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Everything posted by ctjet

  1. I think the british media are looking for their next bad guy... and to them Alonso seems to fit that bill
  2. yo... samedy sam?
  3. 3rd one by far... unless you could spray the second one to have a much deeper blue
  4. It takes some real balls to go side by side into Eau Rouge on cold tyres, thats for sure. How dare Hamilton complain against someone cutting infront of him. He's showed on more than a couple of occasions that he more than willing to chop people to keep his position. Grow up buddy, this is how championships are won and lost. Flawless races my both Mclaren and Ferraris team leaders, Massa seems to have given up on any WDC hope he had, and setup data sharing (or the lack of) looks to be hurting Hamilton
  5. What a real cockroach Mosley is
  6. heard about this first thing this morning Guy was a real character, RIP mate
  7. learn your lesson by any chance?
  8. Im looking to get a bike helmet and found one particular. Looks like im getting an AGV GP Pro - Aramyde/Carbon Fibre Shell - Super Light Shell - Removable /Washable Coolmax Liner - X-Vent Ventilation System - Starting from $529.00 Its extremely comfortable which is the most important thing im told.
  9. So then it begs the question... Why wasnt Toyota dragged through the mud when the two Ferrari employees stole documents back in 2002? It was a carbon copy case that was far are more extreme, not to mention blatant. Almost all of Toyotas lead engineers knew what was happening and in 2003 produced a Toyota that looked surprisingly Ferrari-esque... and? Nothing happened at all. Ferrari never went after Toyota it went after the rouge engineers, and rightly so. Here we have two completely different cars (as you've no doubt read about on itv.com) and they lose everything they've all worked so hard for. Now we have the same situation 5 years later and BAM!! 100 million bucks later we have an outcome. You cant tell me that there isnt a bit of discrepency there? I could tell you the answer but you obviously probably already know
  10. lol... listen, the way this season has rolled on, im sure in the remaining races we'll still find some rediculous reason to get into it about something I posted this before but its just as relevant here too...
  11. Your a gun Sif drive with no licence these days man... dun wanna risk the bike licence either
  12. wait... go back Did you just accuse me, a good portion of the people in this thread, pitpass.com, planetf1.com, grandprix.com, the ITV commentary team, Eddie Jordan, both Stirling Moss and Jackie Stewart and most sane and rational people of all having a cry? Are serious or what... you couldnt possibly be that daft, because if you are for your own personal credibilities sake you probably shouldnt comment anymore on this. But i fear this, and your argument, might be a discussion that takes everybody in circles
  13. I can say that because Kimi and especally Massa aren't going to win shit... but best of luck to the Kimster, at least he'll make it interesting Make no distiction... to the people who matter, Ron Dennis IS Vodafone Mclaren Mercedes. He is the heart and soul of that team and the ethos that is Mclaren Mercedes is very much modelled around his methodoligy To bad your opinion doesnt mean shit to Max Mosely or the FIA. Didnt you read the bit where i said punshment didnt fit crimes? There was like a whole paragraph on it. Really? No joke... thats what that 100 million dollar fine was for? thanks for clearing that up champ, we'd be fkn lost without you. While we're all here got any other pearls of wisdom you'd like to share with us, or do you like just blurting out any nonesensical prattle that spews from you piehole?
  14. I have read the articles and i realise im not making myself clear. People are focusing on small details and not looking at the saga as a whole. Here we are with Alonso, Pedro, Coughlan and Stepney the only guilty parties here that we know of and yet all four remain unpunished?! Instead the of chasing down the accused the FIA has chosen to go after Mclaren as a Team ignoring the fact the their own team principle supplied the crux of the prosecutions argument... in good faith mind you. And what did account for? 100 fkn million dollars. Thats what. Why are they chosing to punish the team because of the actions of a few? If your penalising the WHOLE team because of one persons actions, why arnt Ferrari being punished because of their employees actions? Their employee is just as much to blame. The Mclaren team were completely honest about what they knew, but here two drivers who knew a good portion of the scandal said nothing and are allowed to retain their licences?! How is it that Ron Dennis the only becon of light in this whole sorry story is the one who has to fork out $100mil?? Why aren't they taking that out of Fernando's salary? He'll still rock up to the bank and collect his 35 mil at the end of the year. People are labeling it as a witch hunt because it was the perfect excuse to take Mclaren (more like Ron) out of the title race and hand it over to Ferrari. I know it, you know it, and so do literally tens of millions of others. The WMSC is punishing the wrong people and its sickening to watch. To go after a man like Ron Dennis with their dirty tricks is beyond reprehensible. He has more credibility in his left pinky finger than the enire F1 sporting body combined, and thats the irony of this case. One of the only honest men left in the sport is being accused of cheating by... Ferrari. Dear god kill me now because if you dont i might just keel over from laughing. None of these punishment fits any of these crimes. I could literally go on for hours but the more i think about this the more it makes me think as to why i should watch any more of the season knowing that any of the winners dont deserve their place. Thanks for listening, ill be here all year... dont forget to tip you waitress
  15. Alonso will be in a Renault next year folks... lock it into your calanders
  16. The problem people have with the ruling is that because of the actions of one stray employee, under the current rules, the rest of the team has to punished. Consistently referring to 'them' doing the wrong thing is disrespectful to those who had nothing to do with the scandal.
  17. I really have to agree with that. Either kick them all out or leave them all alone. If the FIA has found them guilty as a team, they should be punished as a team. This judgement is making a mockery of the system and insulting its fans.
  18. exactly
  19. lol... what a joke, who else thought o Dr evil when they handed out a fine for get this... $100,000,000 makes for some compelling reading... cant wait to see how the FIA justify this
  20. Yeah sorry man... look id love to pick it up but... i got no licence dude How long till you get the car back off Rob? If its soon ill come get the turbz and check out the new mods
  21. I have a sinking feeling that Mclaren are going to be punished tomorrow. A decision on the case will be made within hours of the case being heard… which to me, sounds fairly ominous
  22. we should walk around together man... thatd be awesome
  23. That is just totally awsome... very helpful to the current situation also Well done
  24. That was absolutely fantastic ... theres really nothing more to add
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