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gts-4 dreamer

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Everything posted by gts-4 dreamer

  1. 1.6lt 5sp man appluase cant rem weather it was 3 or 4k, but since the misses was ain a "pile up" in it and we straighted it out, its been payed out like 4k back and stil rns and is rgstered. was settled out of court if your wondering how that worked out as the cuase of the smash was uninsured. in 4 an a bit years besides direct accident repairs only had to replace 2 bearings, 2 cv joints + boots, accident repairs cost us stuff all, a few second hand pannels, a radiator + munts and a boot lid (stock spoiler came with it *choice*) and a case of piss to a mate to cut the back quater out an replace with another second hander is all ship shape. she still goes as hard as when we got it, all 1.6lt dohc goodness.
  2. hmmm i hae to calc how much 9-10 mil yen will equate to
  3. id be interested in the gts-25t vs gt-t with stage 1 mods. ie. bolt-ons > turbo back exh > fmic > 10-12psi > 265's on the back > maybe air filter upg > management > fuel system tuned. ? gtr, 32-33-34 full exhuast > safe boost for turbo's > tune > airbox > fuel system > same width control tyre? my guess would be the 34 next to a 400r which isnt qualified do to limited editioness
  4. in the future after ive made a fair few more payments on hte house loan i intend on selling my lightly modded 33 t and getting myself a genuine 400r though finding one might be a problem. I LOVE R33's. though someday im going to need a 4 door family car... the decision to either drop the 33t an go a 4 door that can double duty, ie, evo8mr or keep a weekender and buy a big cruiser like a range rover or jeep cherokee for the family is the idea. meh bloody mortgages cost too frign much man !!!! bank fee's and interest rates are a frign joke.
  5. just fit mine, will post the ics up after i get them outa the camera soon ish mine fit rather well to the turbo, sits a little higher that the stock item, ie closer to the chasis of the car. my only problem is that my catco widebody cat is dodged. its got the bloody flanges at the wrong opposing angles.... hmmmm the one part i bought second hand.... figures.... going to have to go and get it cut and welded back together if i can... shits me... p.s. 5 hrs getting through rusted bolts with shitloads of wd-40 is a frign JOKE man... only 1 snapped and it was on the stock cat.... bonus... tommorow i get to dril it out so i can put it in so i can drive to a frign exhuast shop and pay some extorsional prices to fit it.... bahhhhh.... any volunteers in the blacktown area want to do it for sub $100 an a case of your choice of piss? anywho... thats IF! i can find one open on a sunday.. doubtfull mannn my spanker new 3" system... GRRR! got my fmic, 3" split front an dump and 3" cat back.... and my stock compliance cattt barrr... ima go shower... misses will upload picy's peace fulas
  6. mclaren f1 > all. sub 100k well... 400r with a few choice light mods would keep me happy and loyal for the rest of my life.... come on.... those things are the shiet..... >100k and <1m = dbr9 > many italians > 2 germans > 1 brit >1m = english > dutch
  7. <quote> incorrect sorry..... if you get a suspension, you have to cop the restrictions... trust me, im just getting to the end of my 6 month ban, and only last week i found it out... sad.gif suckzorz anyone want to try and find me an N/A r32??? its damn near impossible... </quote> you are mistaken mate, its a suspension, not a cancellation.. you should check it out
  8. 2jz > 1jz sick of this old skewl renasonce crapola my late 97 S2 is non aniversary and it was Really late 97 removed now redundant statement
  9. so anyone posting a DIY mod for retards or what ? mine should get in soon so i can hit up 10psi. i dont know what it will look like or how it will work bt if its shithouse on a gear change i will want to change it.
  10. for 33's i disagree, I've heard people say 12psi through 33's stndard cooler but with my own s2 i found that bloody unlikely as mine was majorly miss behaving with the standard smic. drop a free'ER flowing fmic and piping and walla...she stoped nock,backfiring an just drove like a frign dream.. after that. I get a jjr split front an dump, this weekend, im putting in my widebody 3" catco with it on my 3" cat back and il let you all know what she's like @ 10psi the stock maps scale up when inc boost, so is it a rising rate when inc boost so the car literally runs worse afr;s or they come down a bit ?
