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Everything posted by parish

  1. Hi people, does any one know where I would be able to get my hands on a passenger side engine mount tomorrow (sat)? missing this to put the new engine in... on that, anyone know where I can pick up some redline gearbox and engine oil? cheers,
  2. hey dude, this might give you some ideas if you haven't already seen it... MP3Car forums have masses of info car pc
  3. dunno why attachment is not working? It seems to attach fine when I post... will try to put link to it later... beer o'clock now
  4. might be an old one, but first time i've seen it Independent_Suspension.wmv
  5. cool cool... here i took a pic you can't see that well.. but should be enough to help you find it ;-) cheers...
  6. I did this about a week ago... found I could not go through the existing rubber tube.... if you have a look about 10 - 15 mm infront (towards the front of the car) there is another little rubber gromet (think thats what they are called... i used that to pass the wire through... (my bad if heslo and I are speaking about the same hole...)
  7. d0p3y, yeah, thought about it, but for the moment I don't really need it, use USB disk to put anything I need on there, and if its a bit of a bigger transfer I can hook it up to the my LAN pretty easyly... but yeah, maybe down the track will add the option for a DVD rom...
  8. LOL... it just what I've been told... will let you know when I try it out... hydie, got motherboard from eyo...
  9. Michael_1882, should boot up alot faster from what I have read.. but will be able to tell when I get it...
  10. The motherboard you were looking at is the same that I bought, running 80Gb HDD and 1Gb Ram.... and here is the link to power supply
  11. hydie, got it from e-Bay...
  12. HP have a piece of software... dunno what its called and I can't attach with the post (EXE file), i'm sure google will tell you where to find it... thats the software that my friend is using, from what I understand it formats the USB key to act like a bootable disk, then you can pretty much install windows onto the disk from a cd... dont have the exact process... but again, I'm sure can help
  13. MANWHOR3, I have a friend who is setting up the USB boot up for me to test, will get the link to the info and post when he gives it to me... my issue with that is even if you load OS on USB, you still need storage for MP3, movies, gps (lets say you could prob get away with having the maps etc on the usb key) but for other sotorage what you gonna use? I guess my suspension prob isn't as hard as yr coz mines has been in for just over a week now , if/when the HHD sh#%s itself then I'll look into something else, but for the moment, its all working fine... Power unit/GPS receiver/Screen - eBay mother board - http://eyo.com.au HDD/RAM - local computer shop Persplex - Bunnings
  14. taken from this link; r33 stereo stuff
  15. SuAvE-1, Thanks... For power i'm using a 12V DC-DC power supply, which is pretty much built for car pcs... it has a constant power and ignition, very similar to a head unit... also has a set of jumpers for switching off procedures (5 seconds, 30seconds etc after ign cut), when you cut the ignition, it shuts down the PC... you can also put an override switch on the power unit so you can still switch it on/off without ignition... Finially sorted out the sound issues (different sound levels for MP3s)... there are a couple of plugins for winamp which normalise the sound so now all songs come out at the same level, no need to mess around with the volume control all the time!
  16. Medium Dave, Thanks for the heads up on the HDD situation... I'm still sorting out the sound issues, and as soon as I have done all the setup, I'm going to take an image of the disk so that when this does happen I won't have too much grief in replacing HDD making it all work again... SVX, Thanks for that link, I'll definately keep a close eye on that one...
  17. Primordial, I have to agree that the configuration of RR wasn't the easiest to do... especially to get freedrive to load up in the correct window for that RR skin... but suits me fine for the moment
  18. Pulp, that little power unit i got does that... cost under $100 on ebay...
  19. Alien, it was pretty labour intensive coz I pretty much did everything myself, except for the painting of dash... But I did take my time, all up started doing research in late march, then bought GPS receiver and used laptop as test machine to test all software, when all was working properly, prob started buying the parts in mid april... cost around $700 after having sold old head unit and all... but haven't pulled out every invoice coz i don't wanna know exactly how much it cost motherbaod and screen prob the most expensive parts...
  20. Primordial, never thought of that, but thanks that sorts out my power issue Rekin, GPS receiver is on the metal bar that runs accross the car behind the dash, works the same under the dash or on top... i get the same signal... Alien, power unit in the computer has an ignition wire, when ignition on = PC on... ignition off = PC shutdown procedure...
  21. maybe a few things... i would have taken the buttons on the screen off... there is a way to wire up the power switch to automatically turn on, and off... and if you need to switch between VGA and video input (rear view camera for example) you can use the remote that comes with the screen... might also add some alternate power, eg you can plug it a 12v power supply instead of using car battery when doing updates, or testing stuff out... had it on for about 45 minutes without the car being turned on and the battery didn't like it too much... (had the music/amp running as well...) but for the moment... i'm happy with how its all hooked up...
  22. Thanks for the replies Here are the links to the software; FreeDrive RoadRunner Homepage RoadRunner Forums (on MP3Car) Alpha, it doesn't mute the sound completely reduces the volume level and a nice little voice tells you where to go:) Liiger, Persplex bought from Bunnings... once you have the shape you want and you have cut it out (my house mate found the best way of cutting it... we got a pen knife, heated it till it was red hot then cut straight throught the perspex very "home made" but hey, it worked ) to bend the sides, pretty much the same, used one of those little blow torches heated the persplex, bent it to the angle and waited for it to cool... The 3.5 drive has been in there for a couple of days, maybe give me a little more time to check it out and i'll get back to you for the moment it doesn't seem to mind any sideways action Again, for the moment, the motherboard is working a treat, haven't had any issues with it... still early days though... and as for the onboard videos, its fine, tell you what, when you are watching something on a 7" screen, you dont really need a $1000 video card but looks good (just remember to put the codecs on the machine BEFORE you put it in the car! LOL!)
  23. hahaha... Thanks, think i'm leaving it at that for the moment...
  24. Here it is guys Car PC build
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