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Everything posted by ctjet

  1. LOLLLL http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mQhBcdNkvO4 Massa was holdinng up Alonso in the final sector, Alonso must have had enough and it looks like he made his point to Massa in the final corner
  2. god damn it these cars are getting worse and worse
  3. What about big brother uplate?!?!?? ... wont somebody think of the children
  4. hopefully its not one of those hoonish skyline guys
  5. Pursuant to Megan's Law, I am obligated to tell you that I am a convicted sex offender Welcome to the forums dude
  6. The no bins thing is a bit of a stretch... they do have bins, but they are hidden within an office desk as a false draw I quite like that one, the sight of open rubbish bins in such a purpose built clean building would get my goat too
  7. We're told its part of the team culture, by keeping a clean workspace it encourages employees not to make a mess in the first place... you know 'next to godliness' and all that
  8. the 'Brand Centre'
  9. true, but unless you track it i dont think average joe would even notice
  10. The sad reality of todays pseudo fans is that most of them could recall Schumi's great achievements of by heart and give you running statistics about his career from the late nineties. But ask them a simple question about the pre schumi Ferrari and you'd stump a good portion of them. Luckily most of the ones in here are on the ball and are not just blind followers of the schum like some forums i've come accross. One year i was walking around Albert park on a saturday in some down time and i kept seeing Ferrari flags in a particular section. I acctually asked most of them and asked what the 'S' stands for in the 'S.F.' at the bottom of the Ferrari emblem was and only 2 guys could answer me correctly!!... 2!!! seriously wtf? I dont mind fans of a team, but idiots shit me
  11. 70%...? bit self obsessed arnt we? I'd would say that for as many Ferrari fans as there are out there, there's an equivalent amout of people are over the constant negative press and attitude they have towards the rest of the feild and sport in general. But dont get me wrong, I want the scuderia in F1 too... every drama needs a bad guy
  12. bit dissappointed at the fact that it wont be WW2 gameplay anymore... It was always far better than the crap that they base games on these days. The historical storylines and (sometimes) actual events is what made it special
  13. The inevitable Ferrari connection in all things scandalous was the point i was trying to make
  14. see below Schumachers manager, therefore Schumacher representative, therefore ferrari affiliated, therefore Ferrari
  15. Everything about that whole fcuking team makes me sick I cant even remember the last time there was a controversy in F1 that didnt involve them in some way
  16. ffs why is it always bad news when Ferrari people are involved
  17. ... im never speaking to you again
  18. Winkelhock to replace Albers
  19. ctjet

    Damn Taxes!

    through a certain type of loan we have with the bank, something about negatively geared tax breaks, dont really know the finer details, but it has everything to do with a Trust im involved in... my uncle set it all up because he's a legend and now everybody involved never pays tax again because we'll always get it all back, plus more
  20. ctjet

    Damn Taxes!

    Ill get back all the tax i paid during the year plus about 8 grand... my uncle is a champ w00t free month long European holiday!!!
  21. ^^^ x2
  22. i used to call my old car 'money'... between cops, mods, fines, maintenance, accidents, clutches, petrol, Autobahn and general fcuking around the damn thing cost me a small fortune
  23. depends if you got a cheap knock off fibreglass one or a top quality original that has flex in the bar... Better quality bumber gives you more wriggle room for avoiding damage
  24. LOL it least it has rims and looks very clean but how can you not afford $1000 repair bill, but be able to get a new car... have i missed something?
  25. LOL so very random
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