Meh found some funky stuff under the seat. a mate told me it was a tv tuner. it has got an rgb 2 rca inputs, sat nav and some other Funkeh Biznits connectiong. we got the ps2 out, hooked it all up, got half a signal, but there are lines going horizontal on the tv. attached aer some pictures of what were talking about, and can anyone translate it? please help me.
this is the dvd player
this is the tv tuner thing we found under the seat
weird thing on the pretty sure this is the tv areil?
bunny ears... lolz omg... is this the ariel for the gps?
funkeh biznit cords hektik.. im uber funneh :sorcerer:
in that pic, see the 3 black cords on the left? we need to know if they go to the stereo
plz hlp... kthnx bai