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gts-4 dreamer

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Everything posted by gts-4 dreamer

  1. whats wrong with r33's OZY'S LUV BANG FOR YOUR BUCK DEALS !!! look at how many rex's you see we love our ast cars but we dont want to pay out a mortgage owning one ozy dream bla bla, hot misses, house and fast car 2 down, 1 to go, f**king houses cost a mint. p.s. honey LUV YOUR FILO AZZZ !!
  2. hmmmm 2jz in my 33, wank wank wank pop.... could you mate the nissan box to the 2jz ? or would you have to fit the getrag box in doubt its going to happen rather just get a supra and make a skyra hahahahahahahaha love the sup's butt, not a fan of the front end interior kinda sucks to but LUV THE DRIVELINE !!
  3. 2jz in my 33t, admitedly thought / wanked about this one, the driveability + the power to wieght, awsome, 3lt of sequential goodness and she is great stocky, the stock power + the usual bolt ons would own, then the price of doing it. as I'd have to pay someone to do it, not haveing the patience and most importantly the no-how to do it safely, ie not have shit break under stress. secondly, i'd want an manual and doubt the box that comes with the car could fit it. third, i'd want to keep my active lsd, not likely to meet the torque requirements of the 3lt for long. drop an 2jz and 6sp into my 33, we'd be talking over half the value of the car, guess the car would be a shitload more saleable afterwoods though. definetly cheaper than just buying a supra, but then again, 25+k for a non vvt supra is shithouse sucky how only the yanks got the aero manuals eh whats the difference in wight between the iron rb25 and the .. iron ? 2jz-gte ?
  4. p.s. doluck style is pretty much just a flat boot without a lip, looks the shit on this dudes white s2 mines a white s2, so was thinking, yeeaaaar looks good bit of a taxi boot but eh, put a lip on my s2 front, that looks good happy with the side skirts just the rear end and the rim bling and im happy with her looks, got the interior sorted then its just power mods but im to busy decideing weather I want to "de-value" my car with decent power mods.... its gona be a bitch to sell in a couple of years the further from stock it gets cuase as mentioned in another thread, a 2 door isnt going to do me forever, im not rich enough to keep more than one car for the next few years id say. what do you guys reckon? harder to sell once moded ? p.s. if we can ditch the advertisements and propaganda for a thread ?
  5. hmmm the 06 is one ugly mofo, wonder if the 06 still has a piss weak gb, the 2.5L would be helpful for hte daily, mod the thing a little and replace the nose with a bit of kit an get a park bench rally wing, fun. anyone know if the 06 sti has forged internals or if it went the way of the yank 2.5 and is cast. aparently the 02-05 sti's were all forged internals so a exhuast mod and a cooler and your pumping max octance boost..... food for thought
  6. next car, raelistically will be a 4 door, 4 banger turby AWD prolly, depending on the cash I have to spend will either be a evo or wrx depending on how much $$$$ I have to spend, wr, (02 sti +) or (03 wrx +) or (evo 6+) this would fit with the ferrying capabitlities and my need for a car that can steer preferably oversteer and not understeer as It is that much easier to manage provided a great limo diff the need for petrol efficieny when paying a home loan and kids etc, thinking the 4 banger turb should be better in daily than my 6t mileage wise but never driving one, guess ill do that before i go to buy, still got a few years of just me an the misses to waste money on my t
  7. no comments ? regarding the view ?
  8. i actualy like that beeR kit, the azz looks rediculous but front and sides f**king awsome. tend to like the inline bt, but awsome looker, hmmm, should i have spent the 20k on my s2 33 T or should i have gone the 32R, same price.... thats right, insurance and if something goes bang... couldnt afford that... but then again... spending $$$ to get some power out of my rb25.... *goes and continues search for decently priced rb26 for engine swap. lighter car, decent power.... yipppeee......rain....
  9. yea, in the rain, Hey, for a kid who was 10,12, cant remember the year, I dont think i did to badly. though i havent watched hte later race, I dont think it was durring the gtr's run... i think it may have been different cars, nissans, but diff cars, completely red if memory serves, but I def remember him in the yellow BMW flying down conrod, passing people being lapped, behind the wheel @ 300kph.... then like the car was driverless veering off and then hearing about it later, well... theres worse ways, dont think his heart attack was painless but ... well.... as they said at the time if i rem right, what he loved etc etc...
