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gts-4 dreamer

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Everything posted by gts-4 dreamer

  1. webz didn't find it that run did he.
  2. captain chin is our most recent and only real chance @ driver IN f1, being up there is pure sex. there's like 1 other dude I've read about in a youngcdrivers program doing some occasional testing. IF he impresses / sucks cock while finding a few mill then he too could make it into the sport. having the timing / luck to be in a contender team for the championship... like what ... 8 spots, 3-4 realistically amongst the 3.5 billion people on the planet.
  3. I hate it when people call someone "our" in refference to another ozy. suppose atleast he is an ozy compared to other celebs. Why does he sound like he's south african when he lives in England land?
  4. One of these: Into my: Mileage same same, better weight dist, practically the same wieght, far less fussy, same same power and accepts much cheaper fuel so some economy there. garnish with associated 6sp manual box. walla~! edit:: Note, that is not actually my car, mine is also an s2 33 t, but not that one.
  5. crap.... of all the crap I did... I did forget to regap the plugs back to .8, they prolly on 1.1 . am running stock coils.
  6. So I did a shit tonne of work on the car, replaced the leaking gasket and replaced all the exhuast mani studs while I was there. fixed my intake piping up as it had come loose so it's all tight and responsive like she hasn't been in a while. that said, did an oil flush, replaced the oil filter and swapped out the plugs. usually when I get hesitation up top it's plugs. This time the hesitation seems slightly worse with the new copper plugs in the original heat range. I have nfi why the stupid this is hesitating on boost over 4k now. Time for a profesional with a dyno?
  7. The last set was one heat range colder but they showed slight signs of burning to hot for the plugs, slightly white so ill get a set of copper in the original heat range again. baseline: it's all working cept a slight leak in the steering rack but that's not a massive performance issue > replaced timing belt, replaced cam gears to "easily adjustable". mods: usual "stage 1" engy mods. fmic, 3" straight through exhuast. 2530 hair dryer. fuel pump was replaced with intank bosch outa fear, greddy ult to fool with the sensors. she could probably do allot better with a replacement ecu but not 1500 better so thats it.
  8. I was thinking that there was something maybe wrong with my tune? they are supposed to last for 100$ or is that just bs? I thought fouling plugs every 20$k was what you would expect from copper or if something was fuged in the tune?
  9. I've put iridiums in etc and it keeps fouling them, it's always the same, starts getting hesitation up over 4k revs on load. revs just fine to redline when not loaded up. have used standard gaps to begin with, only the usual issues. went .8 gap they lasted an extra couple of months. last time went one heat range colder and gaped to .8, last longer but now it's happening again. basically I get a year out of iridiums. Should I just buy copper and keep replacing them ? is that normal wear on them? I was under the impression they should last allot longer.
  10. lol, sure it was, just as webz needed to pass sv, the fact he needed some points to stay in the championship running didn't hurt either! I doubt that told sv about it, just turn it down, call it a "problem" and see if they get away with it then sv gets right back onto the pace if not faster! im no fan of sv's personality but it's hard to deny he has pace. I'm still barracking the home team though.
  11. Fgk commercials, lol you just knew when 10 takes a c'break that they would all freekn pit@@! vetel just seems like a faster driver, <3 webz as an aussie in f1. really enjoyed the team turning down the power on vetel's car to let webz through!
  12. The bowling club behind the qvb on york street has always has always been and always will be the best cheap pint in the city. Man it up , put away your pink shirts and drink like a real men. It gets extra points for being able to have a cig an a bevy at the same time on the porch.
  13. Anyone know where a gasket can be picked up for what they are>? not bs insanity prices? If not I'll stencil one up an cut it myself from sheet metal. I refuse to pay $100 for a freek'n gasket. Every dealer I have talked to is embarresed when they convey the price, this is laughable. Exuast manifold gasket, I'm replacing the broken studs, I expect the gasket probably needs replacement, hell when replacing the studs it's probably a good idea to do that too anyway. If you have anything helpful, Please post it. Sydney area!
  14. It's how he has always been. Old dogs and new tricks. would have thought a little respect for his old blocker though.
  15. yo ct, make with the blondey pics. catch that painted blond infront of the podiums next to the feza team? even the misses wanted to smash her box in.
  16. it was all about setting up vetool for the win and for some reason, they made him hold up the field, he got f**ked by the rule and webz profited. did vetel feel bad or was it a team deal? why didnt they pit webz? that was the whole race right there, maybe they thought vetel woulda got away with it? if he had, he would have been first.
  17. kimi's swim to the boat, pics or it didn't happen!
  18. besides the fact hamy poked a hole in vetels tyre and hurt his biggest competition, onya webbs!!! for the winner attitude. was thoroughly entertaining. Can't wait for the interviews!
  19. You would think a 20 second lead would be make you think that fresh tyres might be a good idea. I can't like Hamy and I don't know why, he races well, he drives hard but clean, his misses is hawt, high 5's, j'b, drives better but with less risk / guts, more clinical, webber, dude has shit luck but he always seems to be on the edge of the car's potential and sometimes over steps it, it's where he seems to live... relatively talking about f1 drivers and f1 cars though.... Hamy seems to be on the right side of it and pushes it that close from time to time and jb never really seems to push it that far except the race before canada in tajerkistan after webber pulled a legal swifty on vetel, when jb cought hami and they had to "uphold their honor" and race each other for a little bit before their leashes got yanked. Dunno why anyone's complaining about shuey, it's the same ol shuey being shumy, nothing different really, he started out reserved and now he's being the same aggressive bastard we all came to love him for. The whole canadian race I was thinking, rbr cars just weren't suited to such a high speed straight, slow speed corners track. They rock high speed corners but not really long straights and slow corners, high on aero tracks, I was not expecting them to be anything near contention. the lower speed corners wearing the living end out of tyres.. definetly the macs and feza zone, I was expecting the feza's to have the upper hand but I guess the mac's dialed back enough aero for the track. Great race, was thoroughly entertained from beginning to end, this season has been fun and I am happy the FIA is completely bending over for the most established teams having a cry over not being on every podium.
  20. He really does look like he's gotten rid of his jinx. loving the manufacturers getting owned, really enjoyable.
  21. Porsche cup guys.
  22. The cars are practically the same bar the pannels and the engines. The engines they run are already dohc and have been for quite litterally years. IRS was introduced back when the chissis moved over to tube frames no? anywho, this thread is all bs.... these cars have nothing in common with road cars... but they do make for some fun racing. How hard would it be to allow entrants from other manufacturers? the manufacturer needs to build a car of sufficient size to look like a realistic fake, re body pannels and fat v8 engine. The call about the cars being nascar by another name is somewhat accurate and somewhat not, nascar run the same carburetted engine from the 70's with some restrictions to keep an even greater level of parity. it's the drivers that don't know how to steer around more than 4 corners that they lack. ever seen nascar when they hit another track, any drivers with experience turning in other directions and planning out how to overtake based on the next few corners win.
  23. Why is loui so popular and button just not? I don't get it? loui smashed the field with a car with quite a bit of an edge over everyone else, button did the same... but the media love loui for it? meh. I got to watch practice and qualifying but got a call in to work and had to go or risk getting schwacked by an sla.... cursing the entire time. When's the replay?
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