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gts-4 dreamer

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Everything posted by gts-4 dreamer

  1. Jinxed it eh. $5 for hamo to get a drive through for gaining advantage and gaining a place by driving off the track then getting peeved and crashing into massa taking them both out.
  2. Congrats to ten holding adds till after first set of pit stops, beets missing all the action by far!
  3. 4/5 of the race was awsome. Couple of team screw ups taking the drivers out sucked. Best chinese race ever. China can do a better walk of bishes, we all know it. I'm loving the much tighter pack.
  4. You think we will get back from fing commercial before the race is over.....seriously... f**king commercial with 5 laps......f**k channel 10.
  5. So happy Mclaren aren't gimping the better driver on the team this season like last season. Go Button! Burn you hamo fan boys....burn!
  6. You think they've taken enough adds? I don't. :spam: :spam:
  7. lap 3, time for a f**king commercial.
  8. Bird looks shag-able. I've never wished for BBC coverage so hard in my life. How about motor sport related material.
  9. You can see you guys are claiming 40k over the rrp in a country where the dollar is less then the local paso is a steal right?
  10. To bad like everything else cheap in other countries, we will pay a motsa for it here, more than double the cost.
  11. lol you funny carnt.
  12. Hot russians ftw. That is all.
  13. Formula 1 is not about passing, its about the best product a team can produce, well it used to be. If you want passing, look at a control formula where they go for parity between the cars and the drivers are the difference, ala ausy tin tops or nascar. Bring back formula almost free! Should only be restricted to not hurting the performance of other vehicles, maximum vehicle dimmensions, a weight minimum to take out the driver wieght as a factor and must pass the relevant crash tests.
  14. Why do the english have such a hard on for hamo?
  15. The top teams will just cheat to get an edge, call it smarter engineering or whatever you like, they will find an edge. They always have.
  16. Got the tickets and accomodation, it's the flights that are just stupidly exxy. I have to be at work before and after but would have loved the flight down on friday, bit of fun and games then on my way back sunday arvo.... hgmmmm
  17. So if there was an idiot who wanted to go to the Aus gp for the weekend but didnt want to pay stupid prices on flights, how would he get there from sydney without paying exhorbitant flight fees?
  18. ben, give me a way to dl them all in a zip yo! I don't wana click a million links an shiz. wget is failing my noobish skills.
  19. Newthreadgo?
  20. You think vetel had any actual problems? Seems like Redbull's brand of team orders. Work. Hmmm I'll go in later. Hopefully nothing major goes wrong and no one notices I'm not there till early afternoon.
  21. He managed it without punting massa. Congrats.
  22. Someone sacrifice a virgin to the gods of rain!
  23. Tin hat conspiracy theorists?
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