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Everything posted by baron25

  1. Yeah, that's what i mean. She'll still be running in the engine at that stage, I was unsure it towing a boat, motors and all our race gear across the country would be a good idea on an un-run motor.
  2. Nightcrawler - Thanks for that, I appreciate the help. Sorry for breaking the etiquette! Rhys - Thanks for that, not really after surf conditions, after racing in 10ft break yesterday i'm kinda glad it's glassy, don't know if my body would cope with another beating! The racing is part of the Surf Lifesaving competition program, racing the rescue ducks. I'm not suprised you haven't heard about it, it doesn't get much exposure, but it's a growing sport. If you're keen on checking it out, head down to Port N on the 6th and 7th of June. 6th is the Vic v SA challenge, and the Sunday is regular competition.
  3. Hey Folks, Quick question, is anyone here from, or know much about Port Noarlunga? My team is racing powerboats there in a few weeks time in a Victoria vs SA challenge, just wondering if anyone could tell me anything about the beach? (I'm from one of the Vic teams obviously) Cheers, Nick
  4. So a friend of mine just bought herself a brand new RAV4, and will have it for a total of three weeks before she was planning on driving it to SA from Melbourne (1500km round trip). Just a quick question, if it's new new, and she would still need to run in the engine properly, bed in the brakes etc, is it a good idea to tow a boat almost to Adelaide or not?
  5. wow. $2400 + Labour for a 30kw gain. Really hardly seems worth it.
  6. RA28 Celica Fastback. Old School Cool.
  7. I was always warned against it as in the event of an accident, that's a lot of steel dangling around your knee/hip area to hurt you. (that being said i did have a large padlock on my keys at the time, so i wouldn't lose it)
  8. It's a little more complicated than "x" Power = "y" Time you need to take into account suspension tune, driveline, how good you are between gears, all that stuff comes into account too. That's why you haven't been inundated with figures.
  9. Or even better, get your hands on an LSX from GM. 7.5L, 620HP, 800nm, and factory warranty too.
  10. Not on a road car, but if it's a track car or a trailer queen, anything's fair game.
  11. I don't mean to weigh in here, but maybe you need to do a little research before you go down that road. Firstly, as said before SC's do make sound, and then some (SC make a pronounced whining noise all the time, not very stealthy now is it?) and Turbos don't always make BOV noses either, only ones with externally venting BOV and Wastegates do - proper (stock) ones dump the excess air back into the intake line quietly (with the added benfit of not running rich too). SC's have BOV's as well, in all likelihood it's not the turbo or SC the police will notice, it's the huge exhaust, intercooler and fact that a p-plater has a skyline that will attract attention. After that they'll go over it with a fine toothed comb. I got stopped by TMU (highway patrol) at my parents town once, and interrogated by the roadside over burnouts and drag racing, while they pulled apart my car (despite the fact that I haven't lived in the place for 2 years) purely because someone with a similar car rolls about town.
  12. Ha. I'd say the $160K pricetag still puts it in 'super' territory for the time being.
  13. +1 for Ocean Rd. Either as far as Apollo, and then back through the Otways to Colac, or only as far as Lorne then up through the hills to Colac (good drive, and a different road to the one the GOR cruise usually takes, if you want a change.) While you're there stop at the pub in Wye River (15min west of Lorne), good food and the Otway Estate beer they have on tap is really good (go for the summer ale) EDIT: I wouldn't worry about debris on the road and whatnot, I've lived down there for the past 4 years or so, and there's rarely significant things on the road, only during 20-50 year storms is there anything to worry about.
  14. I think they let you choose, provided their preference is too far away. Other than that, they're pretty good - i got wiped out by a guy with no insurance, and when he refused to sign anything official saying he was uninsured, they were cool about it. I think they called him and got (tricked) him into admitting he was uninsured. But the bottom line is, they looked after me, and that jerk possibly has no house now.
  15. punctuationorban.
  16. Those changes would make sense, purely for the fact that like the article states, a growing number of makes (namely germans) are building low output, high efficiency turbos. But i think it's something that they'd look long and hard at, as it's potentially giving the opportunity for new drivers to boost up the cars into dangerous levels. I know some will think 'how much could it possibly be', but if you could screw another 50-60kw (not unthinkable either, exhaust, filter, and some more boost would get you close) out of it, then you'd be approaching the magical 150kw mark, which is acknowledged as the limit for FWD's like VW's. Give that to someone who doesn't quite understand things like torque steer etc, and it'd be dangerous. Really it's a reversal of the loophole that existed in NSW for awhile, which said "No turbo/supercharged vehicles" - which just made p-platers switch over to RX-8, 350Z and S2000's.
  17. +1 For RE Customs. I went there for 100,000 Service, in and out in no time, and surprisingly rather than do everything and charge me $1k+, they only replaced what needed replacing and said that the pump, belt etc still had about 40,000k in them, so come back then! (saving me about $600). Only complaint I had was that the girl on the desk was a bit of an artwork - Looked nice, but was of little practical value.
  18. You can buy them, but they aren't road legal - anywhere. And they stay under lock and key at Fiorano, and you only get to drive your car at Ferrari organised/endorsed track days. But apparently they do use them for product development, so for the $squillion dollar cost, you get to be a Ferrari test driver. EDIT: You can't actually buy one, like most of the hyperspecial ferraris now, you need to be one of Ferrari's 'preferred customers' (ie, absurdly rich and already own several Ferraris) to be invited to buy one.
  19. baron25

    Hoon Laws

    Not nessecarily the case, there was a piece in the Age a few months back that the 'hoon' laws were getting a lot of midlife crisis drivers (which they found a surprise) and that the impound lots were filled with as many 911's/Jags/Astons as they were WRX/Supra/Skylines. I think they're a good idea, as back home there is a lot of problems with 'hoon' behaviour (resulting in a number of commodore/powerpole related deaths in the past few years). One guy even asked the police if he would be allowed to proceed the funeral motorcade doing burnouts and drifting his commo, because that's how his mate would want to be remembered. A lot of the boys back home work as apprentices, getting payed bugger all, and they pour pretty much every cent they earn into their car - the prospect of losing all that money and effort is a real deterrent for them. Maybe not the first time they lose their car (24hrs isn't it?) but when faced with the reality of losing it permanently does get to them, and i know a few who, when facing strike three, decided it was a good idea to join the local drag club. My 2c
  20. Another thought, after two years, won't pretty much all the oil have drained into the sump? I'd be concerned about metal/metal contact when i started it.
  21. You know, for the record, HSV Clubbies and GTS are marketed in the middle east as CSV's (Chevrolet Special Vehicles) - I see tonnes of them (HSV Factory is just down the road) Does that make the entire middle east tryhards? That being said, back home i did once see a rodeo de-badged and replaced with a ford badge. Problem was, it was the model rodeo that didn't have the lion insignia, rather the word 'holden' across the front, and so in thick black plastic, it still said 'holden' just with a blue oval over the L and D.
  22. Le Mans in dandy look good, 80km/hr karts, three outdoor tracks, and good (if a little pricey) race packages http://www.lemansgokarts.com.au/ been meaning to go there for awhile.
  23. Where to start, in the last 48 Hours i've seen: BMW M5 in Acland St Tailgated by a V8 Vantage down the freeway F430 Outside Crown Black Countach Down Acland St
  24. Saw a truckload of them the other day too - They're Clubbies for export to Saudi Arabia, sold as a Chevrolet CSV CR8
  25. But where's the actual camera?
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