hey Bryn,
you gonna join me on my crusie??? he he he
but there is a fee.
2 fit broad minded personz per car!!! ha ha ha
Skinny dipping fit broad minded personz FTW!!!
O_o some ones a bit grouchy today.....
wait a minute Anna's always like that at work
been there done that this week
You Thai? I Thai too!!
order the Snoop doggy dog, broccoli beef with the beat beat and you don’t stop, some ice cube for your ice T.
ha ha ha
I'm so bored
Stupid restrictions! On stupid computers! can't do much. No java, no flash player, new versions that is, and the stupid site wont play on the old version that was already installed, can’t even update cos I have limited access.
Hey man you have to hit up Hollywood on Orchid ave and all the clubs there. All the theme parks!!! Movie world, Dream World, Sea World and if your crazy enough I think Wet'n'Wild is open. mate if your driving stay away from the spit unless you want to get hassled (Cops and Bogans Ha ha ha) do some water sports, I just went to a bucks week end where we went for a 2hr jet ski safari was awesome!!! Can be expensive though. Oh yeah don’t for get the casino!!! We also had a great not to expensive seafood buffet at waves at the watermark hotel. I love the coast!!! He he he
gotta anna
she sure knows how to make a man smile!!!
i have awesome idea for my soon-to-be crusie!!!
to hinze dam and all go skinny dipping!!!!
ha ha ha
thats alot of flesh!!
finally i can post a reply....
i was like WTF!!
*Slip's $100 into Anna's Bra*
Where's my strap on when i need it
but i think the out come of a crusie i organise will be that i end up at Jupiter gambleing my fuel money!!!!
he he he
hey Anna about not humping Linh........ you can if you want to........ just dont mind my and my camera!!! ha ha ha
know what?
i'm gonna have to organise a crusie for when i get my licence back, man i'll be the same week end as my birthday....
he he he.... i dont even care if no one comes i'm gonna just drive
what do you do shane?
so close to the restaurant last night, if it wasn't for the budget a.
you should of come so i could see the only other person who post in here he he he
ha ha ha i now name you my post buddy!!!
hey anna are you a vegan?
he he he dinner is interesting :laughing-smiley-014:
what's you doing to day shane? where do you work?
can i come to lunch??
I'm hungry.
he he he
i know you like those bags dave and i reakon anna loved her's....
wasn't what i expected, everyone talking over everyone else, heaps of fun, Linh said OMG dave is old but he is one rude man..... he he he
Thanks guys for a great evening, too bad it ended on a little bit of a sour note..... He he he
My fiancé Linh said she enjoyed it to but the humour was a little low brow.... but I’m low brow so its all good....
You guys have now meet my alter-ego Lee, the one that’s been totally whipped. Linh said afterward "That was ok for $60 but I’d rather go to hogs breath and have a steak."
God I love my fiancé!!! He he he
is it that bad????
what i showered last tuesday!!!!
i'm gonna prolly have to shower again tonight for dinner................................maybe...........
predicted to hit level 4 in October people!!! do your part!!!!
FLUSH THE TOILET ONCE ONLY AT THE END OF THE DAY!!! (consider using a shovel to dig a hole in your back yard)
Not only will this save water for you you will save big $$$$$ as water is more expensive than petrol and most soft drinks (which actually have water in them)
end rant...