  10. yea was funny, ended up being a 5ft nothing mid 20's in a sedan commo, cant see where he lost the tyres though, had a look way out that morning and all the way into our street all the gutters are in 1 piece and the rim marks start just over 1/4 in, scratching my head, misses reckons the copers through up a road block of spikes for him, funny shit eh mind you noticed 3 unmarked cars actualy stop an help out and 2 more just do the swing through the street, hmmmm, 2 camry's 1 ss commo and the rest all fords, didnt catch any badging whatsoever on the fords though
  11. my idle is great, nice even rumble, like a even purrr @ .9k rpm, just get 200k's to a tank no matter what I do, whether i weld the throttle open or drive like miss daizy. wiped the bottom section of the exhuast tip and see shiney chrome, drive it for about 20 mins, pop quater of a tank and she's black. visibly black smoke @ top end 6-7k rpms, but thought this normal considering its a nissan especially a line, getting rich up top always beter an leaning out anyway so when i bought it was fine, just hadnt noticed the monster thirst till i owned the damed thing.... have been wondering if its out of the norm but aparently the car is supposed to pull 400k's to a tank when flogging it. 97 S2 so hell dunno. on bp ultimate, first owner in aus, maybe its the ecu defualting to safe map? i've runn injector cleaner through it, gona reset the ecu in the hopes it will get better, just need to find a guy who can test it in my local area for a decent price. I dont want cheap work but i cant afford big $$$ either at the mo anyone around the ec area with a diagnostic machine that wont charge me a fortune to hook it up and give it a test?
  12. its about time i bothered to check out this bs about ns.com, never been there, ns.com literally brings up a ms winblows site, adding .au doesnt help, anyone with a full url?
  13. no puddles under the heh, running her on bp ultimate only since recieveing the car, so yea, feeling the pinch. nobody ever hear like a glug sound while driving come from the exhuast after she's warm ? after she's warm shes fine idling unless i give her a light push on the pdle, watch the tack bump from idle on .9krpm to 2k rpm and she stalls, happened a few times just after getting her. going in to get some stuff checked by the importer on my 3 month warranty, the front window spray pump is gona and she is starting to make a sound like the fan belt is to tight after warming up, like a cog is squeeky maybe... eh dunno
  14. im thinking i've got a problem, new tank of fuel and to test out how economically i can cruise her i hobble along @ 2-3k rpms changeing up @ 3k and dropping @ 2k, like a really slow wanabe rally driver anyway it was a cold night, i got home from work and the misses gives me the movies and hte keys soon as i step in the door, ah well, guess i wanted to cruise anyway and getting into her anties was gona be allot easier without arguing about silly shit so i jump in, drop the movies an leave it idling, jump back in an look at the petty gauge is on half after 2 days from a tank and like 1 half hour juant the night before, anyways i decide i wana see if she is ever gona be any good for daily shit, so pump some tunes and drive the speed limit, every wanker and even a gran fly past me in my beast of a looker purring along. anyways take to laps around a major concuorse get far gone bored and hed home, looky looky 1/4 a tank is gone.... get the shits with it, take her out the back to a deserted street i know all to well, actually a dead end whith 1 house at teh beginning of hte street and a nice empty clear run for just over 1 click, perfect spot for playing 2 quater practices, anyways launch of boost (not to big frying her stupid) in first she moves, is 5-6m down the road bang on boost peak her to 6k up, stays above 4.5k in second, then 3rd, an she drops to 4k and 5psi instead of 7, by this time im pretty much half way, time for brakes, and hear literaly a buble bloe (not a bang or ping as is described but like a buble then like its clearing its throat) seems to happen when ever she's warm and ive floored the ol go pedal. sounds like it comes from the rear end like out of the exhuast so im thinking its unspent fuel igniting? if thats so, that would explain the shitness of my L per K's, she runs f**king rich ? cuase no boost gage, just teh stock mercury measurement which sits on + 3/4 @ full boost. think thats the 7psi 2nd stage ? she's got a 2" cat back exhuast and essentially completely stock mechanically bar my constantly on HICAS light, pretty sure that wasnt turned on constantly stock ! you guys get better mileage than that or is that about on par and im just gona have to get used to my 250k's per tank of mixed spirited driving and cruising?
