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Everything posted by MrGTST

  1. Yeah true.... I thought the pole should have done some damage And the jumping the car into the back of the boat.... Now thats good timing
  2. I think what people are getting at is that if people like steve are supporting the club then the events will more likely be held at his workshop..... thats the impression I got..... I don't have a problem with any of it though.... I think they are making a point more aboput tieing down events to specific workshops and locations rather than specific people in the commitee in being " in power "
  3. Yes .... Yes it would..... But unfortunatley we were stuck with the evo as the lead car.... why didnt the cops let him use his won car.... now that would have been cool.... The only part I really had to scoff at was the double nos over the supra off the jump.... now thats a bit far fetched...
  4. Hmmm interesting thread... thanks for the link.... Yeah that R34 was nice..... the venting was cool..... I just a little dissapointed though as I thouhgt the R34 was going to be the lead car in the movie.... Instead we got 5 minutes of it at the start and that was it...
  5. Hey guys.... I see that thread about starting an official SAU WA club... thats all well and good and I have put my thoughts into it, but people keep referring to the other thread.... where the hell is the second thread that everyone is talking about???
  6. Yeah I always feel pretty safe at our cruises.... I believe that we a lot more in control of our cars than some of the "people" that attend the rolla boyz cruises... Out of those 7 cars that were damaged at the cruise.... one of them was a 5 car pile up... the other was just a rear end between two cars...
  7. Ha thanks for pointing out my type paul.... that last line was meant to read ..... Haven't seen any cruises better than ours .... Sorry for the confusion
  8. Yeah I have already said to my mate who was in the passenger seat that that was the last rollaboyz cruise I am going to.... Unfortunatley it was the first cruise I had taken him to.... I am going to ask him along to the next SAU cruise so I can redeem myself.... I haven't seen cruises better than ours...
  9. I didnt grab their numbers but we chatted about alot of stuff..... They told me the street they live on.... its only a few streets away from the scarborough strip itself.... and I wouldnt forget that car if I saw it again Don't get me started on the quality of driving... it was appaling.... we were travelling behind a pair of silvia's on marmion ave.... everyone was travelling pretty close ( as you tend to do at the cruise's ) and both of the silvia's start taking it in turns to do hand brakie's side by side with each other..... I almost rear ended one the first time he did it.... I couldnt believe people are that stupid.... They kept this up for a few hundred metres and in the end I chose to pass them in the emergency lane because they were being that bad... and I wouldnt usually even look at pulling off a manouvure like that....
  10. Just had a real string of good luck.... Started on Friday night..... Went and saw 2F2F at innaloo. I decided to pass by scarborough on the way home.... Did the cruise through and as I had left there were two very lovely ladies in a white commie who wanted to have a play..... We actually played all the way from Scarborough to Mullaloo and back from Mullaloo back to Scarborough..... I pulled back into Scarborough and they pulled in along side me.... I must of chatted with them for about an hour or something like that.... Hehe one of them was a model Haha.... we had talked for about 30 minutes before we had realised that we all hadnt introduced ourselves..... it was a great night.... Saturday night.... Got roped into going to the Rollaboyz car cruise.... and as usual there were cops and crashes.... Another 7 cars smashed and off the road from this cruise..... We decided to leave the cruise before it ended and we cruised around going from place to place.... Took a drive through scarborough again ( hoping to bump into the ladies from Friday night again ) and as we were leaving the scarborough strip ( through the steep exit ) I put my foot down and got "abit" of wheelspin and such.... it just so happens that there was a cop pulling in at the same time.... I just went " Ohhh shit ".... we kept driving and sure enough got pulled over about 100m down the road.... The cop says to me " You took that corner abit hard don't ya think? " ... I said " Its a pretty steep road " ... He took my license away and took down my details then brought it back and handed it to me and gave me a warning for " Poor throttle control " .... I tell you I felt soo lucky this was a cool cop.... And Sunday I won my Superleague game of cricket.... It was like the dream weekend
  11. Morning Everyone Yeah I had a real lucky weekend...... I should have bought a lotto ticket
  12. Hmmm sounds interesting..... I am interesting in comming along and seeing whats involved and such.... Unfortunately I go to Melbourne next Sunday for a week so I may not be able to make the meeting depending when it is going to be held, but rest assured I would like to see a proper car club for all of us
  13. Have fun working on your beer belly
  14. Cannington is just south of the city isn't it???? Is anyone planning on going to the Osbourne Park one??? How long are you guys planning on going for... like an hour or what????
  15. I live near Warwick...... Which Gym are you looking at going to???? What we need to do is organise a SAU gym session..... it would be good motivation for each other to go I think.... have a chat as we work out
  16. Yeah Troy I know..... I have met both Dan's ..... Big Dan just came to my mind first this time....
  17. I would probably join his offer of joining the fitness club, but only if we got together as a group and did it.... I have no motivation to go to the gym on my own.... I can't believe the Supra was an NA!!!! What about the ferrari!!!!!
  18. I had a 50% chance of getting the right Dan.... I guess its that old 50-50-90 rule..... When ever you have a %50 chance of getting the correct answer.... 90% of the time you will get it wrong
  19. Ohhh fair enough..... I stand corrected....
  20. Being a big time movie in sure the cars are all documeted somewhere....
  21. Shouldn't he be doing the gearbox instead???
  22. Yeah unfortunately these cars are taken from the streets and some people out there believe its actually cool to badge their "T's" as "R's"
  23. I was out driving this morning in my company car and managed to get a huge flat tyre.... You can just about put your finger in the hole its that big..... ohhhh and changing tyres on the new fords are interesting... The spare is actually under the car and you have to use a wynch ( sp? ) to lower to the ground....
  24. Quick question.... the R34 he drives in 2F2F.... is that a GT-T or an "R" ???? I always thought it was a GT-T ???
  25. Hiya Everyone Wow.... topics today include Penis extensions and new tyres..... is there no end to the combinations that we can talk about
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