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Everything posted by ctjet

  1. read what he says underneath in the post... somehow i feel less sorry for him
  2. tell em to piss off... say you bought it for $12K theres no way they'll find out as long as you ask the seller to tell them the same thing. I remember a long time ago i bought a skyline off an unnamed import company and we arranged a 'small discrepancy' with the invoices...
  3. ahh the good old days of the backyard mods... so good, yet so dodgy
  4. lol... the super mario mo in the first pic is funny as
  5. wow, there's not a lot to him... Frank might have a better chance of points in 07 if he diched the F1 car and strapped Nakajima to the wheelchair... at least you know its gonna finish more races
  6. i think the answer you looking for is.... just smash out the fcuking cat... sounds unbelieveable
  7. any increase in exhast dia. will give you a performance gain... it is better if its cat back obviously. Cat back is all you really need anyway, turbo back is an unecessary expense... "bang-for-buck" wise anyways
  8. fark you ask a lot of question kent....
  9. my daily driver skyline didnt have a radio... took it out for some reason and just never wanted, or needed, it back The car always produced a better sound than the radio ever did
  10. never trust a person that says "trust me"...
  11. oh son of rajab that thing is ugly...
  12. metal gear solid Sure the story to it is good, but actually playing the game is uber ghey. All that sneaking around and shit pffft who can be arsed... gimme Medal of Honour any day
  13. hahahaha apparently they dont like it as much when you do it to them... go fig
  14. yeah would be hard to find a 3 inch that'll make it under 90db mine used to be 115, but that system was rediculous...
  15. needs more gauges... other than that tis very hot... the new rims dont quite make the cut tho
  16. w00t!!! looking better and better for 07!!!! Two major additions to Mclarens areo department
  17. www.pitpass.com where has this been hiding!?!?
  18. or even better... why even buy an R31 at all :sorcerer:
  19. these are just some designs some people with way too much time on their hands have done so that you can better understand the livery. The second one looks like sex in my humble opinion. Im glad they kept that chrome paint on it, in real life that looks absolutely unreal...
  20. I got this sent to me from another site, and apparently its a shot from a testing session in Jerez. Whether its real or just an interim livery for a Vodafone promo is still up for debate. Either way it looks sort of ok, im sure the final design will look better. But i still think this sport has way too many red and white cars circulating in it, so hopefully Mclaren tone down the red Vodafone livery on the sidepod. PS. takes a very skillful cameraman to get in the tree like that and still be able to take a half decent picture
  21. just came across this little piece of trivia ... thats pretty impressive
  22. yeah the paint on the second 34 is secks i like the headlight effect too
  23. someone should start anther poll about this
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