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UWISSH! last won the day on July 10 2024

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1 Follower


  • Birthday 20/11/1986

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    95 R33 GTR Vspec, Corolla
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  1. Wait a sec…. You pay for bolts at bunnings? I usually just pocket the 1 or 2 bolts I’m short. everything else is courtesy of work
  2. Remember reading about this not too long ago. been for sale for a long time this is like when the wife says you need to sell the car so you put it up for a ridiculous price no one will pay
  3. You will also need bigger injectors. your factory clutch will be living on borrowed time. welcome to the rabbit hole that it skyline ownership
  4. Very open ended question. the main things would be, what is already done to it, what is your mechanical knowledge/ are you paying for someone to do all the work? and what sort of power/ use for the car are you aiming for? you could eBay all the parts and have it cheap and nasty or you can do it properly. (the first option usually requires you to do the second option later on to fix the mistakes) realistically paying someone and buying all the parts without cheaping out is not going to leave you much change from $15-$20k depending on turbo, ecu and clutch choice.
  5. Bang for buck, simplicity and heaps of aftermarket support I would be looking at what BYP are doing with civics and integras. Really it all depends on what class or what type of Motorsport you are looking to do and also your budget. Budget to one person might completely different to another
  6. Fanatec really is up shit creek though owing quite a lot of money
  7. Well given that these are designed for proper circuit racing guys and made from genuine carbon you would be correct in assuming this
  8. Calm down champ, was just asking. You have stated it had something so I just thought that you might have the info for it.
  9. Never heard of a fully built nismo gearbox. what exactly is in it?
  10. Oofftttt… I remember when I bought genuine ones for $500 delivered from Japan
  11. To me it just looks like an rb25 Freddy plenum.
  12. Sorry if I missed it somewhere, but why are you not just getting an aftermarket ecu and be done?
  13. Just look him up on facebook, he posts stories quite regularly
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