that mean the compliancers wouldnt have to go through the test data collection ie evo 8.. where they could still import them due to low volume... I really am not informed when it comes to compliance laws.. so any education / clarification is good.
  9. to borrow someone elses comment on another model. "I'd love to take it to nismo and say, GO NUTS" i want a gtr for 80k or my next car will be something else in that price range!@... gimme a frign R bish
  10. i was under a similar impression.. ie.. lack of cvs though there is rear stearing be it stuff all, so they could be continuous velocity joints in the back end eh..? comming of the diff....as the axles would need to move with the rim somewhere similar to a fwd in the back. il check the boots on the joints at the back,,, personally iuno if they are actual cvs but if they are they usually arent savagely expensive (READ locally avialable models) though and if a $20 boot goes it isnt long before the jiont follows. fugn shits me!
  11. in current super tourers the gtr would make the same power and wieght but have the advantage of awd and the power loss in the drive train so wet weather performance and power out of corners would be greater but overall straight line would underperform.. much the same as the group A racing back in the day. Im am curious what the curb wight of a current super tourer in oz racing is, ie what are they made to be no less than ? They are essentially very similar vehicles at the end of the day though factory backed teams always seem to have the edge dont they?
  12. nissan wenchs @ car show aka prolly clueless (didnt talk to them much) but were helpful in signing me up for nissan email said early 09 aus release.
  13. Any ideas where to start looking for problems ? s2 r33 with active diff, every time I turn left I get this ticking like theres something stuck in a tyre that only hits the road when I turn left but after thorough inspection of tyres while on lift northing in tyres. also no leaks noticed anywhere and no obvious damage to hub from below. I will be changing pads in the near future as my current set are on hte low side, think I will notice anything around the hub ?? I was thinking suspension somewhere but dont have a freekn clue what to check for. direction requested gentlemen!
  14. have to agree bp has never floated my rb... vortex has always been better but that may be due to the more regular use ie.. people buy crap loads of caltex due to the 4c per litre deal... not that it makes much lof a difference.. but a free litre never hurt. have trialed many fuels in my area.. ie sydney. I have never used a non name branded fuel.. ie independant.. after a 1 of use in the local leb run cheapo lieing twat. anyways;... mobil 8000 is usually ok, not pinging on my mods + boost + ign but bp ultime has alwasy been sub par and some shell stations vpower also fairly sub par with savage ignition problems...
  15. 80k + aus release = im going to afford a new model R... wOOOOTT! baby.. yea!! **GETS HOPES UP**
  16. hmmm the misses is seriously pushing me for a stang.. but @ 40k yank $$$ there probably will not be any competition... unless they end up similarly priced oz $$ im shit out of luck... could try and push the misses toward it but highly doubtful!.
  17. the price of right ahnd drive conversion alone! arghhh! i gota buy the misses a yank tank stang anyways... meh.. i bought the line for bang for buck.. ie.... the hole braking handling go package that didnt look fugly for my price range! Im guess most will.. else id prolly be running around in an awd turbo econo box
  18. The question is why would one of the jjr guys tell me no one in aus can achieve a "good" tune on the emu ? after talking to them about some stuff.. must admit I have bought stuff of htem in the past and they have always been truthful and ecent on prices. Never sold me a sub par quality part either... I had originally gone there to purchase an oil cooler kit but the prices had gone up sinceI had last checked on the net which was a little while ago. that coupled with talk about the greddy I think i need to hold onto some simoleans with need of big tune $$$ .... I was really only in the area and went threre on impule oil cooler buy.. none the less.. I havent actually seen a emu in action. I want some dyno graphs... airflow graphs etc not just power runs if you can help. btw thanks for the advisory re the part no's and the jumpers.
  19. 70k might have been wishful thinking on m part but I was going on the random figures people were spoutig at the time from one end of hte scale 70k to the other @ 150k. No offence guys but I personally I would need allot of information on the complete spec of the vehicle before I felt it worth 150k eh. then again im not a person who is likely to drop that kind of coin on a car. locally delivered would get higher double digits but not into the trip digi's for me. omg import wif genuine k's uleh.
  20. when on track and wot I get a rather high pitched pschht.. I have the stock bov and my fmic isnt huge but it is free flowing. meh. is pretty much non existent to anyone not in the cabin any other time, basically very quiet on light throttle ie street driving. forgot to mention that my return piping is red rubber.. red is better!
  21. I have an s2 33t with active lsd. mine originally came with the plastic covers on both sides. Basically they were pis poorly designed, prevented airflow through the wheel arch and rubbed on the stock tyres when full lock and you go over a bump. They 'wear' pretty quickly if you need to o this a couple of times. Wider tyres and eventually they just wear through near the lip and break off. I still have them somewhere after the wear started i took them off. Most people take them of to improve airflow around the stock ic anyways. The only purpose is to prevent dirt etc from getting into the wheel arches painted metal. rust preventative basically. the plastic undertray / diffuser under the engine is still in place on my car. On a side note as bad as the smic was on my 33 with heat soak and restriction it was actually noticably worse when the tray was on as compared to it being taken off. the front mount again massive difference and the exhuast again another differnce but alll going of topic. basically the covers are just plastic and since mine were pretty new when I got the car (replaced obviously) you can source them still. what was this spec g? neer heard of it or read about it ? wonder how much an apexi 4 door 33r cost these days eh ?
  22. warranty and most importantly factory support!
  23. When I said the 34 was the price of a pony or a bull I was over emphasizing the price, the point is the same, they were over priced for thier market. i suspect nissan will detune the car slightly for the aftermarket as it makes perfect sense from a warranty and claimability stand point. much easier to make a car with potential than to make a car closer to its potential. Not to mention the cheaper price and the voided warranty ?
  24. 70-80k is what im hoping for... gtr achieved what the z's cant, a decent ride for the average man. Guess what, thats where the most sales lie. 32's didnt all cost 150k they cost 100-110k in aus for hte locally delivered model... how much did hte 33r cost ? slight less.. it was the 34's that cost a frign mint and thats what killed them, they were over priced for the market they were in. who would buy a gtr for the price of a 430 or mercialago ? ranted there is 50k involved in the later but the point is if they sell for 70-80k they would sell.. if it was a "white" import all of a sudden your average joe could afford something real, (insurance, financing etc) hell why buy a 7lt gto when you can get an R ? some would make that choice. I would make that choice.80+ and you would be selling to the 35-40+ crowd and they dont tend to buy majorly hypo jap cars over the euro. forget re-sale, forget insurance, forget the dual personality of the euros, the build quality an finnish... naaa.. i dont think they will. the price they release here will obviously not be as cheap as they release it in jp, we are used to paying more for things, we seem to expect to pay more for this thing... why shoudnt they mark it up in price for no particularly good reason eh ? (yes i am aware of compliance with aus adr which would effectively cost them all of f**k all relatively).
  25. for a start no kms on an odo on any grey import should be trusted really, any imported line be it a T or an R will pretty much always be wound back. it ups the price and likely hood of purchase. its all about the markup... wound back odo = stuff all cost and many thousands of $$$ onto the sale price. the import business markup is another with incredibly high mark up but meh thats the business eh. brembos fitted to all 33r - 34r models 32 v spec 2's got brembo's. 33t's got the sumitomo's that were on the 32r's. <Quote> My honest advice is that all R34 GT-R's (infact pretty much ALL GT-R's) and budgets don't go real well together. They tend to cost owners a lot more than they antisipated..... </Quote> VERY FRIGN TRUE OF ANY VEHICLE you will drive for fun.
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