dont see that kind of insane shit in Abu Dhabi do you?
nando and massa continue to under perform here, and feels good, really enjoying it
hamo schooling des niggas yet again, race is going to be fcuking sweet
Anybody else notice that many of the classic race tracks are making a comeback, and that the Tilke-dromes are falling by the way side one by one
Once Austria replaces either India or Korea, the calendar is starting to slowly resemble that of the late 90's
Kimi is still clearly looking to move
Only place I see him going would be to replace massa and team up with fernando
While good in theory will be an extremely difficult team to manage
looking like more and more reputable sources are reporting that Disco is locked into that second seat
yeah... im happy about
would have been great to see kimi and seb go head to head
but Dan is a great guy, a lot of potential, makes sense that RBR stick to their young driver program