So anyway im on my way home from lakeside on sunday arvo and these 2 P plater cars in front of me are being dicks and trying to swerve into each other, slam on their brakes and just general stupidity. I decide to overtake them, in doing so my screamer pipe opens up. I look in my mirror and see the 2 P platers still going at it then all of a sudden swerve from the far right lane and ut cars off to make an exit they almost miss.. about 30 sec's later i see flashing blue and red lights coming from a silver VRX lancer behind me so i pull over.. this is what happened.
The 2 cops get out of their car and do the usual licence check and breathalizer test. Ask me why I sped off and I told them the whole P plater story which they 'didn't' see, then make me pop my bonnet. "First thing's first, you're not allowed wastegates on the street mate.." and I admitted yes I have a screamer and will plumb it back in to the reply "Nope doesn't matter, you're not allowed them fullstop. Get rid of it!" okaaayy. "Next, you're catch can..." I replied, whats the problem it is plumbed back into the intake. "You're not allowed catch cans at all, that too needs to go because it alters the way the engine works and is not there from factory, and if a hose blows off and lets all the oil vapour out then your engine will blow up." Long story short the police officer continued to tell me that you're not allowed wet cell batteries in the boot even if they're are in a box and with a vent hose, you can only have a dry cell and it MUST be in a box. You're also not allowed to have zip ties on hoses as they may blow off again blowing up your engine.. in the end he let me off and said to get rid of the catch can as Im not running enough boost to need one, and to get rid of the wastegate. LOL