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ECR 033

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Everything posted by ECR 033

  1. High mount to4z, 50mm turbosmart ext. gate. stock afm's , and stock 02 sensors fresh engine. (500km's old) stock computer (stock with stream tokyo power base tune) 10psi boost stock plumb back bov's
  2. Car: 89 R32 GTR Problem: Misfire at idle and when i try to hold it at a certain amount of revs (e.g) 1500, 2000, 2700, etc etc., it idles at 1100-1200 rpm, and if i rev it to about 3000rpm and let my foot of it tries to stall on me. (1 out of every 3 times) it revs up fine and boosts ok. but wont sit at any certain amount of revs. tried: coilpacks plugs cleaned/checked AFM Replace coilpack wiring harness. replaced all intercooler clamps etc. any help would be great.
  3. anyone know where i would find the 4 pin ignition coil relay?
  4. the service manual i have tells me i should have 10v while cranking... berfore and after the igniter pack... i get 0.2 out of it...
  5. or does anyone have a spare ECU i could try? cheers.
  6. G'day i'm chasing a gtr igniter pack to try and fix my gtr, here's the thread with my troubles any input also appreciated. http://www.skylinesaustralia.com/forums/Sp...40#entry4173567
  7. ok just double checked, i have earth at the coilpack plugs but not +positive current
  8. ok all plugs accounted for cranks over fine now, good oil pressure. still no spark though, checked earth wires etc., i have a multimeter handy if some one can tell me how to test the colipack plugs and ignightor properly and what readings i should get etc. not alot of gtr's down here still, so i cant really swap ecu's etc.
  9. i have 2 earth wires bolted down that come from the coilpack loom... thats all that i would need?
  10. i have done yes, i have tested for earth on the coilpack plug (all is good) and the test light flashes when i connect it to the poitive side of the coilpack plug (when i crank the motor over) in the manual i have, it says to connect the multimeter to earth and the other lead to the middle wire on the coilpack plug.... but it does'nt tell me what the multimeter should read?...
  11. Cheers: r324dr found the plug and connected it (got jammed down below the heater pipes still no spark though. PM Sent R324DR
  12. and the colour of the wires that go to it are pale green and a blue one
  13. i just went and checked... and i found that resistor....but it is already pluged in... so it can't be that.... the plug i am trying to find a home for is the same plug as the one the one that plugs into the resistor though... bugger....
  14. so you're saying it pluged onto that plug i showed?
  15. aaaahhhh, and this plugs onto the plug i mentioned? does it mount somewhere?
  16. Picture: blue circle is the plastic cover that the injector plug wires run through Red is the 2 pin plug that needs a home and the green circle is the loom it comes from this plug may not need a home, but im not sure. any help appreciated.
  17. Ok, Fixed cranking problem, Oil pressure is good just need to sort the spark problem... i have a multi-meter but have no clue how to use it....lol.. also have a service manual to tell me how to check the whole ignition system but..(still not sure what readings and values i should be getting on the multimeter? any help there? also i have one plug i need to find a home for, ill just go get a picture of it and post up... if someone could run out to their gtr and have a look where it goes that would be tops. thanks guys
  18. all help appreciated, just trying to sort out the spark problem, as i know that its not getting any.. and the slow cranking is odd also.... its stopping me fixing the spark issue... i need help with the slow cranking
  19. there is nothing wrong with the cas. i went through all that just incase. the issue is i have no spark... injecors are fine... spark is the issue. i can visually see that the sparkplugs arn't creating a spark. but before i can continue with fixing that..i need to work out why the engine has started cranking over so slowly... any help would be greatly appreciated.
  20. not sure, but the plugs are getting wet, just checked the coilpack plug wires and i have earth and then when i connect the test light to the positive side of the coilpack plug and wind the engine over the light flashes... ......... New Problem, got 2 good batteries, but the egine cranks over like the batterys flat....????? winds over real slow ??? HELP.......
  21. If possible can i have my user name changed to: BNR 032 Thanks.
  22. I also checked ECU And got error codes: 43 and 13 which are engine temp system and thottle position sensor. but this shouldn't be related
  23. G'day, I've posted a new topic as a last resort.... Details: 89 r32 GTR, Just put my re-built engine back into my GTR along with a new sigle turbo setup. (removed complete aircon components aswel) Problem: i have no spark. Can you guys help me track down the promblem... help me back track starting from the spark plugs, it could be just a plug off somewhere, i have spent five hours looking at plugs...there are a couple plugs i can't find a homes for either, one being a 2 pin plug that comes out the back of the injector plug loom...its short and doesn't reach anywhere. any help would be geat guys. cheers.
  24. Price drop Weds sport rims and tyres $500 firm gts-t rims $110 firm $100 for hilux rims and 80% tyres firm
  25. They must have been too cheep GMB as both cars were sold to separate people tonight. but still chasing a bonnet for the GTR and Wheels. cheers
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