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About MrGTST

  • Birthday 12/02/1979

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  • Car(s)
    Stagea RS4 Type S

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  1. I have mine up for sale, just paid rego today for to, now rego'd till Christmas... Its bascially a clean, stock example of a series II in manual... http://www.carsales.com.au/all-cars/privat...6&silo=1011
  2. Currently playing Army of Two on the 360 .. its been good fun, just completed and startingto play through the second time... And will be playing Vegas 2 when its released in a couple of weeks
  3. Nizmo did my car and I was happy with the job
  4. Was playing COD4 online but my Xbox "Red Ring'd" itself.... only to find out EB dont have any xbox's in stock anywhere in Perth.... So in short yeah I play it but I wont be any time soon....
  5. Bet you havent gotten all the flags yet!!! I finished it yesterday.... the only thing outstanding that I havent done is the finding all of the flags in each city and defeating all the templars... oh and apparently I didnt talk to lucy enough cause I didnt complete that achievement either...
  6. Mine had the check engine light come on intermittantly for a few weeks... got it checked with the consult software and it was from memory a "ignition problem"... in short it turned out to be a faulty coilpack so I threw in a set of splitfires and its been great ever since
  7. Got mine complied at Nizmo in Queensland... then sent by rail across to Perth where I took it to the Pits at Whelshpool to get licenced.... No drama's, the bloke actually knew what it was, had no issues with the dark glass and he only picked up that I had a headlight out which he said just change the bulb mate.... he asked if it had an immobiliser to which I said yep and that was it... So yeah you wont have any dramas provided the guys at the pits dont pick on your mods ( it will be the cosmetic ones they can easily see )....
  8. Bah any driving game that MAKES me use the analog stick, I wont be buying.... *grumbles*
  9. Harrah!!!.... I own the most ecconomical stagea possible.....
  10. Yes.... Just . like . that . one .... Just a moment *sounds of a phone number being dialled in the background...* If I had some extra cash right now I would snap it up so fast
  11. If I ever see one in a series II black I will own one too
  12. No I didnt know you could play online with chipped/upgraded 360's... But never the less I wont try anythign with my console until my 2 year EB warranty expires I think... just in case
  13. I wont be chipping my 360... cause I love playing online too much
  14. Occasionally I will let go the usual "Come on!!! Get Round!!!!!" but that is usually when I am trying a U-Turn in a residental street so its probably my own fault... as for car park driving 99% of the time its fine.....
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