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Everything posted by InExtremis

  1. Hey cheers Micko ... if you or 25GTT are withing walking distance from ECU, I wouldnt mind checking out your rides whenever your available ... since im buying one I should probably have a decent look at one.
  2. lol .. Cheers Nizmo, Id wave but you'd probably think i was hitting on you! Jokes aside, thanks ill look out for your plates.
  3. I didnt lean over and smell it but yeh your prolly right. He's stashed it under his bed .. he was hell worried that there were camera's in the GBT but from memory there arnt ...
  4. Oh yeh ... me amn my mate went down the GBT the other weekend ... he ended up taking a framed picture on the wall, stuffing it down his shirt and running about 500m down the road. Anyway ill keep a lookout for u're line. You seen that silver 33 around this area? PVA: whats that about chicks name?? thats spelt Dene ... doh. Same as Joe can be spelt Jo ... catch my drift ..
  5. wah? you feeling ok PVA?
  6. Cheers guys Thanks .. nah 25GTT .... getting my line in November ... and yeh your right I cant wait till November. Joondulup huh? Are you close to ECU?
  7. Well Ive been using (mainly reading) the forums for months now, getting my line in November and looking forward to cruises with you guys so I figured I should introduce myself. Ive been talking with Joe a bit on ICQ (apparently otherwise known as manwhore .. stupid etc.), anyway prolly a good thing to get to know ppl a bit. Name's Dean, live in Joondalup .... blah blah obviously mad keen on Skylines ... yeh not the best at introductions Anyway G'day everyone.
  8. I rekon ... this is the funniest thing Ive seen on the forums Maybe people will try searches now NB. Not taking a shot at Omurru.
  9. lol .... there you go ... someone told you to search before I did and when I started writing the post no-one had replied. I rest my case.
  10. Do a few searches etc. for old threads before asking questions cause alot get recirculated. These questions have all been answered lots of times before but since your a newb, ill fill you in a little. 1. HICAS came as standard fitment to all R33 GTS-t's. 2. This has been asked a hundred times. No, your standard GTS-t is rear-wheel drive. The R33 GTS-4 4WD Skyline is available but they are all non-turbo. Hope that helps. InExtremis
  11. lol .... by the look of it they took a Tonne of extra footage and only used a few seconds, common practice I guess. How many times did they get you to pull out of your driveway?
  12. yeh you got us there. Hey nice going with the vid. Liked your exit there lol. So did they ask you to do all that stuff like start wiping your line or did they just come at the right time. Anyway glad you got it back.
  13. Nah I got it working ..... its just the new version of DivX, its just over a month old, I downloaded it from download.com or whatever and its working fine now. Dark try that if downloading it again doesnt work.
  14. Alright I'll see if I can download a newer DivX version but usually the codecs are almost the same. ... anyway ill let you know if i find anything ..
  15. yeh thats it MetBlue ... at the 12 second point where he says "upmarket" .... I got like every video editor (my other hobby) but i have no idea how i could get it to you. Anyway hopefully cutting it will work ... ?
  16. yep same here .... gets to a point with that guy talking and then the frame freezes ... from then on i can only hear audio ... is this the problem your talking about darK?
  17. Nah its all good, it'll be working sweet soon for everyone to enjoy.
  18. What are you talking about? Mine is flying at 0.2 kb/s !! 6 hrs 11 minutes and its all done. Some of you are just never satisfied.
  19. Hell yeh foshan .... I wouldnt hesitate a second with that sticker.
  20. Off the topic JiMiH, but can you check your PM.. cheers.
  21. How long you been paying it back for? And how much you pay back week/fortnight?
  22. Cheers SS8_Gohan .... R34GT-T at age 19 ... not bad at all
  23. lol .... discussion on when easter is. Yeh I think its late april too but sometimes I think its early. Good luck a5h, keep us posted.
  24. Yeh I went to singapore last July. Nice City ... except i was fully aware of the car prices and I couldnt believe it. I was told while I was there that you cant own a car thats more than 10 years old (except all your taxi's are driving OLD corolla's) ... anyway ... pretty insane huh?
  25. Yeh, Im gonna look for a job on Friday, gotta start somewhere I guess. I like the 19th b/day present buying half your car. My parents havent given me a b/day or christ. present in like 2 years so I might ask for a special one this year.
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