they are alright i guess...
why are you thinking of changing to one of them?? man i've seen some with bits off a NSX looked very sexy...
selling the is200 i might have a buyer for you at the right price... $20,000
(O) (O) <---- Man Boobs for Matt
ha ha ha
in teh wasteland i saw a dude with them on his av listing his shopping list
5 is the max i've seen to...
and only one person hase multiple clubs... (i think it was anna)
will do....
hey shane did i hear some where you can do it??
any way LUNCH TIME
all the classes are back so all the hotties in fashion are back to!! fark its hot at the canteen! hot looking sweaty girls everywhere!! man they have some short shorts
I think i'm gonna have to buy another RB20 engin so i can have it built with forged internals and then wap it into my baby...
man i'm only running 1bar now cos we dont know the real condtion of the engin but with the high flow and all my mods i should be able to run heaps more for more power!!