hahaha i just saw those pics on f1onboard.com
Mclaren reckon that their new paint lessens the areo drag of the whole car... these ppl are full on man
i love them so much
yea i meant burnt games can be played on it without the need for a chip (eg.messiah chip)... this is just wat some local shmucks are telling me anyway
i not to fond of mucking around with the internals of the thing
just dont damage your rims... the risk of scratching the shit out of them if/when u blow your tyres is a little too great for me
just paint some stock rims black and use those. liners with black stockies on the back look tuff
im going thro the same thing now... i got pulled over on august 30th and got the summons yesterday
you wont get away withit u just hav to wait for the summons
J-spec are pretty good...
i got my liner ages ago and they didnt screw me around at all, and i got a dam good price on it too
i spoke to a guy called Craig someone hear might no him.... maybe Funky Monkey?
you can run no centre muffler with a rear cannon and 4inch tip...
sortof wat i ran in my first skyline and sounded tuff as, if that fails then u can empty ur cat and it will sound amazing
P.S. cops will love it too tho
u can but make sure the engine can support the power or u'll end up like HOTLIN... he had a T04and hes enine went f*kn BAAANNNNGG!!
but im sure ur smarter than that