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Everything posted by phatboi2010

  1. they got it back though the infor was a bit sketchy.... :( HA HA HA good work Sweetie... see you then....
  2. funny how that happends.... hey Matt how much did the is200 cost you? how long ago? i have a mate wantinh to sell his CRX and upgrae to one of them? did you get a sunroof and Leather trim?
  3. yeah!! 5 for me and 5 for you!!!
  4. stop being cheap and make a donation for me
  5. posting just to get my post count up!!
  6. dudes seven of the days top 10 are Queenslanders!! farking post whores!! ... i mean :fergus:
  7. bum sex?
  8. anna broke your back cos you we smsing other women all night long? or is it cos of the hard work on the car yesterday? cos thats what happend to me when i changed my turbo...
  9. My balls are Greasy and you at them last night..... (put this post in cos i know Andy likes reading teh gehy responses)
  10. i got it now i know whos using firefox and whos using IE
  11. Thanks guys... it wired at home i see my Av as Aki with bunny ears and at work i see Jun holding her bra.... not that i'm complaning... Looser.....
  12. dudes does my AV have a chick with bunny ears in it? or a chick holding her bra?
  13. hehehe it doesn't help when Daves trying to get the silicon off his wheels and Andy reving every where!! but up North they are so bogan!! And i swaer that waitress chick was hitting on you!!! oh check out my pink bits!! dude i must of fogot but its all good. it was just a bit cheaper than you quoted there aren't any extra hiddin catches are there?
  14. dude the rang me... they only chardge me 209 but wanted a bond of 275... man you didnt tell me that.... i was gonna drop your name but then.. he he he i couldn't do that now could i....
  15. enough said hehehe the pleasure is all mine!! Sweet go the Statesman!!!! man be and da indian dude couldn't stop laughing the the BMW was the icing on the cake!!!
  16. speaking of Mikey where did that lil girl go?
  17. sorry i had sumthing to say to this post but i forgot it now.... HA HA HA John got Hey Karen you know we you.....
  18. its not you..... its me.... dont lie you love the Attenion, its just pathetic to see all these "boys" posting like little doggs on heat... oh and i have my man rags.... oh meet bryn the last guy you'd ever want to sleep with.... i think you saw a photo of him with chocolate cake / dog shIt all over his mouth...
  19. but she old Yes.... and i never cease to amaze my self eother... hehehe shutter your mouth
  20. dam work now my post is like so last page man!!
  21. Hmm...... it is my issue, but dude read back on the last like 20 pages.... and you'll see what i mean.... i know its a big deal when "girl" comes in here but there is no reason to go loosing your friggin minds.... Dude its just pussy.... they get the gay jokes.... i think they get it more than most of the guys in here, which i know get offened when you call them gay (some not all) (Shaneisghey) well i see i have hit a nerve and i will now appologise and stop this madness.... dude take your own advise as well "you should know that whoretown is all about sarcasm dude, that and all the gay jokes dont work on women. take a step back lee and stop being so serious. we are all here to make the most of work, by not doing any." enough said before i make people cry... "baby its just Jokes... HALF!!" - Eddie Murphy after 5 v's you should be bouncing off the farking walls... not with you!! hehehe just kidding planning my long week end....
  22. mikes typing a report for me
  23. you and others... i didn't say how much you post its about what you post..... man you should read over your post..... basically its all of you waiting on this Anna to post then ignoring everyone elses post and just trying to get her attention its quite..... pathetic but meh its your choice..... John needs to give lee the drugs he's on.....
  24. dont worry about me i'm prolly the only one in her getting Frequent (& Good) sex.... its just funny..... to see how you all react to a girl being here i think you should all go join BC or Cb cos thats exactly how they act over there.... have some integrity pls people... once again its just Pussy...
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