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gts-4 dreamer

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Everything posted by gts-4 dreamer

  1. for a start why are you sitting on the rev limiter? Any fool who spins wheels knows to keep the revs as low as possible... harder to do, sure, but reving the living end of the motor, recipe for longevity right there. In what instance do you need to be hitting the rev limiter? If your peak power were the last 1k-2k rpm in a race car sure... in which case your engine is built for what you expect to be a set life on that spinner anyway. On a car that spends time on the roads... swapping cogs should happen before that... 25 with stock crank and cams over 6k is just wet noise. Awsome noise the last 3rd rev range I grant you but.. not something to write home about.. 6-6.5k is a cog swap.. your 7k...(7.1krpm for s1 wanktards) is your hard limit. who waits on the rev limiter to change?
  2. less the stonking 2.8lt nismo special, the suspension .. exhaust.. turbos on afore mentioned monsteridge .. etc. Gawd... I want me one of those nismo built 2.8lt growlers... I would f**king love a real 400r... likelyhood... NEVER!
  3. Must expect some downtime .. especially with a service largely funded on peoples good graces.. volunteering time etc. must be a pain in the ass..(assuming they like that sort of thing) GW champs. You dirty whores.. you know you love the latex taste of the admin strap. >
  4. importing from jp will still be cheaper!
  5. you sir.. are a moron... nuff said.
  6. looks crap from the rear.
  7. did they use their humongous budget buying beer and hookers in jp? would explain clarkson's eye infection. >;P
  8. The only mod not homoligating it for a track run would include the suspension. The suspension would remove it's production class wouldn't it? For a production car it did do very well coming in just after the real fully homoligated racers. I suspect the hubs swapped out for quick release and a few other track day mods... but suspension is too vague. Ill do some reading when I get home.
  9. what class was it in? if it was stock then the thing did f**king amazingly.. if it was a version chopped into a race car it did rather poorly.
  10. lucky .... us.... so whos running assembly plants in aus nowadays?
  11. I was gobsmacked by the result... The sound at full tilt was ... well.. the wife and I both were OUT LOUD.. what the f**k, THAT is awsome... it was quite allot better than expected and better than the youtube shiz before it! the car ran wide pretty consistently with crap loads of understear... it looked like every corner it was about to lean hard but just seemed to stop like the opposing sides suspension would tighten up half a second after a initial turn in... I was thoroughly impressed and cant quite believe how well he did... I honestly cannot believe how well the extremely heavy vehicle absolutely smashed cars with 2/3rds the wieght and double the power. yes awd can get power down quite a bit earlier coming out of a corner.. provided you could turn the stupid thing.. but ... well.. wow.. the promises other gtr's made about turn in seem to have come true in the 35 model. genuinely depressed. And now that I'm earning quite a bit more than I used to .. if it's acceptably priced Ill even buy one.. wonder what it's capable of with e85 whent hat his aus!
  12. lambo's entry level car gives me a harder boner than their top of the line drive... it's aesthetics appeal to me.
  13. The way I see it, "character" is a zealot's euphemism for "things that a sane person with a normal car that doesn't suffer from would call shit". Thats 2 in the sig for scathing... I don't like with you I think but I seem to agree with you when it comes to people and cars.
  14. hey .. seriously... I watch the movies for those minute long poontang scenes... they make the movies what they are... hawt chickas mang.
  15. 1:21--1:23 on tg track. clarkson's face going up that hill was 4 year old smiles right after a wtf... no way!.. he didnt say it... but his facials sure did.
  16. first car... dato 240 sx... used primarily s paddock basher and short distance transport as everyone around now it was mine.. I was 12 yrs old and growing up on a large property. local cops, we had 3 depending on time of year. Used to run to the shops per family marching orders and no one ever minded. I didn't drive like a twat on the roads and there were plenty much older that did. good times. After that an SL torrana when turning 16.. rebuilt / restored the entire car myself + father as a learning / work with the old man deal. Basically no one expected it to work out.. just get molested by me and turned into my next basher... instead, old man built me / helped me build depending on point of view > a 308 (he paid for it all)... swapped out front disc's for much larger brakes and calipers + swapped out rear drums for disks of equiv size of fronts. lsd, stiffer but supposedly lighter springs.. (i couldn't feel the difference carrying the heavy bastards back then). The entire suspension was new, the drive line got an upgrade. The box got yanked, no more column shift auto thankyou and many a edit later a stick shift 4sp.. The old man dumped a stupidly large LPG tank in the boot which basically ate most of the boot space. Like half so you got this rounded edge tank coming just past the hinge shelving etc.. had it till almost 18.. had been driving it on and off at various stages but had been registered 8ish months since last level of completion... had some savagely large 4 barrel carbs + 350 holy and some unusual pump setup put on and jungle dyno tuned. Uncle borrows what tantamount to a family member at this point for a special occasion (excuse to drive) and on the way home drives drunk nearly killing them both. hit's the only tree 100m off the road going through a barbed fence... tree hit practically dead center, pushed the motor back 10+ cm (hard hit obviously) and being the 72 model it was they were dammed lucky... engine went down a fair bit to so lucky they still had legs.. they both hit a solid metal dash with not much but a bit of 10mm thick foam (if lucky) with some vinyl upholstery over it... she was permanently disfigured face.. scar etc.. he cought a massive headache and a broken nose... (nose injury received post accident *** he's my dad's brother). The replacement was a 3/4 rusted sl with what was left usable from the original car swapped over... to start over with.. I basically only kept the chromies it had on it as they were the ol man's pride and joy from another car of his... I drove the car back to his backyard to rust the rest of it's way to death there. RIP my marone torry.
