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gts-4 dreamer

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Everything posted by gts-4 dreamer

  1. whats the price tag / wait on that spank bank db9 ?
  2. spacers on front = illegal ? spacers stock on rear ? some research I missed..... could this be a problem come time some shit head messes my car ?
  3. hmmm heres a question for you. I will soon loose my licence (tomorow) for loss of points on a double demerit weekend, 80kph, 60kph for 40m then 80km again, double lane highway with a 4m island separating the other side of the highway with another 2 lanes in opposing direction, wanker was sitting behind the trees with his gun and the fact that i let of throttle to decellerate instead of braking means I now have $150 and 6 points... anyway, do I have to adv my insurance company to keep my cover or will it blow up in my face if my car is involved in an accident with the other person listed on my poilcy?
  4. so how bad is the heat soak in the piping crossing the engine? Has anyone ever tested the standard piping route to see just how much it heats the intake charge ? That and the lesser lag would motivate me to go for a front facing plenum. Would the effects be negligable considering after a good bit of hot running I can still quite comfortably leave a hand on that intake piping just infront of the throttle.
  5. please post pics of the exhuast as im interested, if its in good condition im ready to buy could post them to my email addy: jrdn @ bigpond (dot) net (dot) au
  6. hmmmm, read *shited syncro's* then decide more flat changeing is in order, rev matching helps to shite them less but thats about it. p.s. gb rebuilds arent cheap eh ?
  7. i agree with the majority merlin said, just 1 stickler depending on model of skyline and commodore, year for year id say the japs were first with the goodies but i have no clue what thier actual crash testing requirements are. dual airbags, abs, traction control (via active lsd, lacks straight line but definetly cornering) these are in my 33t, hmmm, that would be interesting... anyone ever done a "safety" line vs domestic market comparison ? what had what test requirements in development ? which got what safety feature when ? I'd be interested in that, not that i particularly give a shite but i rem getting the old lady of my back with a completely un researched statement about they are equal to domestic market of the period less side intrusion bars
  8. yeSA ! king of pimp lookin rides eh when i was buying it was a consideration but they werent allowed miportation then.. meh the 33 makes me happy when im riden around anyways
  9. if no-one is going to abide by it then the vote would be nay, or is it a poly vote to pass ?
  10. im 24, own a s2 33 2 door.... just car, 2800 first quote then 2900 second quote when i actually bought the car.... shit-house then shannons to the rescue with a 2200 which is a chunk in saving... not slightly over 1k but good enough for now next year hopefully will see some drops in prices for me due to aging
  11. yea big ups the natural selection shite, guess your ok with another fella impreganting your misses eh ? what did that nature doco say on the tele the other night, about 90 something % of all species do not get pregnant by thier partner. the female gets pregnant to the strongest male or some such shite eh... sweet, gues im comen round to your house eh ! ahahahheeghe=e p.s. american stylez sitting on the porch with your shorty adv the retards to move along... crazy old folks FTW !
  12. mine was a bit involved, trekking about looking everywhere, me an te misses both looked at so many cars, underneath, inside, under door sills etc so after looking through a million cars and getting royally sick of it, there was this decently priced car, manual, perfect body condition, was actually running an active LSD. perfrect, got in drove it,.. f**king awsome feeling... was in shock, everything felt great. fell in love, perfect mechanicals, awsome body, handle the shiz, perfect mix of everrything, practically fully optioned model... awseom !! bargained him down to my price range and picked it up 1 week later
  13. im looking for a place myself but finding the interest rates on a loan are killing hte idea quick public transport from btown area = 45-50 mins with the newER schedules, evry 15 mins with xpress from btown at the 30-35 mins, feel your pain, i work 10hr+ days to, you in I.T. aswell ? ehahahhahaAHHA sooooOO many I.T. freaks driving lines.... people in I.T. like their pony's eh
  14. guess it depends on weather you can live with her after finding out eh ? it may take a little work but im sure you could work it out, just rub her in the right places and give her a good coat of something soft, wait for it to harden, then rub her back again, garaunteed to make her feel like new. about the misses, smash the bitch in the ass every night for a month and start living a fun life mate, atleast your car will get some much deserved attention !
