The latest interesting development to note is that the previous Minister for Transport and Regional Services, the Hon. John Anderson MP was recently moved to another portfolio and was replaced with the Hon. Jim Lloyd MP.
This is important because before he moved on John Anderson had indicated a decision on the future of the 15 Year Rule by the end of July 2004. Obviously this is now past. What the new Minister intends to do and his timeframe for doing it are unknown.
However, with an election in the air it would seem to be very worthwhile to make the new Minister aware of the issue, as he is likely to be the one making the decision. It would be a tragedy for all enthusiasts if he were to do so without realising the high level of public interest in retaining the 15 Year Rule as it is.
To maintain the rule long enough to enjoy a large range of 1990+ models, you should make your views known to the new Minister as soon as possible. There has never been a better chance to either postpone or moderate any intended changes. For the best impact, contact with the Minister should be meaningful and concise based on solid arguments and fact. If you need guidance on what to write or say, please read the information on this topic at:
You can also download a thorough discussion paper on this topic from:
Contact details for the Hon. Jim Lloyd MP are:
[email protected]
Parliament House Contact
House of Representatives
Parliament House
Canberra ACT 2600
Tel: (02) 6277 7060
Fax: (02) 6273 7112
Electorate Office Contact
Gosford Office:
91 - 93 Mann Street
Gosford NSW 2250
Postal Address:
PO Box 577
Gosford NSW 2250
Tel: (02) 4325 1604
Fax: (02) 4323 4555