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Everything posted by AMS

  1. haha get out that shovel!
  2. Yeah its a brilliant car... cept needs new paint me thinks then it will be mint...
  3. Sent you an email Nick
  4. I'll be in the same boat as you very soon Alex oh yay
  5. I'll be selling these seats soon guys Can give you some discounts
  6. Ahh! What were you looking at just from interest Cy?
  7. Hmm well I have 1 S Meh - good enough for 16
  8. Man I went to Fed square while I was down in Melbourne... Biggest heap of crap I have ever seen! But yeh - my vote is on world cup
  9. Meh - Tis Funneh
  10. PM's replied to C'mon guys - if you want a kit: NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY!! The more orders the cheaper the price... Band together here
  11. Oh wow! Your now officially off my Chrissy card list!
  12. ahh plenty of money for a kit then?
  13. Well should fit perfectly brad - although I have never fitted one of these kits before so i cant be certain - But I haev the upmost confidence in Monkey Products so they should be fine mate I'm trying to negociate on price mate... but not alot I can do without more people buying the kits!
  14. Ok well the trade is definate! Prepare yourselves Melbourne!
  15. I get a definate definate answer this evening... but he is 99.9% sure. So yeah
  16. Briliant car - Brilliant price! Shoudl be snapped up! Good luckwith the sale
  17. Any power difference at all do you think Brendan?
  18. Some pics of the beast?
  19. Ahh true! Sorry was about to PM you - yeah we'll catch up when your in town hey Might go for the Stagea's last cruise PM me your number...
  20. Yes I know But dont worry - another Stagea will come my way Yep we'll meet up sometime soon eh? Hey I'll be at Newcastle Autosalon Cheers Cy. I'll still be hanging round here and posting in this section - new car will be a bit of a handfull to drive... Should be good fun
  21. Ah shall do... Well he is 99% sure of a trade Will post some more pics up when I get them
  22. Yeah I shall keep all updated Just to add...The car will be living in... *drumroll please* Melbourne!
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