  15. do us a favour an post a pic of yaself nursing a hang over with the obligatory coffee in hand... i say this so we all know ya had a great birthday and we too can take comfort in the fact that even buitiful peeps look like shite the morning after a good doo eh hahahahahahha
  16. my oath son, tt is nicer to sit in, and if i wanted a couch... well yea thats my choice ^^
  17. slim and cubes both on hte money for me, i bought a line cuase i always wanted one, drove a few of the family's as my aunty and my cousin both owned 1 ea, fell in love straight away, that was when i was 15, im 24 now, bought my own after id saved up enough, 6 months ago actually, but was looking towards the 4 door awd's with a major pref for the evo since ver 6, EVEN ver 7, heh, anyways, loved the line, was in the prioce range for a 32r or a 33t, without backup cash incase i had problems i went the 33t, which i slightly regret now, atleast until i jump in for a hoon. but sooner than later im going to need a 4 door, that evo would have been nice but now if im real lucky il only loose about 3k of my purchase price.... kinda crap for 6 months aye
  18. provided the drive train could handle it, cogs withstanding and lack of clutch slippidge should launch pretty well, handle like a barge but hey, it could atleast get you moving to freeway cruising with the ablity to overtake. sounds good for a family tug even if it would be gas hungry
  19. same here, so when you turn on the headlights the guages come up to,
  20. newer spec, improved engy... im liking it... decent suspension you say, read i must.... if they have finaly goten away from the truck rolers, il even consider this over my next car, as so far the choice was going to be an evo.... hmmm... except this will have towing capacity, something to toke my traily's with aye.... hmmmmmm going to look into it.... 2 tonnes though..... not a selling point..... good what 400-600 kilos haevy than evo... apples an oranges yea... but a decent sedan is what i need
  21. hmmm, 12 yr old candy wanks gurning and letting thier glow stix fly, throw em back ^^ many many memories of these lil smack tard wanks falling over em selves in skanky shitholes.... yea kinda got over it a few years ago... hmmm, repetitive sets... over an over hearing some raelly crap mixing and kiddy scratches.... yea phully sik the all night dance party massive... hahahahaha some have got talent admitedly, some need to learn how to read music, push your own tracks and il listen aye, re-hashing 10-15yr old tracks gets old. find me an event with a $15-$20 cover charge that serves alcohol AND has some decent stuff to listen to, breaks, lots of diff house less the 70's throwbacks and hmmmmm yea maybe even a few drum roles an i'd turn up. lets see...$80+ just isnt worth more often than not... but thas just me eh
  22. hmmm, more boost = more fuel = less economy eh just saying, in my experience with people what your friend said about 300kms to a FULL tank is about RIGHT on the money, i always read about people getting more but i've never actually seen it and i've talked to a few I keep a log also but my log is on how much i put (l) vs how many k's i have done, hence why im saying 14l per 100 is about avg on my r33s2 on standard boost, newish plugs, some platinums though which are about 1000kms old now, replaced O2 sensor - 1300kms ago, hmmm there is one point that is interesting, I've never owned low profile's before, when I had them they were on 40psi - cold, which i thought was way to much with heat and expansion since the tyre itself says 50psi max rating, so i droped em to 32psi... wondering besides wearing my tyres differently aka the centre as opposed to evenly how much better fuel consumption ? stands to some reason with less tyre on the road. hmm whats optimum with low profile 18" for as close to flat for even wear as possible ?? ******* to avoid double post, reply above, vct should mean optimum air fuel mix for better power at all rpm, which should mean less overfueling and hopefully less underfuelling, guess it depends eh, figure at regular driving it would use less to get you around... but also with a horizontal loud pedal... probably more unless you have a non neo overfueling at high rpm rb25?
  23. cough..... well guess either my car is running soooo friging rich its not funny or im running about 1 bar boost on a practicaly stock car with no boost mods... 10psi an 9.8 per 100ks.... not likely...... 5 psi > 14lt per 100 on a from mixed city mostly highway drive parra cbd to home via freeway (misses) syd cbd to home via freeway with nothing much over 3-3.5k rpms. always 98ron usualy vortex98 but occasionally bp98. mods = 2.5" catback.... K&N replacement filter, new coilovers with awsome recoil and some struts, quickshift kit, so yea, no real power mods bar a little minor catback restriction. if i put the foot down a chunk more average 14lt per 100kms p.s. s2 r33 so not really the same compare to the r34's more efficient neo vct
  24. so supposing a guy wanted to out and out join an sau club event, i live a stone throw from ec, oran park isnt THAT far away, anyone hook me with who to pm for relevant licence, some costs etc and what i need to pass scrutinearing on a "club" event
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