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Everything posted by ctjet

  1. LOL as if stand all the good corners are gone completely gone by 8:30, theres always a place to watch, just not any in the good parts of the track
  2. Agreed then... Everyone stop hooning and we'll all pick another hobby from the list Shotgun raping and theiving
  3. Awesome idea! looks clean too, the mangled backyard job makes you feel like a cheap ass
  4. $120 to watch stunt driving all day withthe occasional bit of work, sounds like a bit of a deal (cash too) ... too bad im working
  5. I swear you must work pretty fast cause all you do is talk crap all day here and at work

  6. might want to get this moved into the QLD section for a more targeted audience...
  7. Vic laws, but im assuming the hoon laws a fairly similar state to state
  8. yeah but then id have to live in WA... who really wants that deep down you know what i mean
  9. Officer Pettet must be responsible for this...
  10. Jesus, they went to a lot of effort to just rob a guy. Unless they have big mouths i dont like your chances of finding them either
  11. All three will happen - you'll get fined fairly heavily - lose 3 points - and get the car taken from you after a couple fines Really not worth it anymore. Just go and buy that 88 Laser you had your eye on
  12. this video is where its at ppl... >>> Veyron vs R1 <<
  13. 33 GTS i would assume
  14. HA!!! nsw has nothing on the local vic coppers
  15. its like... they know me so well i guess the jig is up
  16. searching the forced induction stickies would be the way to go
  17. Maybe its Howard coming back from Iraq and the guy in the F-18 cant decide whether to shoot him out of the sky or not ... i say go for it
  18. lol why nobody just pays 20 baht for a taxi is beyond me
  19. VN will get you less attention than the (in)famous VL, and a VN has waaaay more room in it. Plus the interior is... 'good' isnt the right word, better than the VL thats for sure. Plus you can leave a VN anywhere and not have to worry about it because frankly, who cares? its a VN The VL dash can be quite a lot of fun if you pick up a problem child... and good luck getting the air con to work
  20. quote of the day...
  21. go the 1.8 turbz then
  22. Easier if you just go and buy some '06 honda merchandise, cross off the old sponsor's and scrible the new super Aguri logo onto it ... If they can do it why can you
  23. tailgating SOB
  24. Paul morris was throwing the elbows around thats for sure. Kemal is an absolute gun. He would have cleaned up all three races if he hadnt have spun with a couple of laps to go. Its so much more entertaining than V8 Supercars thats right, i said it
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