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gts-4 dreamer

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Everything posted by gts-4 dreamer

  1. true. got pics of the injectors? come with the plastic bits ?
  2. on the misses is 1 thing... hell she could look cute in mud but on me... constriction is an issue standing.... think about trying to sit...
  3. *shocked that someone searched ** >
  4. ... ouch
  5. 2.5lt v8s can make big power... but stuff all torque... how could they pull thier boats otherwise ? its all design for purpose. i still want an s2000 with a supercharged lexus quad cam v8 but i want allot of things. money money moneeeeyyyyyy.... moneyyy!
  6. the NSX is fugn hot... to bad the steering in is on the wrong side... would go for the aluminum chasis with carbon pink bits any day... that 32 is hot and allot more attainable... like the pornstar next door rather than the movie/model nsx.... both would make me weak at the knees.. i actually like the fake carbon centre of the dash with the climate control in the middle/centre console.. is that an md player or a disk drive ? both turn me on... *plays with nipples*
  7. EVO 8 MR ftw.. that is all.. good for grocery shopping and picking up the kids while still beaing a beast anywhere AND everywhere. anyone know any special stages around sydney ? are there any? ie a track..... dirt surface... where one can go an race? +1 for real special stage !
  8. after st marys media attention etc the problem is not restricted to a model of car... just anybody with a car that "looks" like its owner gives it attention.. if its a model capable of sub 6sec 0-100 or if you have p plates on your car. problem with aus... we dont have any place someone can just go to and give it a squirt without endangering people outside of that 1 vehicle that cost less than 200 for a little track time. What im saying is we don't have de-regulated places for "hoons". places you could go where it is similar to a track that dont incure the cost... im thinking tracks that dont cost as much really... that are allot more accessible.
  9. is the flux capacitor fluxing ?> name = i-joshi on another note, this was a gold call: + for part of new sigy Shouldn't uz be touching urself to a cheap porno or something at this time of the night?
  10. smh had another one this morning.. hell if i remember but was much weaker than that. ahhh i was thinking the other side of queens st. Man I know that intersection well. its 80 just down the road... (left). that is a huge intersection.. its well lighted, traffic lights are pretty efficient and useful... its well spaced... they must have been booting it from the last set of lights its a fairly straight bit of run.. cops love to sit just after those lights because its 60 for about 80m then its 80 and people got straight to 80.. classic revenue collection point. man... i used to cut around that set of lights allot going to uni.. that little left they were taking is the back way around all the major lights to get down to the bridge and across the freeway to st clair.. my ol burb. they were smashing it that early of queen st... hell they proly saw it going yellow an she did to, they werent expecting her to come across with them booting it an she didnt check that oncomming traffic an wollop.... most people boot it OFF that intersection not into it... its not small.... if they had of looked 1 set or the other in their respective directions they would have avoided it. they were both sets in plain sight of each other.. you cant see it but there is a slight bend and the "racers" were pointed directly at the oncoming trafic.. the old couple would have been pointed at them directly... dead set they would have had to be starring at each other... unless the old couple just hooked it at the last second......
  11. assuming you drive a commonhore t like me... well if its an s1 it would be bits of steel in your cooler core + through engy eventually out the exhuast.. if they are small enough and after they have scored shit pretty well... like sand. if s2 nylon.. same deal.. potentially less damage inside if it makes it through your coolers core... ceramic exhuast side only.... never heard the flutter out of my car... high or low throttle... dunno... every time i think fluter i think of the dumb 200sx driving twat indian near me who always wants to run... hes been pulled over for trying to push me into a race... he still trys... best part.. was @ wsid once with his 20" wide 3" thick steel rimmed sr with his mates trying to show everyone up... not only did i beet him but so did a drunk smartass in a combi.. .. was awsome for a laugh 200sx that pulls late 14s.. MUAHAHHahahahahaha what a dumb twat...
  12. ya, on paper stagea do have allot going for them.. then you look at them....
  13. agreed with scathing... more sensationaliist journo crap. If thats the intersection im thinking it is... I know it very well... its had more head on accidents that any other due to piss poor design... its a long straight run of 3 lanes either side.. highway infact... its like a 80k highway road that becomes 40 durring certain hours becuase of a school within a blocks worth of vicinity. that exact intersection has had more than a few writeoffs and I believe theres been a few fatalities there before also. due to the vast speed difference from 40kph traffic and 80 kph traffic and the stupid confusion cuased there is always more traffic than there needs to be and the crapness of traffic lights means exhorbitently long waits to turn right. after getting impatient people crack it an try to launch across... on the corner just to the left is also a petrol station.... this does not help matters with people comeing in and out.. its also a major inlet for a traffic only suburb... not that the road looks like it when you look at it. its as if they hadnt worked out it was a quick way for 1 section of hte suburb to get home that bit quicker so they never upgraded it and walla... more traffic than planned for.... the school is on the right hand side..... colyton/stclair left st mary's / mtdruit right and antoher 2k's down the road major intersection of queenst/mamre and the highway ? coppers didnt have to come far.. their station is just before queen st on the other side of the road.... if this is where im thinking it is... anyone got the location ?
  14. allot of emotional responces good stuff if they were racing they were stupid if the old lady pullexd out infront of people well hey accidents happen eh ? bs most people are stupid most people are even stupider on the road. i dont drive to work becuase I will come close to an accident driving normally and calmly either on the way home or on hte way in due to someone's incompetence, impatience or anger. yes I live in sydney and I live an hour out of the city... hmm... see lots of people drive faster out west but driver dumber closer to the city... most twats trying to race you eastern / southern suburbs eh.
