still here i reakon.....
its sad but true.....
I'm a Huge cock and Im proud of it.......
now your turn shane..... repeat after me " I, Shane, am a raging Homosexual"
some defet edidting will make me the fag but meh.....
You could always get talking to him on msn be really friendly then sent him a virus disguised as a photo....
that should stop him for a while
why yes... i got it!!!
you heard it here first John has revield my horrible secret i have a huge cock!!
he can confirm that.... thats not lip gloss just a bit of sweeling gives a whole new meaning to bitting off more than you can chew.....
man on new years i went to malloolabah and i scraped my front bar on thoose huge farking mountians you guys call spped bumps on the main strip....
any way back to it...... In... out... in... out... reach around......
John is a homophobe....
your just jealous that you aren't the center of attention, and that you and shane are lst years news....
welcome to 2007 the Mikie and Lee show!!!