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Everything posted by phatboi2010

  1. sif Mark could go for an hour
  2. Hmmm.. interesting... Half an hour you say...... is that all he's got
  3. soooo.......... QUITE IN HERE!!!! must be me smell..... HA HA HA i get it now <--- Thats my Smell-O-Meter : Lets not let it hit 100%
  4. your not even coming..... and it aint broke.... <---- thats new he he he dam i'm on 10% what happens when i hit 100%
  5. well... eerrr... feels a little smother the oil we dumped was prolly very new semi synthetic stuff bob put in...
  6. sif use 40 ppp 20 has enough info on it already... and then if i start with the big post just how annoying would that be..
  7. was running good a whiole ago.... just waiting for the clucth and fly wheel to go in... after saturdays fiasco i have PM Dan already just waiting for a reply, atleast Shane came out ontop with a new Mobile phone...
  8. woot bum sex page ownage again!!!
  9. Ban him for stiring shit look what i found
  10. and all the trouble??? i told you rb26 is the better option, almost a straigh swap well according to Lucas... as sif bring up which is a better option... thats only your oppinon and like an areshole everyone has one...
  11. its cool Shane i dont need a new engin yet.... do you need me to show you how to put a radiator cap on?? he He he.... i will with the rb20 in the sil ther is like only an inch of clearence with the gear box droped... but i did get sum interesting advice and am considering changing my engin to a RB26 now to find one and some cash...
  12. go the Silvia.... we're having a mountain run this Friday and i'm gonna have to sort theese skyline boys out he he he
  13. works fine on my comp....
  14. hey its Liz!! who ever the hell you are
  15. ha ha you asked for it... oh its a repost by the way.... pics of my boob job...
  16. i got a boob job.....
  17. is that all she could fit?? i wouldn't call that skill thats just the tip
  18. dude dont you already have enough images for your Spank Bank.... now back to your corner *Points to corner*
  19. post them up woman... Downhill Photo's FTW!!!
  20. thats the most Boob action you've had in a while hey Mike now you can go back to your corner and do some one handed typing
  21. your alright in my books...
  22. Hey Shane, so when are ou getting a new mobile number... can you believe this funny kent, work on my car on saturday with f**k all results and in the End ended up scoring a mobile phone... man i asked everyone shane and noone is missing a mobile... WTF!!! oh well if soime one comes and says "dude have you seen my mobile?" i'll be like He he he
  23. Sif the looser on boostloosing know what they are talking about.... read the first few post and pissed my self laughing.... all turbos need a wastegate be it internal or external, or elso you cant control the amount of boost your hitting. the s6 engin has internal BOV and ther turbo was internally gated, well that was the case on my cousins RX7.... Mike you sure you know what your looking at when it comes to engins....
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