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gts-4 dreamer

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Everything posted by gts-4 dreamer

  1. The one where schuey didn't cause an accident for the second time this season.
  2. and webz pulls a start then blocks like he's got something to win.
  3. Was a horribly good one, even though it's williams.
  4. $5'er says someone in f1 sabotaged vetel's tyre in the interest of a good show.
  5. I've been yawning allot, there were bishes? I was expecting allot of hairy men.
  6. did yu hear that? Hamo fans everywhere jizzed in their pants and alanso fans gave that knowing smile.... too soon junior.
  7. Alonso looks high. pale and pasty with glassy as eyes. Quick line of a whores ass post race?
  8. Pretty white walk of bishes.
  9. lol. bugger off. ok. I may have been wrong.
  10. Take hamo's cock out your mouth ct. As if hamo wasn't laughing his ass off in the radio. He set that up beautifully. Give the kid bumpers, he drives like he's in a touring car. Can't pass with kers and drs instead he punts him.
  11. He hasn't been winning much, Not enough press for the wench or he decided to go something younger? She was a nice piece of ass though.
  12. wtb stream link yo. Looks like a circuit rbr would dominate with lots of high speed corners great for all their aero. rbr up until recently just always had that better downforce with less drag thing owned. Will show us if the macs have cought up or are just better at working in the drs zones/gearing. speed trap would be force india and Mercedes? pretty low drag, lots of power. definetly the mercs to show up strong with all that dragway stuff. the fez in the twisty low speed stuff.
  13. +1 on Korea delivering on the bishes. Hawt stuff right there. Who knew the Koreans were that hot eh.
  14. jb caught 2 DnF's thanks to the team rather than his driving so, that gap should be much larger.
  15. You'd crawl over broken glass for her sloppy seconds then smash it into submission. Me too.
  16. Suzy was still an ace run. Nice to see face take the win! Was fun to watch most the way through. Ones crams so many freakn adds atleast they are starting to almost place them better. to bad we missed so much shit whenever they do eh.
  17. It 'was' a race to beat the start of the jp gp but it looks like 10 laps and as many minutes.
  18. button turned on the tap.
  19. How many times have we heard, no commercials until the race has finished? Has it ever actually happened? He just promised what, 20-30 mins of free running?
  20. Wheres the storm? Isn't it supposed to be raining?
  21. Take your A-D-D meds bro it was half a minute.
  22. Looked a hell of allot like maclaren decided to turn up the number 2's engine after the number 1 crashed out. I swear the team orders extend to turning up or down the engy remotely of their cars.
  23. probably a mistake, never mind.
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