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Everything posted by baron25

  1. I daresay it's possible, but not cheap, in the same way a RHD corvette/mustang/escalade in RHD is possible, despite never being built that way. It'd just be a question of $$$. But the real question is why do you want a LHD model? it's incredibly expensive for something that will never get compliance to be driven on public roads, and i can't imagine LHD vs RHD will give any tangible difference on a racetrack?
  2. The concrete barriers aren't all the way along the freeway, they only cover some sections along the monash - there's works on the westgate side too that have none. I suppose you could only lower the speed limit in sections where workers are exposed, but then people would complain about numerous speed changes, and not being able to see that far ahead. And say one of the barriers cops a hit at 100kph, wouldn't want to be the poor bloke standing on the other side of it when the wall jumps out at you - they aren't fixed to the road surface.
  3. And I'm all for shooting up with a whole bunch of junkies, much safer than doing it in an alleyway alone!\ People in general are lemmings, if someone goes the right speed, others will follow (save for the raging BMW drivers).
  4. Hmmmm..... Not a fan of the stretch past Kennett, probably because you almost always come close to killing a tarago full of tourists at Grey River as the wander over the road for koala photos.
  5. baron25

    Body Parts

    So, i was just wondering. There seems to be an increasing number of parts available for the GTR (spoilers, front bars, undertrays etc) to replace the existing parts. From my understanding, the GTR spent significant time in a wind tunnel to make sure the design had maximum downforce, and the bodyshape was crafted to aid that as much as possible. I know modification is part of the GTR's popularity (all of them , not just the R35), hence the uproar when Nissan enforced the 'no mods' line in the warranty. But is putting all this gear on really a good idea? Unless the developer had significant resources to develop an improvement (HKS is the only one that springs to mind that would have the money AND skillset to do it) wouldn't all the new bodywork look cool, but ultimately make the car slower & possibly destroy the handling balance?
  6. The nurburgring is irrelevant anyway, unless you send two cars off simultaneously you can't really use their times as an accurate comparison anyway. The track is so big that while one part of the track is bone dry the other side can be wet, track temperature from corner to corner changes dramatically, and all the other variables than can be discounted on a 5km circuit that only covers a small area come into effect on a 22km circuit that covers such a large area. Perhaps nissan just tested it on a "perfect" day, or porsche didn't try as hard, or they detuned their GTR. They're hardly going to issue a press release and say "Yes, it's true. The Nissan GTR is significantly faster around OUR test track than our flagship model, and at a significantly cheaper price too." they'll be doing everything they can to discredit the time, it just makes business sense.
  7. Nope, it's between Lorne and Wye River IMO. Ten odd kays of twisty goodness, both uphill and down. And seeing as most of the daytrippers stop at lorne, there less people doing 30kph while they look at the ocean.
  8. probably doesn't help that a lot of workshops offer "Stage 1/2/3" upgrade kits with guaranteed "X-Y"rwkw. Good for them, as they've obviously done it enough that they know what works and what doesn't, and the consumer saves because there's no R&D required. And also i guess a lot of people walk into a garage and just say 'i want 250rwkw', not "I want a GT-SS, 660cc injectors, motec system exhaust and a dual NOS fogger system"
  9. Sounds like you got blacklisted for some reason. Or just had a really poor run of luck. Back in my parents town, there was a guy with a quite similar skyline to mine (colour, age, bodywork, etc). I went back for the first time in months, and was pulled over within a day - Officer warned me about something 'I did the other day, and if i did it again i'd lose my licence", wasn't until he checked the address on my licence he realised his mistake.
  10. just wait till that things hits 88mph...
  11. Geoff, i'm pretty sure the mandate for the thread is "things you don't see every day" and when they only sold less than 200 (i think) to see one actually being driven is quite a surprise. I'd have expected the majority to go into mothballs once bought. An for a piece of "agricultural crap" the inside of a new Calais V is quite a nice tractor to be in.
