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Everything posted by phatboi2010

  1. it's cool thanks for getting my hopes up anyway!! he he he
  2. Have it at south bank at the hotel that has those huge beer things I think its called wharf side or something. the marter hospital end of south bank right at the good will bridge. Dam skyline owners you’re all like that Richard dude on the Pizza hut add. Tight Asses!! If I had my licence and you'd ask I would
  3. i dont mind i just need a lift! but i might just get public transport and see i can bum a lift home. come on people. help me make it to my first EVER dinner!!
  4. Hogs breath at carindale!!!! ha ha ha just down the road from me so i'm in like sin (if its there)
  5. What do you mean hand it in? You don't need to hand it in, only not drive. Trust me I’ve done this many times. I only had to hand mine in cos I went to court and had a court ordered suspension. Every other time I just held on to it till was able to drive again. In January I lost all my points and opted 4 3months suspension. Rather than 1 year good behaviour. And I was still driving around and giving my licence to the cops when they ask for it, until the day they actually looked up my profile with it and then made me go to court.
  6. sounds great.
  7. I'll try my best, but for some reason i think half to those post will be me just talking to me. he he he What about that lift to night? I thought your licence as suspended already? or is it next Monday?
  8. good morning all!! looking forward to another productive day at work. personal goal today is 30 post before work is finished.
  9. Murarrie just on the south bank of the gateway bridge.
  10. Morning? shane i think you need to look out side. he he he I need a lift for tommorrow nights dinner..... some one help a brother out...... PM me i'm outta here i just finished another day of work where i spent 80% of my time posting on the net!!! see you all tommorrow for work (God dam it gotta get internet at home )
  11. very sad, but a sting ray of all things. not a snake or a crock? not even one of those world's most posinous sea snake.. a friggin sting ray
  12. I want to come!! But I got no car and no one to drive me..... Any one want to come give me a lift ...... a total stranger ..... but I’d be very appreciative and I’d shout dinner ..... He he he I live near cannon hill shopping centre at Murarrie. Pm me PLEASE!!!
  13. hey byrn did you know that you and i get our licencese back at about the same time. i get mine back 1st December. he he he
  14. a barb through the chest is what did him in
  15. only 3? oh well...... hello to the next person who reads this..... yes i'm talking to you!! now say Hello Back!!!
  16. It’s a Strip club/Lounge Bar at the coast!! Awesome!! Ha ha ha Beautiful Women and great atmosphere. Went with my boys some girlfriends as well they had heaps of fun..... he he he there's a spot where the girls can do a little bit of pole dancing them selves after a couple of drinks... it was AWESOME!!!!!! :laughing-smiley-014: I had a girlfriend and a stripper give me a private lap dance!!! IT WAS SOOOOOOO AAAWWEESSOOMMEE!!! I cant believe they let us do that!!! It was a buck’s party I'll never forget!! The bucks nearly got private lap dances from all of the strippers at the club!!! Some of them were complementary!!!! What a night!!
  17. Hey buddy!! Sounds like a great car, I'v got a Few Girlfriends who live up there. if your interested i'll see if i can dig up there numbers but as for skyline owners i know none.
  18. Good Moring!!!! What a Slow week end for you all!!! I had a great time!!! Wo at the Casino then blew it all at Hollywood!!! HOLLYWOOD FTW!!
  19. So boring!!
  20. That is a good way not to get flamed, i"m still only a noobie my self and even i wanted to this "r33 on fire" i agree 100% with Rhinorebel
  21. if he was a noobe really interested he wold ask to meet people or try to enquire or orgainise a noobie crusie. somebody really did already tell him about where to go. just crusin around brisbane your self and you will find them. just a very sus charater this "R33 on Fire"
  22. i'd did that!! I laughed at all the skids they were talking about then told them i did it too but in my underwear .......... they looked looked at me and asked "Why would you drive with out clothes on?" Friggen BOGANS!!!!!
  23. ha ha ha!! That Sh*T in your Dick has some sh#t on its Dick! any way back O/T when does uni start?
  24. i dont know what your talking about..... its just a little rash.....
  25. OKAY... i wont
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