  11. get to work my man ps, beer currency gets you help... but only good beer, shit beer = shit help... just an adv
  12. can say ive seen a few modified cars being utilised by the police. How they have come across them I cannot say.. I dont know. so far from personal experience I have personal seen unmarked vehicle / plain clothes police useing s15's 200sx t, gts(monaro) n/a bith with illegally oversized rims and kits and lowered. the 200sx was no where near stock from what i could see. the monoro may have been cosmetic only. 200sx was out near schofields and the monaro was in pennant hills. I have been told literally by a police officer about the 200sx as I was having my vehicle at the time being picked up from the police station. It was there after they had dusted it for prints (leaving AS much black shit all over the car as possible so it looked like it had been burned). mind you the car had been stolen and used to ram raid a shop unsuccesfully. the morons who'd stollen it had goten so pissed they'd missed the windows an hit the double bricked wall instead... but for the 3 *(16-20) yr old mouri's they werent to bright anyways. damm near killed themselves.... too bad so sad... I was rather pleased that the drivr managed to leave pieces of his mash on the windscreen he shattered. meh. you know hwat they say about drink driving an going for the ram raid. *your a bloody genius*
  13. change your plugs first, clean your injectors and then replace your 02 sensor. If still not happy then get a SAFC to lean it out a bit all true check voltages on 02 sensor... search you wil find... plugs... etc injecotr cleaner and a few tanks... general maintanence wouldnt hurt. for me i had the same issue but once i changed my smic to fmic a great deal of problems went away for me... but admitedly do ALL the rest first then try this... another idea is check weather you really o have stock management in your car...
  14. has everyone forgot abuot the top secret tt kit for 350z ?? 300kw on 8psi which retains stock eng? man if you need awd I have NFI about hte murano but if its already designed for the vq go with that, bigger, newer tech mottor THAT ALREADY FITS and you get a VERY unique car that would probably handle a few high rpm luanches depending on murano drive train. You could probably use aftermarket items since your money pit seems bottomless anyways. 300kw's on 8psi with good tune on stock internals isnt something to sneeze @. admitedly the turbs in the front quaters doesnt look very practical for an every day street application but this doesnt sound like its much of streeter to begin with. talk about your cold air intakes though eh. Ill have to find the mag I got this out of... prolly something real reputable like HPI or something... all i can remember was the turbo placement was ablsolute shit house but the 8psi @ 300 RWKW was something i didnt forget. il post back latz with it if i remember
  15. can you pm me picks of your hypermax coilovers ? hopefully you have pics of the seals
  16. interior = puke exterior less stickers, rear lights, 32 look on a 34..why?, gtr badges? i like the colour and the rubbish bin lid look ok, the pics dont show the kit as being badly spaced etc
  17. love the curve of the earth
  18. +1 for black hawks shaking crap out of buildings ps. OZ dont have apache's that to high tech / exp for us got pleny cobra atacks though
  19. monkey boy, get an FMIC dude, you dont know how crap the SMIC is till you get a real core that flows well and cooles the intake charge... seriously those smic cop heat soke in no time, your blower works overtime to pump air through it after a little open throttle you start loosing power in major ways not to mention nock and over fueling from various issues. I had them and once going to a nice MUCH free'er flowing FMIC it really did the trick, not a single nock or backfire since and there ar !FAR! better FMIC's out htere than mine certainly.
  20. after double checking out boss importing I noticed the weld on the inside of the dump right at the front. We should remember that both pictures are off websites and the actual item MAY not be as good as it looks in the photo's of thier adds. Seems like Im going to make the trip out to kirrawee an check out the jjr item though >. but it does beg the question, was yours a one off.... becuase I have to admit I am seriously unimpressed with that workmenship mate. "I" can weld better than that... hell i'd say my misses blind old man could weld better an that but the truth is he can weld better than I can. By the way... YOUR POST WAS SERIOUSLY HELPFUL DUDE!! thanks for taking the time mate. il post some pics of an actuall jjr after i get back from kirawee this saturday.
  21. sorry, have to neg on the guage + pod, misses picked me up really over priced but gorgous guage today. my bad, so guage + pod back out there. cheers
  22. found here: http://www.justjap.com/parts_nexhaust2.htm I was wondering how you guys who know your biz rate this vs a say the batmbl ? jjr = $270 batmbl = $440 dont see a nipple for the o2 sensor on batmbl but believe there since the issues with the first set etc. I realise the outlet on the turbo is only 2" wide but the 2" short run into the dump makes me wonder why. Anyone fitted a jjr pipe ? modification an moving required like the batmbl or a nice "bolt-on" ? what you guys think for 250rwkw application at the end of the build with a t3/t4e steel wheel hairdryer? so nice an easy to stick the the t3 flange etc and internaly gated @ that.
  23. heh ive seen this car and if it aint htis car its dammed well has a cousin witht he same gear. havent seen rims that ugly to often p.s. ********** technology high not far from you eh? 22k? hmmm mebe since im close il come for a look?
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