  12. They stopped being cars long ago - the full on show cars would have lost roadworthiness long ago, and if you don't drive it for fear of damaging your 11ty billion watt stereo, or cracking bodywork etc, you don't have a car. Autosalon was never a car show, it was an art exhibition. Art serves no useful purpose, save for its own aesthetics. A car that cannot be driven serves no useful purpose other than aesthetics.
  13. HSV W427 at Monash Uni on Wednesday - those thing look so much meaner on the road than they did at the motor show!
  14. I'd be careful de+t'ing your car - N-DAWG seems to be making so much power it's opened up a vortex in the space time continuum in front of his numberplates! Flux capacitor FTW.
  15. I wouldn't be too sure on that one. Apparently half the impound yards are astons, GT3's etc taken off the midlife crisis set. I know they were hunting a GT3 in victoria for quite some time, don't know if they got him or not.
  16. I wonder when one will turn up at P1?
  17. Now, if they are capable of making THAT, why have they wasted their time with all the other rubbish in the dealerships?
  18. Everyone seems to be ignoring the fact that, for 75% of the time TG's been on air, Schumacher was reigning multiple F1 world champ, and thus wouldn't have had the time to nip back to the UK for a couple of days a week to shoot a lap. He' was there because it's his personal car, as others have pointed out - no way in hell i'd be letting anyone else drive MY unique bespoke hypercar at full pelt around a track. There is multiple stigs, but I'd be willing to bet that the powerlap one is the same guy, so there's consistency (I know TG isn't renowned for its accurate, unbiased journalism, but it wouldn't be hard to get one guy to do the lot for consistency's sake). I think they only get ringer stigs for special occasions (eg. The stig who drove the renault F1 was Heikki Kovalienen, renault test driver at the time). Apparently there's a line in his contract that if his identity is outed by anyone (Hammond, May and Clarkson included) he gets sacked instantly, so it's in his best interests to keep it quiet.
  19. Apparently all the infrastructure is there to build it RHD at the canadian plant, but GM isn't planning on spending the $30mil in tooling to get it up un running in the current financial situation. Give it 12-24 months, and it may be an entirely different story - carmakers are notorious for changing their minds at shot notice. Remember RR's decree that 'we will never build a convertible Phantom' or Porsche never building a sedan?
  20. sure it's not development work on another one of these? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lOgFPOG-fsY...feature=related
  21. So i was reading my new edition of motor (as I do), and there was a letter in there from a bloke, who read of an english guy who put two Yamaha R1 (superbike) engines together to make a 2L V8 with 270kW. How is this possible? I'd have thought to do that you'd have to cut the block into pieces etc, thus when you put it back together the thing would have become a grenade.
  22. Sandown would have been there long before, but expansion brought it in, just like Calder was once a drive out of town. It's only a matter of time before the airport is inner suburbs, and geelong is part of melbourne!
  23. Okay, you've got a point now in the 'low level turbo' thing. But it doesn't mention anything about changes to the "MUST NOT DRIVE A VEHICLE WITH AN ENGINE MODIFIED TO INCREASE PERFORMANCE" law. So you can have your GTI or Liberty Turbo, but the moment you start "windin' up the boost" you're back to square one in driving an illegal car. It's pretty clear the government, Insurers, Vicroads, Police, Illuminati and whoever else you like to implicate don't want p-platers to have hi-po cars. Half brained police might not be able to tell a GT-SS from a T88 (although TMU officers probably could), but they can definitely tell what doesn't look like it came with the car, and someone who knows what they're talking about is only a radio call away.
  24. you know what i mean, the odds of someone with a single digit plate being nearby are astronomical (that being said, i followed "27" down the monash a few weeks back) - if you decide to go for a personalised plate the individuality isn't nessecarily there is "SKYLIN", "SKYLNE", "SKYLN3", "SKYLYNE", "SKILYNE" , "SK1LYNE" and the infinite number of permutations mean you 'individual' plate isn't as individual as you might think. Whereas, single digits, well, there's only nine of them.
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