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gts-4 dreamer

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Everything posted by gts-4 dreamer

  1. if kami falls through gimme a yell, IM VERY INTERESTED! IN YOUR EMANAGE@!
  2. getting more negotiable on the fuel pump ?
  3. interested in your guage + pod, where abouts are you located ? il get my addy details to you soon as i get home
  4. in your 1400kg car ? 220rwkw, decent 265 rubber and the ability to use a clutch should get you there. >
  5. ermmm my car runs best at night... can REALLY tell teh difference when intake temps go from 10-12 deg to 22-25 of daytime 10-12 she pulls 18-22 already gutless but better that a 6 banger n/a, 22-25+ gutless 4 pot pushing up a hill. always boosts gets positive air pressure anywhere over 2k, full punt by 3k+ no matter which gear. but even @ 15 deg she;s already prettty gutless, @ night with real cold temps she feels slugish these days though. no guts at all, but reckon thats me getting used t it. Could swear she pulled harder a month-2 ago. meh
  6. awd dsg with very quick shift and lack of gear change logic unless in "auto" mode... down for that! wonder if it will be remotely affordable or so expensive you will have to wait for over 10-20 years to afford it. 911 turbo teritory...OUCH@!
  7. I hate tossers who look at your freshly cleaned sparkling paint job that you have painstakingly kept up an waxed etc. then decide hey .. I know what would be fun, lets grab a key an run it right down the centre of the drivers door.... awsome. Its not like i had parked it klike a dick or anything it was centred in its own spot... like wtf? f'n shits me royally
  8. 400R.... THAT IS ALL.... 400R > ALL yes I WANT A 400 R!!!
  9. scathings avatar is hipnotic ps. both cars a favorite for hoons nfi who did what eh, personally dont believe much in hearsay on a stoopid net forum postwhore +1
  10. Money is a buitiful thing
  11. after a bloody edit pffft he cant even manage penis envy, wana be footy player
  12. got any jp pics of series 6 + rx7 's or 33r 400r's ?
  13. i banged a bird in cronula once, does that count?
  14. doesnt look gtr style from the pic, take more pics ? 1 from front, 1 from back ? 1 side on ? in brighter light ?
  15. what was the go with getting the power down ? seemed like it was putting to much power down on one side ? it obviously had a limo but seemed to grab the right hand side allot harder an puled the but down more on the ruight ?
  16. I know where the shire is, but you gota go as far as the GONG for a stonned comparison shorly. btown massive FTW!
  17. can i use an r32 ecu in a r33 25t an have you take the maps on of the 33 an modfy them to suit and simply copy the vct stuff across ? else if i just elect to drop the intake cam vct can i use a r32 ecu an have it remapped accordingly ?
  18. how much for just the filter ?
  19. closer to what i was thinking myself eh
  20. gorgous mate, noice wheels!@ i do have a degree but i dont speek / write, go figure the misses is the one who hasnt finnished her deg but she speaks and writes 'some' gw! TOP stuff landscaping is bloody elegant! love it, if i could go to jp i would check the hole place out, car, music, architecture and some history... im gona cop the hole yellow feavor thing since hte misses is asian... but she aint jp's so it doesnt count ^^ go for hte cars, stay for the experience mate
  21. more pics you say, post em or il pm my email addy mate i always up for lookin @ hotty's! mate how old are ya you dont look that old in the pic's ive seen so far look early maybe mid 20's. il figure the rest out > when ive got something to ask about i will ask less broad questions ^^ got more of the mountain roads etc ? maybe by day light and of the mount fuj some pic's of night clubs etc not necesarily a girls gone wild but some wouldnt hurt ^^ 1 real question. how far does the pacific paso go in jp realistically ? like do you end up spending more - equiv - less on stuff to what you would in oz... accomodation, food, travel ? ive been reading but i can tell we need to think this out a bit
  22. if they could add some strength to the cogbox they would be frign awsome. go back to forged internals on the sti and you could have a real winner. just add 2 cylenders, take it to 3 lt capacity and you would have one hela street machine... they already have a 3.0 ltr flat 6, why not do the r & d for a turbo variant.... gorgous !
  23. - Easy to plumb back to stock piping depending on size, - Too many sharp bends the air travels through 2 extras yes - Turbulance in end tanks depending on endtank design as with all coolers. My cooler has a curved return end so I "believe" this should help turn the air, I went out looking for something like this though. It is funny though as the top side coming in is silghtly warm but the bottom half is stone cold, so i look at it as the air is being pushed through the cooler twice, good for air temp, bad for overall flow as it pushed effectively along a double length cooler. I will remind all this is all stipulation as I have no test result. the change from the stock cooler was remarkable, my overall engine temps were way lower and my retun pipes "feel" was much colder. very effective cooling... no flow tests what so ever. My only guage of temps is based of engy temperature sensor from ebay so the source is not very strong. compared to stock cooler mind you!! I would love to find some tested comparisons if anyone has any links to actual controlled temp tests and flow tests. Wonder when mine becomes to much of a restriction as I would imagine it would be sooner than a more conventional straight through cooler.
  24. so instead of a 900 purchase, no installation cost + tunning costs we now have the option for 1300-2000 purchase, depending on choice potential installaton cost or plug n play, + tuning. * waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa i want a solution i dont have to save like 3 months for
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