Hi Guys,
I'll make a deal with you, someone tell me how to post up photos and I'll show you my 3071 with .82 housing. Yes it is the genuine 5023 cartridge. I bought this one to see if guys like Disco Potato were right about it being the perfect street turbo.
The difference with this one is, it is from ATP with the anti-surge holes in the intake. 60mm turbine wheel, A/R 50 71mm compressor. All work carried out by Luis from Drift Garage. Let me tell you he is a great bloke and I highly recommend him. Will probably need to enlarge the dump pipe to four inches as I don't want to go back to a split dump again. Otherwise all is well and the intake is 4" into 3" to original air box. Managed to use the old oil feed but made up braided lines for water. Cut the old metal blow off valve tube and used rubber hose for last 100mm's.
Anyhow, tell me how to load photos and I'll give you more info. Thanks to Dale, Disco, Mafia and Lithium. Good previous posts from all and helped with decision.