fell asleep at some point in the red flag but probably drifted off a few times under the safety car. I want kobayashi's autograph, hiedfeld for the most part was pretty stellar and about jb and hamo, all hamo, jb took his 1 defensive turn in, hamo was the idiot who didn't get out of the throttle. If the roles were reversed I'm positive hamo would have shut the door, hamo gets away with to much shit from his popularity in the media.
I have to admit, I wooped the shit up when vetel stepped the back out, nice recovery but half seemed to do it almost on purpose or maybe he was tired, seemed like a seriously uncharacteristic mistake from a quick dude, maybe he just really didn't have the confidence in the wet?
Either way, I wanted to watch jb win. Not enough visuals of his misses, maybe some wet top action with the champagne spraying her or something.