  17. Thats pink? I thought it was red... I actually prefer this look to the line pulled higher up... the pillars look wrong when in another colour... that said .. DO NOT WANT! Im not a fan of "two tone" in this style.. I don't mind a bin lid on a black car or colour matched etc.. but a single colour or pearl style paints that accentuate a car... it's not the paint I want as the attraction but the improvement of aesthetics of the item it's on.
  18. if it's in that ford gt and the stearing + foot well is ok.. >;P
  19. Car : Skyline R33 GTS25T Year : MY feb 1997 Overall condition of car: 7/10 How is the car treated: 8/10, Used to get to shops and back + weekend transport + occasional trackday when nothing else available and im at a track to blow money. Maintenance level: 9/10 Modifications: 3" turb back Exhuast, Filter, phully the awsome pleb Chromies, clarion stereo+5x9's and tweats. replacement/upg shocks, castors(as usual), whitline sways,jjr control arms and joints + all the rubbers replaced with cusco molds, greddy ultimate management, back to stock hairdryer as "oil problem" on 2530 waiting on warranty replacement shop sorting out (_or ill throw him into a whore house to work it off_), also stock exhuast manifold again..unhappy..., fuel pump that sounds like hyper fish tank water pump when on full volt..., stock inj that seem to pump more fuel than they are supposed to so unknown came with car. interior >> blue seat covers for extra awsomeness. > Insurance: comprehensive >> shannons Estimated power: Stock with shit fuel economy and nothing over 4.5k rpm. Estimated $ spent per year to maintain: oil filter + 0w-30 oils changed every 3.5-4k depending... during winter its been 4.5 >;P, due to a diff in need of reco and 265 tyres with current geometry require 1 pair rears every year... prior to current setup same with fronts but toe them in for daily duties and out for track... the difference is immense but so is the replacement of a set year as opposed to 2. I do have rims + tyres for track days for fronts but have lately been using htem all on rear while on skid pan or motoka.
  20. fixed:: i'd rather a decent leaf setup than a fully hetic set of hsc coilovers that cost 1200 bucks. well decent leaf setup is a fun idea... but .. well... shit stilll.... fully hectic anything will always be shit... corrected:: V-true... im not brand biased.. some brands don't seem to make anything I like though but that doesn't bother me, I would purchase a commodore or ford for a family sedan no problem. I don't go 4wd very often so I don't need one to lug my family around or the boat im going to buy.. but a nice fat aus designed sedan aka v-something commo was.. with some real suspension.. 6 pot brakes, sun roof and some quality *read not quantity sound upgrades will do wonderfully for getting a boat around in fair ammounts of comfort. some family duties for the wifey etc... I thought GM group were well to do ? no? v-true... like a great many auto makers, business is business... they buy, sell and whore each other.
  21. The weight difference would make all the difference, the R could get hte power down so it could almost keep up.. the fd was horned... trtying to get the power down early to make up for the r's awd... ended up waisting time with wheel spin..... though preventing wheel spin in a car that revs that highly isnt the easiest thing in hte world... the power delivery is impossible.
  22. gota admit, ive seen some seriously soft paint on nissans... if its not soft it's fading.. ie.. to thin and to think on the same car..
  23. how much did an N1 weigh again?
  24. anyone seen the zonda in st lenards.. many many cars in that lot.. lucky bastard owner keeps a bunch of his toys there. you would want to play with all of his toys trust me.
  25. Mine does... Ill take a pic of mine and show you... you are missing quite a few bit's if it is A-LSD and that box isnt one of them.
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