  15. AHAHAHHAHAHAHAH!!! not just post hoaring but that was damed funny
  16. sometimes a slap is what a person needs a luttle fusty cuf eh?
  17. mahahhahaha priceless wonder how much boost she ran, i gota hear this @ home with sound
  18. hahahhahaha its amazing how no one can ever understand that women..... great arse though
  19. dude, drive like a f**kwit and hopefully someone wakes you up with a swift hit to the head, im not for bashing people let alone children, but i personally think some kids would benefit from a smack, works when thier 2, dont see why it cant work within reason @ 20 in regards to insurance, the net is a friend, it was to me. that and some people are saviours in blue and white forum colour !! did i forget to say i like boobies, i do !!!! big up the boobies massive !~!
  20. "I'm sure you meant well, but you forgot about- *Give way to traffic ALREADY on the roundabout (what the accident havers/causers forget)" think he ment that when he said give way to the right funny, I've actually cuased an accident once, anyone game to admit it ? though i wasnt actually inside a vehicle and when i say cuase i mean i owned the car and contributed to the incident, I DIDNT THINK which caused the problem !! but yes, i have been a bonehead and cuased an accident albiet minor on the public roads !! oh and i once on private roads where I was so smashed while on the back of my grandparrents farm backed my shagin wagin into a tree almost 3m wide.. but that dont count does it? it was packed with the mates, people could crawl faster than i was moving, this car couldnt get that fast having a busted cam cover an f**k all compresion, we were making for the house and we got, you could guess it, 2M. i had just gone 13 and i wasnt in the tory, just the old banger we had the roof ripped out of. GENIOUS !! my accident, well that was when i was 16, no smarter and well no for puby consumption ! p.s. dont enlighten em hun
  21. mivec feel ya, lost a 72 model ford that way @ the roundabout from mamre rd onto elizabeth drive. I have to stop to give way, wait like half a minute then BANG !! Some fool with his misses an the kids doesnt even notice and plowes through the ass end. ITS A HUGE ASS, how the f**k he missed it dunno the old man had the shits big time considering it was his !! AND he was there, couldnt blame it on me !! MWAHAHAHA !! never drove straight again though
  22. niz34gtt : HAHAHAHAHAHA your guilty of something she herself is !! just becuase someone is pointing out fualts in something else, doesnt imlpy they feel they are perfect themselves p.s. i hate to admit it but your way of, the girls a pretty safe and level headed driver unless she's been arguing with me before hand a few hours, then gets into the car an keeps going. happened about 5 times in as many years fairly litterally. even then she's a little carless but prolly better an you with your old lady in the car eh?
  23. kewl, will do, when i said rear driving light was trying to say tail light other than brakes >
  24. got a second opinion, the misses old man went over it, turned out the only blown fuse was under the bonnet, 97 s2 make a difference ? or mine been re-wired somewhat eh?, this fixed the lights all comeing back up, sweet. as described is how id actually located the ill light as the ground, just didnt have the lights turned on at the time. wired the ground to the chase and now is all sweet, sound through 4 speakers is f**king awsome, only problemsz are my rear vision mirror now bounces with the base out of 6x9's straight of a head deck, hahaha, i WAS going to mount my amp but am finding base is sufficient, almost sounds deep enough, buty eh, any more and id need a sub box, f**k that and id get vibration through my car, f**k that too, and id have to look like a tosser, i believe you should HEAR the engine not the tunes !! f**king awsome cheers for the help fellas !
  25. check again today, the fuse in the boot is fine. The fuses in the front are good too, yet to check that beepy fuse in the black box. We hooked up the old steza to the car to double check the which wires which, lights still not coming up with the ILL wire off (orange/white) and the ground (black) hooked up to the chassis. WTF? Stumped! Wat's going on!
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