  15. if 20k$ is the limit... look elsewhere... look at how many guys 32r's cost them a mint on rebuilds... for a car made to be pushed hard.... 13+ years on... you would expect a rebuild... 20k would get you a car here and ready for rego. maybe rego, no insurance.... and thats assuming its a dirt cheap example of an r... then if you baby it it will do the transport thing... if your unluicky you wont get that.... but if you start taking it out and useing it the way you want to use an R, then you arent going to enjoy it long before its costing you some serious dollars. for 20k you have options... sit back.. think what you want out of a car... what must it have or be able to do... where are your benchmarks... go thorugh all the types of cars you can find and make a list of the models that fit your criteria.. A LONG list... then start getting fidly with what you like and dont like and pick something that fits what you can afford and be happy with. unless you have a deep seated need to drive an R... I can understand that.. love is love... not sense eh.
  16. soarers, brakes are adequate for about 15 mins of good braking. front suspension... shithouse and expensive to fix which is common @ 100k mark, like all the sourers that get imported. do like hte idea of the electoronically adjustable suspension though... makes some.. not alot but some differnce.... manuals are usually swaps as the soarer shares the same chasis tunnel as a supra.. can put the top in an cut n shut.. walla, there was a stock option for manual but no one who bought 1 got it with manual.. the numbers were so low it was double digit... cant remember exactly now. still handles like a bloody barge is right though. 1jz... its ok.. il give its vvti version points... but meh... 2jz.. differrent story. straight line.... good luck... it has the ceramic hot side for thier turbos also... guess what... those twins werent going to last long @ that power.. but the owner said that about his own car when he posted what you are quoting. if my gtst came stock with twins i believe there would be poofteenths in power output and my gts -t would still cane the crap out of it... anything that breaks has a lexus logo on it... add 200% to the cost... ps that jza-709 rip off you are quoting hadstock turbos... but was not stock... think usual stage 1 mods for a r33 but slightly more exy on the exhuast, had inj done, management, pump.. the owner has a few you tube vids about his car... how the tt is faster than the v8 4lt quad cam... it does cane the v8 but it cost hime heaps to do... the v8 with a super charger.....**hard to do** is a much nicer car to drive though.
  17. I was just thinking they do look alright.... and the amount of bullshit attention you would get from police would be slightly less than what every kid drives... << read what I drive.. every 18yr old an his mate own what I drive... doesnt make me like it any less.. i love the damm thing... wish i could drive it without being bloody harassed though. 2jz setup in a chaser sounds good... (not a 1jz fan) give it the supra's drive line.. has 4 doors... sounds sexual.
  18. +1 probably on turn 3 at that
  19. kuro tatsu... (tatsu usually) -- I do talk to my car at times wife was all about the dragon on the rear window... she is making more bloody stickers for the theme... she can only relate stickers on the car to where I have tats... so back of my neck and rear of left shoulder... rear windscreen and rear quater sound ok... its white with a blue interior. it IS from japan.. reffer to her as my mut... loyal mixed breed likes to play in the mud. frequently pisses me off when it fuxks up and costs me more money.
  20. thats becuase you own the best non-track only gtr there was... the 33 > to better this you only need to add a legitimate 400r then you have the best gtr with a close second by the 34's..
  21. they just overnight them.... *had to be said*
  22. looks like its smilling. f6 or the newer 8.. meh i need a family car
  23. I have 1 previous driving offence which is admitedly drink driving when I was 18 moving my car between campuses, i was slightly over the .02 but under .05 put it that way.. right up until last sunday... when i was driving slightly over 80kph like seriously lucky for 85, I saw the copper in his cruiser with the camera on the side and i tapped the brake, not enough to wash of speed just a reaction and the twat has stitched me up for 130 in an 80 zone.. he has "video" which I requested to see he said I would have to schedule it. He also failed to show me the speed locked in the camera as it was registering 000.00 "it must have reset". I have been pulled over one other time by a police officer in my line and that was because some asshole in a white line got away from some police chasing him in a paddy-wagon and saw me waiting pleasantly at the lights and tryed to do me for whatever it was.. that was fun.. so you know what.. if you havent felt the copper f**k up or the twat copper.. its been luck... they arent all the same stereo type but wait till you cross paths with one that wants to f**k you up for whatever reason... you will feel happy about it. just thinking about it makes me want to hurt stuff still.
  24. I have a jjr split front dump on my s2, 33, fit pretty much perfectly. I don't know what other peoples experiences were but im no mechanic or fitter and turner and I had no issues with plumbing in their split front an dump in one piece, it actually looks just like that picture you have posted.. basically exactly the same. I was impressed. My only issues were getting the bolts off the back of the little turbo. putting it on took all of 30 seconds thought but wasnt exactly brain surgery. once on I can tell you I noticed a few changes in the drive-ability of my car with the stock turbo. this should be in mind that I also fitted my high flow cat at the same time and already had a fairly good cat back on the car for a week which will make a large difference if you have not got these. essentially spool could be acheaved just over 1k rpm... remember s2 turbo. its more like 1200-1500 which beats the 2k spool I used to have (max pressure is achieved by 2k now). The cars response felt slightly better also but the spool time was the biggest factor. it isn't imposible to stay of positive pressure but it "feels" like a little throttle just of idle (depending on car temp and ambient temp 600rpm-1k rpm) and shes basically positive pressure. There is still some noticeable lag but bare in mind I also have an FMIC and didnt have any management modifications at that time. I for one will not be going much over 250rwkw but power achieved is not the only better aspect of this mod. I have not driven a car similar to my own with a separate larger than stock font/dump pipe so cannot comment on this. Only the differences noticed with my own senses with no measurements with any tools what so ever (disclaimer) between the stock and jjr items. P.S. searching this topic will find great wealths of nfo.. cant believe no one mentioned this before. >
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